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The WHO is making a power grab over our health sovereignty by changing the International Health Regulations
In May 2022, World Health Organization (WHO) intends to amend the International Health Regulations to give greater control to itself and Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO. This pushes our world towards a centralized governance model of worldwide health surveillance, reporting, and management, where the people have no say.
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Open Letter – #StoptheWHO Call to Action: Oppose International Health Regulation Amendments this May 2022
TO: The People of Our World and all Sovereign Nations
CC: World Health Assembly representatives
CC: The WHO and the United Nations
The International Health Regulations (IHR) was adopted by 194 member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005. They enable the WHO to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) if it decides that an infectious disease outbreak has occurred in a member state, but with the consent of the member state. The World Council for Health (WCH) acknowledges this aspect of the current regulations because it recognizes the sovereignty of nations that adopted the IHR. But that is about to change.
Key Issues to Understand
On January 18th 2022, the United States Department of Health and Human Services proposed amendments to the IHR. These amendments give control over the declaration of a public health emergency in any member state to the WHO Director-General – even over the objection of the member state. The Director-General communicated the text of the proposed amendments on 20 January 2022, via a circular letter to State Parties.
The proposed IHR amendments also cede control to WHO “regional directors,” who are given the authority to declare a Public Health Emergency of Regional Concern (PHERC). Moreover, the proposed amendments allow the Director-General to ring an international alarm bell, by unilaterally issuing an “Intermediate Public Health Alert (IPHA).”
Properly understood, the proposed IHR amendments are directed towards establishing a globalist architecture of worldwide health surveillance, reporting, and management. Consistent with a top-down view of governance, the public will not have opportunities to provide input or criticism concerning the amendments. This, of course, is a direct violation of the basic tenets of democracy and can be compared to the separate new pandemic treaty.
Summary of Selected Proposed Amendments to the IHR
The WHO intends to amend 13 IHR articles: 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 48, 49, 53, 59
- Increased surveillance: Under Article 5, the WHO will develop early warning criteria that will allow it to establish a risk assessment for a member state, which means that it can use the type of modeling, simulation, and predictions that exaggerated the risk from Covid-19 over two years ago. Once the WHO creates its assessment, it will communicate it to inter-governmental organizations and other member states.
- 48-hour deadline: Under Articles 6, 10, 11, and 13, a member state is given 48 hours to respond to a WHO risk assessment and accept or reject on-site assistance. However, in practice, this timeline can be reduced to hours, forcing it to comply or face international disapproval lead by the WHO and potentially unfriendly member states.
- Secret sources: Under Article 9, the WHO can rely on undisclosed sources for information leading it to declare a public health emergency. Those sources could include Big Pharma, WHO funders such as the Gates Foundation and the Gates-founded-and-funded GAVI Alliance, as well as others seeking to monopolize power.
- Weakened Sovereignty: Under Article 12, when the WHO receives undisclosed information concerning a purported public health threat in a member state, the Director-General may (not must) consult with the WHO Emergency Committee and the member state. However, s/he can unilaterally declare a potential or actual public health emergency of international concern. The Director General’s authority replaces national sovereign authority. This can later be used to enforce sanctions on nations.
- Rejecting the amendments: Under Article 59, after the amendments are adopted by the World Health Assembly, a member state has six months to reject them. This means November, this year. If the member state fails to act, it will be deemed to have accepted the amendments in full. Any rejection or reservation received by the Director-General after the expiry of that period shall have no force and effect.
The World Council for Health’s Position On Proposed IHR Amendments
The WCH opposes the unnecessary and dystopian move toward centralized control of public health. This proven harmful model assumes that only one entity, WHO, understands how to manage the health policy of every state – and by implication, the health of each and every individual. It also assumes, incorrectly, that Big Pharma’s controversial model of medicine which is the WHO’s preferred model – is the expert guide to better health and wellness.
These proposed IHR amendments will be voted upon at the next World Health Assembly, which will take place in Geneva, May 22 to 28, 2022. The official agenda item is 16.2. It is not clear if the event will be broadcast for transparency. Thus, the WCH believes that it is essential to campaign against the proposed amendments and to build alternative pathways.
Why People Must Take Action Together
Due to the influence of private money at the WHO, a review in the Journal of Integrative Medicine & Therapy stated that the corruption of the WHO is the “biggest threat to the world’s public health of our time.” This is particularly true in relation to WHO drug recommendations, including its “list of essential medicines,” which a growing number of people believe is biased and unreliable.
Moreover, even though WHO’s documents highlight voice, agency, and social participation as drivers of equity and democracy, it is unknown World Health Assembly delegates who get to make decisions for us. To date, 13 days away from the World Health Assembly 75, the secretive list of each country’s delegates has been not been published. This is censorship.
Given consistent evidence that WHO is heavily conflicted and controlled by various industries, its usefulness as a guide to public health must be critically re-evaluated, while alternative paradigms and models for ethical health guidance and human rights are built.
Global #StopTheWho Campaign Activated
It is going to take each and all of us to campaign against the power grab through the IHR Amendments, this May, and onwards to November – just six months away. In the best campaigns for human rights, multi-pronged strategies are effective. Here are some ideas:
- Speak: Raise awareness on the ground and online. Use articles, posters, videos
- Act: Campaign through rallies, political mobilization, legal notices, and cases, etc.
- Collaborate with health freedom coalitions such as the World Council for Health
- Explore activist toolboxes such as: and
- Engage global indigenous leadership to take a united stand against the WHO’s IHR
- Notify World Health Assembly country delegates to oppose the IHR amendments
- Activate people’s parliaments, legislatures or referendums to oppose power grabs
You will also find #StopTheWho campaign resources uploaded to the World Council for Health website in the next few days.
Collectively, we are in the greatest awakening in history. Given our experiences the last 2 years, we know that we are the ones we have been waiting for. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Let us join hands in taking back our health, our freedom, and our power.
In Unity for Health, Freedom, and Sovereignty,
World Council for Health (
Document prepared by: Law and Activism Committee (LAC)
I and I’m sure many others would like to send messages to the WHO, UN, etc. about this tyrannical power-grab that would usher in world government under the guise of ‘health safety’ and ‘environmental protection’ of the Great Reset. Please give us the tools to communicate with them via email. If they don’t hear from us en masse, then we will be easy to ignore.
Also, I tried to donate twice, but was unable to do so due to ‘errors’.
Thank you for all you do in this monumentally important issue.
We all need to continue to push back harder by talking to people about natural law and the constant lies of the tyrannical subhumans who are in the final HARD PUSH to secure their agenda. We have the many truths that at our disposal as our weapon to fight against the biggest crime against humanity in the history of this world. We need to dismantle the corrupt judicial system with natural law. We are on the winning side and we will succeed to defeat this most demonic scheme.
I know this is a small thing but Lisa Spaulding and all who are on here SHARE THIS LINK! Let’s FLOOD their email boxes with protests since we can’t physically do it without being arrested for no reason! Take action now, and PRAY! God Bless you all!
The WHO is a totally corrupt and incompetent organization that has absolutely no inten to do what is morally and technologically right. The United States has no reason to participate in WHO and should not do anything that Bill Gates promotes and supports.
Health in the hands of the people, not corporations that aim for profiteering.
Can’t we as the citizens of the free world pool our objections to this power grab by the world homicide organisation in one central place so that we can keep a track of how many objections and so forth ! Wake up world it must be stopped at all costs
Where is the petition for the UK to stop the WHO taking over
the ???? world health?
I personally wouldn’t trust them at all.
In fact they should be disbanded
Feeling very small and powerless, as we see what’s happening (Canberra, Australia) and all my family (partner, siblings, grown children with the grandchildren) and former work colleagues, and many friends firmly at opposite sides!
What can I do in my own space here, apart from connecting (Stand in the Park, Rallies, letter drops for the election, Telegram channels, Educate for Protection, DSD workshops…) and trying to maintain some work, not being jabbed? Finding it hard to communicate…what a massive crime of deception!
Hi Christine,
Hang in there, yes, what a massive deception! You name it correctly and I’m sure you’re a very strong, critically thinking person. It must be very tough, if all your folks don’t see through this. On the other hand, it is useful to know, who is who. I’ll never understand how the majority is just following the propaganda news, without doing their due diligence. There are so many experts in the field, who are being censored, silenced and discredited and these brainwashed people would not even question why…
The Pandemic Treaty is a travesty.
Stop this nonsense in the name of global human rights.
I don’t know about other countries, but the US President does not have the power to make treaties without 2/3 vote from the Senate!!!
Those of you from the States ????????, You must understand that this is URGENT. I don’t know what can be done, if anything, after this is rammed through and allowed to pass. Your 2A (Remember what it’s there for) will be the only way besides a massive uprising. This is what you call the circumvention of the Constitution. It is not and has not been voted on by any branch of Congress, but instead bypassing the Legislative Branch & @ the hands of the Executive Branch. It’s important to remember that President Trump (gotta give credit where it’s due) got us out of the WHO and spoke openly about it’s corruption & abuse of power. He was exactly right about it. (No matter how you view anything else he’s done). President Biden has signed us back up by paying the $ that Trump refused to pay to the WHO. The WHO leader, Tedros along with it’s largest indidual donor Bill Gates are both Eugenists and both have lavished the Draconian and Tyrannical approach to COVID by the Chinese. You probably already know they’re in Full Lockdown and have been for months. Many are jumping from their highrise apartment buildings to their deaths from lockdown fatigue, depression, but most importantly from Starvation. We’ve been sold out to the likes of China in many ways. The WHO is directly in alliance with the UN. If you think the UN is simply a Neutral Defensive Strategy, it’s sadly not. Failure to comply with the demands from the WHO, as a global non elected entity pertaining to what they deem as being the PROTOCOL or guidelines to follow even at your local level, will then give the powers for the UN to implement it’s Military (including our own Military as well as weaponizing the Police) as a way to maintain “order”. In Summation, that means Comply or Martial Law. I could go on and on, and if anyone would like for me to, I will try to answer any questions you have. Nothing else really matters, drop ALL the ways that divide us. See each other as your brothers & sisters under God Almighty. Speak with ONE VOICE. We will either stand up for one another, as MANY or we will fall with one another — all at the hands of “The Elite”. Follow a Freedom Movement and take back what the Powers of D.C. are taking away from all of us. Inch by Inch. They simply DON’T Care. For Evil To Prevail, It Takes Good Men & Women To Stand By And Do Nothing. Each one, Reach one, & Teach One. God Bless you. God Bless these United States and may God Bless our freedom loving brothers & sisters across this World! ????????♥️????
True, but try telling him that. He is nothing more than a puppet to all this. His strings are being pulled all the time and he is so corrupt like the rest of them.
Thank you once again for all your input. I’m sorry I missed the zoom again. My phone is overloaded to the max. Another issue I need to deal with.
If I wasn’t a hero turned zero health care worker n on borrowed money I would definitely donate.
All I can do right now is keep fighting my union case I’m still fighting.
God Bless us in these very difficult times.
United We Stand. Stay strong people. Prayers Hugs n love.
Over my dead body.
Thank you for all you are doing to protect our sovereign rights over our own health and what happens within our own country. We are with you and grateful
Lets spread this information as many people have no idea of it.
A BIG no from me re the prososed Health regulations. No government is really concerned about my health, it’s all about power &money.
Absolutely not!! This is a crime against the citizens of all nations!
Where is a link to send comments directly to WHO? I came here looking for a call to action but don’t see one? Shouldn’t we all be doing something? (Other than donate)
A BIG FAT NO FROM ME!!!!! Stop the WHO treaty!
Put all of the who on trial for genocide evil scim.
Nurinberg should was just a lie otherwise.
The intent is to contril us all with digital i.d then exsterminate us,, wake up we she be going after these demind scum
Thank you so much for doing this work! How can we also speak our voices? Just to our local representatives in our states to push up the “we will never vote for you unless you stop this…”?
I am fully against this globalist move that will take much funding and be influenced by the likes of Eugenicist Bill Gates among other governments keen on population control.
I suggest a petition/ letter that we can simply fill out and send to the WHO about this issue. Sent by your organization
Vote the 3 major parties out..put them last. There’s nothing to say we have to have them in the top spot, and a hung parliament will be better for us as a country as they’ll have to answer to others instead of taking it on themselves to make all decisions .It’s now or never…just look at all the changes that have been implemented without our input while we’ve been dumbed down due to restrictions.
I echo Lisa’s comments below. Please tell us to whom we should address our concerns in order to have the most impact. WHO is inept and corrupt. They still haven’t declared an origin of coronavirus 19 after all these years. Their opinions and proclamations are bought and sold. Thank you for bringing this important issue to light.
This site has a prepared form letter. Once you “sign” & send it, a suggested script pops up for making phone calls.
A very big no from me I think everyone needs to stop the who and others
The WHO couldn’t survive on there own. Bill Gates, China and others have no right to interfere with any countries decision making after all the lies misinformation on covid .
1. Find out we’re it came from.
2. Who was responsible for this .
3. Proper disclosure of all member’s financial interest and any Donations accepted and who from .
4 . All the countries that where exposed to covid should form a litigation team to pursue anyone involved and face the same fate of those who have died crippled , DEATH BY EXECUTION
Hi watch London Real channel on you tube Millions Killed For Profit- Covid Was State Sponsored Genocide. This will answer your questions.
I would like to thank you all for the work you do to stop these evil people and physopaths abusing and trying to destroy our Godgiven Human rights. I say No with all the Power that God has given me, to live as a free Human being in a peaceful free Natural World, to Stop all evil plans that Bill Gates, Schwab and Co. try to establisch. Standing strong as an individuell from Irish heritage, i will always make a stand for my rights and Human rights., especially now, more than ever. Together we will Unite and win over this Tyrannen.
Thank you for the information. The proposed regulations are the way to slavery. Would never agree. It can become another step towards total tyrany. How can one join World Health Councel?
Keep Gates and company out of our lives. We don’t need the corrupt and scientifically inept WHO making medical decisions for the world. They have a horrible track record influenced by financial interests alone.
Have already sent a letter to the WHO objecting. Bodily autonomy and freedom of choice should be respected and maintained. I do not consent to this corrupt and inept pandemic treaty, I will not comply with any mRNA vaccine mandate.
I will walk unharmed and no weapon formed against me will prosper, my God almighty stands far above you all and laughs at you, and in Him I trust, hope and rely.
I just now posted a letter to my local council. The enormous significance of these amendments… it is total submission and bondage. There is really only one topic in all of this and no amount of legal jargons and word play can disguise – FREEDOM and SOVEREIGNTY of one’s mind, body and soul.
I support the effort to BLOCK this take over by WHO to severely corrode the sovereignty of the USA in matters of health by WHO which is an international unelected bureaucracy endorsed by the Chinese Communist Party! Congress must block this treachery!
Never will I put my hand up to this tyrannical over throw by a few individuals who obviously believe they are in a position to tell us as to how we can or should live our lives, what gives them the right to play ruler with my body, mind and inner spirit and tell me who, what where and how l must live, or what l can and cannot own or where I can or cannot go in life, if l choose to work or travel or where l choose to put my head … that is my choice not some narcissistic egomaniac with evil within their mindset that thinks for a second they are in charge of my live. Sorry you are very wrong so no l do not respect or condone this in any way shape or form, and will never ever give these individuals my vote.
Similarly to Lisa Spaulding below, I experience difficulties when I want to follow-up on what you suggest. Direct emails might be a better solution. I am aware that you have a lot on your hands and I thank you for your efforts.
I do not wish for WHO to be a global leader over how each nation handles future health crisis such as the Covid pandemic. Each country needs to be able to address its own needs.
I am totally against allowing the WHO to have any input in our lives.
Americans don’t want our independence on health to be changed . During Covid medicine got political and it caused many deaths. WHO is corrupt esp it’s President who is owned by China . We will not be treated to dependence on WHo or any group including the UN to have any control over us for any reason
thank you. I am terrified we in New Zealand will lose our sovereignty
The who is a pack of psychopaths evils . Who in their right mind would want to depopulate the planet and implant chips into people’s brains. 3000 unbalanced psychopaths but they are so intent on killing off people they forget we are billions
The heart of the battle comes down to legal arguments.
Can they legally allow themselves to use these microwave/emf/scalar/5g weapons and pulse-encrypted radio-backscatter implants on whoever they want under the basis of ‘international security, health guidelines, or psychiatric/psychological (mis)diagnosis’.
The quickest solution would be to literally protest them at their businesses and homes, and kick them out and decentralize the systems, but that’s also the most conflicted, giving the richest elites who throw corporate weight around reason to crackdown on legitimate dissent classifying it mobs of conspiracy theorists.
The biggest issues are that we could deal with this with publicity, legitimate scrutiny, and mass petition but Asia has to protest the CCP, and the extreme international money laundering, centralized banking consolidation and their tradecraft technology theft has to be stopped. Otherwise it won’t be long before we live under social credit scores and no forensics murder weapons hackers and elites can use on anyone whether they’re a threat or not, just for disagreeing, or not pretending to embrace their ideals.
They’re already killed far too many people, it has to be stopped. The pain of being hit by their weapons, turned into a wireless body area network node is excruciating, it’s nothing short of torture and murder, without a doubt.
I am appalled that the United States would even consider yielding its Sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO) for this Pandemic Treaty, I believe it’s called. The WHO should not have the authority to supercede any nations sovereignty! I strongly recommend the United States vote to NOT ACCEPT this treaty.
Senators Risch and Crapo of Idaho: Do not allow the WHO to take over our health care! We will be more earnestly watching you on this matter.
I am against this globalist move that will take much funding and be influenced by the likes of Bill Gates among other governments keen on population control.
. I am very opposed to this. I’m upset that it’s even happening. The world health organization has no business being with our decision making in the United States. I want the United States to remain its own sovern decision maker.
Stop this nonsense
This is a crime against the citizens of the United States. We cannot allow any!!! agency to take our freedom and sovereignty.
Mine is a sovereign nation and I hope and intend for it to stay that way. Under no circumstances do I consent to the usurpation of my country’s sovereignty, nor do I agree to my government delegating its authority, obligations, and discretionary policies to any world or world government organ of any kind whatsoever for any reason, especially any reason regating to health.
I wholly object to the WHO and its interaction with me or my country.
This is nothing more than an extreme power grab by the far left. We can’t let it happen! By all means possible stop this nonsense.
Under no circumstances should the United States surrender sovereignty to a corrupt organization like the World Health org.,,,,,,,PERIOD!!!!!!
No! No! No! To Biden’s Amendments for the WHO on our health care decisions.
Do not want any interference in our country from other countries, at all!!! We are still in charge of our medical and any other topic related to our country. No more power grabs.
Hands off AMERICA.
I fear countries who have signed with the WHO will be forced to comply otherwise there will be severe restrictions/punishment to them.
I reside in Jamaica but from the UK and it would be tragic for both countries.
Not only no HELL NO. I will NOT comply with ANY regulation form WHO PERIOD!
This is a Biden, UN & WHO COUP power grab!!!!
It includes Health care and May 6 Biden admin announced there would be a COVID WAVE in the Fall/Winter 2022 that could infect 100 Million Americans (, Washington Post & MSM). If this vote in Geneva, Switzerland passes May 22-28 the WHO would have authority to implement their Pandemic emergency plan in NOV 2022 just in time for RED WAVE MIDTERMS they see coming in the primaries. It is an international coup plot for New World Order and Great Reset global goverment. If this passes, The WHO will have the authority to ORDER global mandates of lockdowns, vaccines, and digital vax passports!!! Biden sent this amendment signed by other countries in Jan. 18, 2022 to the WHO for a vote completely under the radar of Congress. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for a president to sign a treaty without Congress (State) approval and support. I contacted my Congress (State and US) and my Governor, Lt. Gov to apply pressure to withdraw the US from this vote before it is too late. I also called Capitol Hill and left phone messages for Congressman John Kennedy, CO HR Lauren Boebert, GA HR Marjorie Taylor Green etc… and left them messages too. Praying for supernatural intervention too. #keep our feet on the gas and our eyes on Red Wave Midterms to prevent 2020 election Repeat!!! If we don’t protest we could end up like Beijing and worse!!
No amendments to who over our health care. Americas sovereignty stays with America no one else.
These people don’t believe in God. They need their own planet.
The WHO did such a miserable job with the Covid pandemic, why would any government voluntarily submit to its authority on any other matters? This reeks of some sci fi plot for world domination which to date has never fared well. Keep each country responsible for its citizens welfare!
I am totally opposed to giving away our America sovereignty to the WHO. This a Marxist organization controlled by the CCP and the Biden administration is a treasonous Illigetimate government that is destroying our American country. Patriots it is time for us to stand up against these Marxist thugs. They all should be arrested for treason and excuteded.
I object to the amendments proposed and believe in the sovernty of my country the United States of America. The WHO and the new world order has to go.
The W.H.O. should not be given any control over our health care system or any part of our country. Do not give away our sovereignty.
To Whom it May Concern,
I do not want the United States of America to give up our American Sovereignty to the United Nations. If we have a health issue I want our country to decide what should be done. Each nation should make their own decisions. PERIOD!
Thank you.
Donna Allard
The USA should not be involved with WHO from what I understand they are for One World government and they have already harmed us with Covid
????????The WHO is a front for the CCP. Under no circumstances will this hideous amendment and power grab be tolerated. Our Constitution is the supreme law of the land and will always be. If this is not squashed and quickly, there will be a war the likes of which no one has ever seen. Unless these hideous people intend to eliminate all of the humans on this planet, who will not agree to be controlled, then they will not believe what they have unleashed. American citizens will not tolerate this.????????
Health emergency should only be done by country of origin. For me the USA not WHO.
I think joining W.H.O. would be disastrous to our nation and our citizens. Fight this. Do not under any circumstance let this happen.
Do not give the World Health Organization any control of The United States Healthcare System.
Everyone should say NO to WHO and get rid of them I don’t want them in charge of my health benefits or anything else!!!!! I SAY NO!!!!!!
My country, the United States of America, must not give the World Health Organization any power to control healthcare decisions, research, administration or delivery in/to the people of the United States of America and her possessions including her external military, aircraft, seacraft and space operations.
This is not wanted by the American people. Stop the power grab. Leave us alone. NO New world order here.
NO! No to global government! The WHO cannot be trusted – just another corrupt organization to control freedom and more. WHO was involved in knowingly allowing COVID to be spread via flights out of China. Appears to be another organization to control world population by their rules. America’s have rights as long as we are willing to fight to keep them. Call your state Congressman and Senators in DC NOW, and demand the Biden administration withdraw the amendments allowing the WHO to have control over Americans. I believe the vote is May 22, 2022. Get the word out now.
End this evil now. We do not want this.
I oppose United States agreement to the amendments brought forth May 22-May 28, 2022
I am strongly opposed to adding/approving these amendments to transfer control of the United States sovereignty over health issues/ declaration of a health emergency to WHO’s director Mr Tedros.
Americans DO NOT need the WHO involved in our affairs. Keep the W.H.O out of America.
Vote No for the WHO to have greater control of our world towards a centralized governance model of worldwide health surveillance, reporting, and management, where the people have no say.
May 13
Share ????
to Dr. Damien Downing, President, British Society of Ecological Medicine,
I am writing to voice my solemn concerns about the amendments to International Health Regulations (IHR) articles 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 48, 49, 53, and 59 proposed by the US Department of Health & Human Services on January 18, 2022.
Dr. Downing, you have a singular opportunity to stop the greatest threat to national sovereignty by rejecting these amendments.
Advancing these amendments would constitute a shameful act comparable to treason against the people of the world.
I beg you to choose courageous action over cowardly capitulation to globalist pressures.
Yes please – we need a call to action form – easy to use or an email address to bombard them and a petition other than through that belongs to Gates so we can take action.
Janet, Did you find out how we can say No in writing to the WHO Crap?
I’m totally against this world order by starting it with the WHO!!! This will only ruin our worlds freedom that is left. This is a Satan’s way of controlling all people in this world! This must be stopped totally before it starts. The WHO has been wrong on their views with this Pandemic and this is wrong too. This will cause total anarchy all over the world!!!
I do not comply with this legislation it is horrendous.
The WHO and Governments all over are trying to enslave people enmass with this new regulations. The WHO should rather focus on their mandate then be involved in politics. They should be ashamed for being involved in this sham of a pandemic. Please stop them
We are sovereign beings and so we remain sovereign.
Stop ???? the treaty and the medical tyranny!!!!!!
I stand for freedom and my choice for entegrity. The Who must not decide what is right for me. Democracy is about freedom to decide my actions
The citizens of Each country of the world and individual states of the United States should remain sovereign and I independent to make decisions for pertaining to the health of the respective country and state. Each country should inform other countries of health issues, with that said, I am opposed to the World Health Organization governing the health practices of the countries of the world. Thank you,
They will crack on regardless, it is up to us to break the system by not participating. We don’t have anyone in the institutions that will support us that can lend any weight to stopping this. Every member of parliament or congress in the last 40 years is owned by these globalists (aka mass murderers). Those suggesting we try and stop this by emailing are simply too asleep to grasp what’s happening. They will get all of this in place, at which point only non-compliance and a trade and barter system between the people will break it.
stopt the who do what is right for the USA
THIS IS AN OUTRAGIOUS POWER GRAB, which obviously most governments are in cahoots as they are not informing their citizens about it, to allow them to take a stand. And of course the media just as well plays “dead”. The next step in the WEF’s GREAT RESET !
Consequence: this would put the ruling of the world in the hands of the ones financing the WHO – like Bill Gates and his cooperators.
Thank you for your work on this truly evil threat
This is a unconstitutional power grab done in secret with virtually no public discussion or notice of. No discussion in Congress. We will not cede our sovereignty to the UN and WHO…
I am against the WHO taking away – in anyway the sovereignty of the United States. On any decision for America – it must be in the hands of the American people and its legislative body: the senate, the congress, and the state and local representatives.
From our Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Stop!!!stop the control of declaring our emergencies to WHO. I say no to the amendments the Biden administration has sent to UN, WHO, giving them our sovereignty. Stop the transfer of sovereignty!
Absolutely against the WHO telling us what to do. We really don’t need WHO’s help in the first place, and in the second place, the WHO is a political organization not a science based organization.
Stop the Who! Disband the Who! I Oppose International Health Regulation Amendments this May 2022
I am totally against the amendments allowing the WHO to have global control over my life and health choices in the event of a pandemic. It was bad enough having the US federal government bungle it’s way through co-vid 19.
This is part of a global reset and I want absolutely no part of it.
We must stop the WHO Now! We must Protect our Freedom. The people need to be in control not an organization.
May God save and protect us.
We are the USA and have a constitution. We do not turn over our sovereignty to anyone.
Why now, who is involved in this. Needs to be investigated now. The WHO has an 8-member board. Six of the eight are from the CCP, (Chinese communist Party)
Dr Tedros has NO medical licenses or degrees at all and was only appointed by CCP.
These are the same people who killed millions via the Yuhuan lab, and now want to control who lives and who dies around the world.
All your medical records, your medications, your history and more in their hands. (Probably there now thanks to this administration]
HUGH side note
No states’ rights-one nation under the WHO
No guns- No 2nd Amendment, guns bad for the world except them
Just a few of the things that will be done in the dead of night. (Like the present administration)
STOP THE WHO from taking over our health rights by signing on to the amendments that
Joe Biden is bringing to Switzerland, and that we will be ruled globally. We are Americans
and we do not want our health issues regulated by foreign globally evil people in the WHO!!
Joe Biden needs to be stopped from bringing Amendments to Switzerland to take away our
sovereignty, and our fundamental rights to freedom of our own healthcare. This is totally
communistic and we need to stop this, it is just another way of control and taking all of our
rights and freedom away. Champion the 1st Amendment!!!!!!!!
No WHO! Lincoln took sovereignty from the States, now the Biden administrative government is trying to take it from the Federal Government. The US must retain all of its Sovereignty.
I left a response to this new amendment. However, I did not get a response that it went through this morning. What happened to my rejection letter?
Please respond back to me.
I am totally opposed to the US ceding any authority over public health decisions to the WHO. I am adamantly opposed to the amendments proposed by the Biden administration’s HHS.
Freedom is not freedom…unless the RIGHT to refuse exists. I Oppose mandatory vaccinations for multiple reasons, but mostly because it goes against MY CREED !
This is another power grab by this administration to take away our sovereignty. If you wanted to intentionally destroy a nation, you would do exactly what is being done. You must vote against these amendments and ensure a legitimate vote this November. SAVE OUR NATION!
No one has the right to decide what is good for me but me. I believe in our freedoms to keep our own selves safe with our knowledge and a caring doctor’s understanding. WHO is a corrupt agency and needs to be seen that way. Stay away from us and allow us to use our own wisdoms.
Stop the takeover of our country. Keep us sovereign! We do not want Globalism.
I found this website sends letters to your legislators to say NO to the WHO!
Do NOT hand our American Sovereignty over to WHO, Americans want to make our own Health decisions, not some foreign country dictating to us that we have to give one person at W.H.O to decide for us, this is ANTI-American and violates our Constitution & Bill of Rights that the USA has had for over 250 years. We don’t want Global Tyranny over our Health decisions!
Please stop this madness!!! America must remain free!! In God we trust not WHO!!!!
I’m going to share out a post to all my social media accounts for people to see! The people must email to: to just get a return email to even respond to this attack. Get it out and they still haven’t responded back and there’s two hours to respond! This is piracy! Biden isn’t our king. He’s a fraud chynah elected and acting president of nothing! Just as Putin commented! Fake presidents don’t care about voters! They do as chynah tells the compromised to do!
This unconstitutional act by Biden seeds the US healthcare sovereignty from US citizens to a global governance board, the World Health Assembly and the WHO. The WHO is an arm of the CCP. This is a betrayal and a treasonous act
Stop the madness that the Biden administration is imposing on the USA. We do not need the WHO deciding our freedoms and liberties. The American people are the only ones who must be making these decisions. Supporting Richard’s comment below – The United States has no reason to participate in WHO and should not do anything that Bill Gates promotes and supports.
This is a tyrannical power grab by the Biden administration. I do not want my country, the United States of America, to give up any sovereignty to the WHO. The U.S.A. should have sole authority in deciding whether we have an emergency, NOT THE WHO!!!
The World Health Organization does not trump the United States Constitution and the rights it guarantees its citizens. How dare this illegitimate Biden regime think they can enter into a treat with other globalists without gaining our representatives’ (Congress) approval. This cannot be allowed. We do not answer to the WHO. We are AMERICAN citizens!
They don’t care what anyone of us think or feel about this. Thats precisely why they hid it from us. And oh by the way. They will under this transfer of our sovereignty cancel our right to vote. They will claim a national health emergency, and cancel the midterm elections. They’ve already begun to spread the false narrative. 100 million new cases are headed our way. Does that sound familiar? High treason. Thats exactly what this is , “HIGH TREASON ” orchestrated by the illegitimate treasonous biden regime.
This is nothing but a tyrannical power grab by the WHO and it must be stopped!! God knows what they will do to the world!
the who are criminal and want to make every one sick
The WHO/UN are run by Terrorists. They will destroy humanity. Stop the WHO NOW!
This has to be stopped!! OUR HEALTH CARE SHOULD NEVER BE UP TO A GLOBAL INSTITUTION. We need our healthcare to be ours in accordance with our personal doctor period.
We’re seen this big communist agenda BS! The tyranny on the American people and around the world needs to stop! Everybody knows Biden isn’t the president he is a resident everybody knows that the real has been held for treason along time ago! Anybody else pushing this kind of tyranny on the people may, God have mercy on their souls because the American people will not! I do not promote violence but when it comes to taking away anymore freedom from us we will not just hand our country over!
Do NOT pass any of the 1HR amendments which give the WHO control over ANY of our health care decisions most especially pandemic related. This will take away American sovereignty and make AMERICA a global country. This is totally unacceptable and treasonous.
IHR 2005 GW Bush was in office then…Biden can’t find his wife from his sister. He didn’t write these amendments for the WHO to vote on neither does he know what they are. DO NOT GIVE AWAY OUR SOVEREIGNTY TO THOSE WHO HATE US. These if voted on would take effect in November 2022 just in time for the midterm election…what could possibly go wrong? Not to mention if the WHO deems gun control to be a health issue they would want the UN to come take away our guns. THE US government now has a disinformation czar who lies her butt off. This is to silence any dissent to their deep state agendas. Get out of the UN and the WHO and get them the hell out of the USA and our biz. Do NOT pass any of the 1HR amendments which give the WHO control over ANY of our health care decisions most especially pandemic related. This will take away American sovereignty and make AMERICA a global country. This is totally unacceptable and treasonous.
Get out of the WHO and get out of the UN and get the UN out of our pocket books and out of the USA and do not fund the WHO ever again. WHO has no say in my healthcare or anything else and neither does the CCP.
There is NO WAY the DHS should agree or consider any amendment that relinquish the Sovereignty of the United States to the WHO or any other international organization. FULL STOP! What are you thinking????????
Jack Benigni
327 Marina Ave
Aberdeen, MD 21001
It seems to me that all the world leaders are part of the one world order and if the worlds population dont wake up right now we will be enslaved before the end of 2022 . Wake up and get rid of the leadership and throw all the Members of the Illuminati in jail and seize their assets to distribute it among the down trodden people of the world as well as to use to clean up and save the planet
I agree 100% and in Australia health practitioner and therapist like myself we are Under investigation under false pretense to prevent us from spreading the WARNING. Band for 12 weeks no proof not evidence and I am band for another 12 weeks.
I NEVER could have imagined that in my Canada.. my country… this would be happening! I raised my kids saying they were blessed to live in the best Country in the world. Today I know I am wrong. Trudeau has GOT to go and I feel so helpless. Thank you for bringing awareness to this all so that hopefully people can open their eyes.
Frightening prospect! To which govt agency should we communicate our concerns? Is Fauci in the middle of this
This needs to be on the media. I can’t understand why we haven’t heard before now. The Trump campaign needs to speak of it and encourage people to reject it.
Health is my responsibility.
Not a platform to set up a world fascist communist oligarchy.
Our Constitution spells out our natural rights given to us by God.
The government does not have the right to give a foreign corrupt agency the ability to make rules to govern us.
This is treason, any government official who votes for this should pay with their life. Which is the penalty for treason.
Please let us have success to stop the World Health Organization from even being an organization and abolish all the strengths they have over us. Let us be strong together and stop their evil.
Leave Amendment12; Sec. 2, line 6 as is. These changes are treasonous.
WHO and the UN can get F#cked. I don’t consent to this. Australia ???????? is a sovereign nation and the people of Australia don’t consent to any adverse control on our nation.
The WHO the FDA, CDC the UN they are criminals organizations Bill gates controls Most of them for instance he is the main founder of the WHO, the people of the world need to stand up and fight against these criminals/ Psychopaths. Its time
The WHO must be stopped. We cannot allow unelected organisations like the WHO influence and even set the rules for Health control in democratically evolved nations. The very fact that it has come this far (The WHO meeting next week in Switzerland) shows how intend they are on enforcing their rules and grabbing power any way they can.
We must fight to stop the globalist from stealing our rights. And they are trying to do this in secret. We the people must inform everyone we know about this so that we can stop this from taking place. Knowledge is power.
Thank you, will spread info
WHO has no power in the States. It will be challenged. Red states will not comply period. The commies are punishing the middle class hard, and November can’t get here soon enough. Then Trump in 2 more years if that. I hope he cuts them all off our money, Dems/rinos who don’t represent us, WHO, UN, NATO, Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan. We need to rebuild with that money.
Hasn’t the WHO done enough damage the last 18 months? The organization should be eliminated…. NOT given more power. The US should ABSOLUTELY vote against this!
Biden is a Traitor and he shouldn’t sign any treaties and no country should give they`re sovereignty to the WHO for anything least a Health protochol! Bill Gates and China largest funders … And influence. CRIMINAL organizers of Crimes against Humanity. And We Know no sane person would even propose any such treaty or amendment to a bunch of bafoons as the likes of these. Let’s Go Brandon!
Please stop this horrible idea!
I’m hoping that these posts get to the ones who can block the voting. This is criminal in nature but not surprising that they were trying to push it through since they have been anything but honest. May GOD hear our cries for HIS Devine intervention!!!
I say a great big NO to the W.H.O. and Yes to freedom in the United States and around the world. We must stick together, Jesus is Lord and we win.
The Constitution of the United States of America is the highest authority. We are a sovereign nation. We are to continue to remain so. Neither the President nor any of our officials have the right to hand over our sovereign rights to any organization or other country. To do so is treason.
I am totally against the WHO and the amendments to the treaty, we must save our medical freedoms & reject this awful attack!! Everything seems to be concocted these days in secret, certainly not transparent.
This Marxist-globalist-WHO lash-up has demonstrated their corruption and incompetence during the COVID plan-demic. These globalist-criminals must never gain control over sovereign American citizens in any way, especially in regard to health concerns.
The W.H.O. should not be given any control over our health care system or any part of our country. Do not give away our sovereignty.
Jim and Louise Neuenschwander
I am of the opinion that human right, peoples health can not be sold to the likes of an universal body that is not elected.
Peoples must be allowed a fair vote, democratic governments, and not outside so called health gurus that have only the profits of the world pharma industry in mind.
I fully support your work and wish to help promote what you do.
Plse stop WHO taking control of ours and the worlds health issues. I can see the same happening to us as currently happening in Shanghai. PLSE STOP THEM!
Wake up FFS! If we got rid of these organisations such as WHO, UN and all the world governments we would not see any so called pandemics or 911s wars and all the other fake crap these satanic pedos keep dreaming up so they can have what the creator gave to all for themselves! WAKE UP!
I apposed all the WHO IS TRYING TO DO
Please stop this from going through for the sake of our children and grandchildren and humanity as a whole Praying for Gods intervention.
We do not require anything to do with the WHO. It is not needed or wanted by anyone. Your rules are not ours, never voted for any of you. Leave us alone you have done enough damage. People are so damaged by your injections and yet you still push them on us. You do you, we do us!
We do not require anything to do with the WHO. It is not needed or wanted by anyone. Your rules are not ours, never voted for any of you. Leave us alone you have done enough damage. People are so damaged by your injections and yet you still push them on us. You do you, we do us!
I am truly upset with giving this power to The Who! They are not working for people! This was not elected by the people of the USA and is a power grab and totally illegal !
im never going to obey the who especially when tedros is in charge what a track history of failures he has in his own country.. the who is not my doctor and has no right to force any medical treatment upon myself. the lies and corruption involved with these weird orgs makes me believe they can never ever be trusted which im of the mindset of. i am a beleiver in the theory of creation made by an almoghty God named Jesus. i will obey God not man. thanks
Those of you from the States ????????, You must understand that this is URGENT. I don’t know what can be done, if anything, after this is rammed through and allowed to pass. Your 2A (Remember what it’s there for) will be the only way besides a massive uprising. This is what you call the circumvention of the Constitution. It is not and has not been voted on by any branch of Congress, but instead bypassing the Legislative Branch & @ the hands of the Executive Branch. It’s important to remember that President Trump (gotta give credit where it’s due) got us out of the WHO and spoke openly about it’s corruption & abuse of power. He was exactly right about it. (No matter how you view anything else he’s done). President Biden has signed us back up by paying the $ that Trump refused to pay to the WHO. The WHO leader, Tedros along with it’s largest indidual donor Bill Gates are both Eugenists and both have lavished the Draconian and Tyrannical approach to COVID by the Chinese. You probably already know they’re in Full Lockdown and have been for months. Many are jumping from their highrise apartment buildings to their deaths from lockdown fatigue, depression, but most importantly from Starvation. We’ve been sold out to the likes of China in many ways. The WHO is directly in alliance with the UN. If you think the UN is simply a Neutral Defensive Strategy, it’s sadly not. Failure to comply with the demands from the WHO, as a global non elected entity pertaining to what they deem as being the PROTOCOL or guidelines to follow even at your local level, will then give the powers for the UN to implement it’s Military (including our own Military as well as weaponizing the Police) as a way to maintain “order”. In Summation, that means Comply or Martial Law. I could go on and on, and if anyone would like for me to, I will try to answer any questions you have. Nothing else really matters, drop ALL the ways that divide us. See each other as your brothers & sisters under God Almighty. Speak with ONE VOICE. We will either stand up for one another, as MANY or we will fall with one another — all at the hands of “The Elite”. Follow a Freedom Movement and take back what the Powers of D.C. are taking away from all of us. Inch by Inch. They simply DON’T Care. For Evil To Prevail, It Takes Good Men & Women To Stand By And Do Nothing. Each one, Reach one, & Teach One. God Bless you. God Bless these United States and may God Bless our freedom loving brothers & sisters across this World! ????????♥️????
A quiet linguistic revolution occured a few years ago. Customers became consumers. They became assets and resources in the workplace and in the Great War they were cannon fodder. Customers need to waken up, share and combine their economic strength and ultimately exercise boycott. “Its my body”would be a key guiding principle. The sacredness of life is attacked on many fronts..deadly herbicides leave a complex residue in harvests that ultimately, after consumption, drain humans of their Vitamin D and zinc. An allotment should be a human right.
So what do we do?
We need to stop Biden & WHO from robbing us of our national sovereignty!
Excellent job!
This is treason if the president gives our sovereignty up to The Who and should be arrested if he does this. This is disgraceful. Stop this now! The Who does not over ride our constitution.
The WHO has destroyed a lot of lives already… how is that “healthy”? We want you gone and not ever again in charge of our lives
Thanks so much for informing us of this please continue to keep us
updated so we can do our part to support your organization in this
Taking our countries Sovereignty is not a choice for the WHO. In fact because of their communist activities & lies they need to be disbanded!!! We could feed the world on their budget! They are aggressive & need to be ended!
Gates has been charged with vaccine murder in India. When is he being extradited. Pretty sure Id be in the dock now if I killed that scumbag POS. It seems they are above the law so why should we be answerable to what is after all corporate/maritime law. Last time I checked I live on land so I only stand under the common law of the land.
This overreach and Tyranny must be defeated. This is exactly the Grand Deception of evil. All must act against this. If you don’t, you will be selling the souls and lives of our children and the coming generations to a much deeper battle to defeat them. We must call ourselves to action ????.
There are 70,000,000 highly trained and extremely well armed American Patriots, which creates the largest free standing army on this planet! If you think for even a second that we’ll blindly hand over our sovereign nation to a bunch of 3rd world banana salesmen and NWO slaves? Well you go ahead and then reap the rewards of your poorly executed attempts!
We the People do not agree to this nefarious means of control. Our government in Australia is a corporation so does not have the authority to make these decisions for the people of our country so we will not be complying.
The evil is overwhelming. but all this was prophesied in Gods Holy word. One world government, one world currency, one world leader. We re beyond democrat vs. republican, its good vs. evil God vs. satan. I know who wins, I hope you do too. “We battle not against flesh and blood but against rulers, against authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness. against the spiritual forces of evil…” Eph 6:12-13. Eternity is a long time to be wrong.
I die/get killed for not following their orders I go to be with my savior for eternity and thats quite a good thing!
I do not want the United State’s sovereignty transferred to WHO and if that happens, I would expect Civil War to break out. WHO is not scientifically up to date on even the Corona Virus, let alone the dangers of other vaccines. So I protest this idea on all levels.
This is total enslavement, total Saranic world depopulation plan. The result WILL be devastation but the perpetrators, the sons of Cain and Essau, will be totally destroyed forever, thanks to the most High as he planned to rid the earth of that human vermin and their followers.
With this note, I am a marked man, all internet is monitored.
I do not
want Biden’s
amendment’s to
pass at this
where do i sign a campaigne AGAINST the Plan? and CC it to ALL the MPs and Senators? …
I don’t consent to this from the WHO Foundation
Thank you for standing for us all and keeping the momentum going to hold the line against this undemocratic, unelected power steal by the WHO its corporate funders and others fraudulent agendas.
Please send me your newsletter.
So Bill Gates AKA W.H.O. is wanting to push his pink sweater Epstien Island Luciferian agenda as he and his satanic priest kill in joy God’s creation us the people made in God’s image. God is alive, fight the good fight and pray. They are going down
Make sure all your progressive friends, colleagues, neighbours, and family members who have previously spoken up in defense of human rights and social justice know about this and become activated. This may be the issue that galvanizes us and lets us move past the vaxd/non-vaxd divide so we can put that red herring behind us and move forward for positive change.
People! Please contact the White House and all federal legislators. Contact your legislators IN WASHINGTON now and pressure them concerning the dire consequences of this amendment. Remember to include your name with the city and state you reside in. Information for YOUR legislator can be found at this link:
Following is a suggested letter. MODIFY IT WITH YOUR OWN WORDS!!!!
There’s Not Much Time Before the Vote… it really is urgent
The World Health Assembly is planning to vote on an amendment to WHO’s International Health Regulations, May 22-28, 2022. This amendment IS NOT GOOD. It violates our Constitution and affects personal freedoms. It will give the WHO access to our country’s healthcare system. Most importantly, it is a threat to the sovereignty of the United States.
The Proposed Amendment has Consequential and Alarming Changes…
The WHO has already stealthily changed the definition of a pandemic from a disease that causes a lot of death worldwide, to a disease that occurs in many countries worldwide.
Under the Amendment, the WHO would have the power to decide what constitutes a “pandemic” and decide quarantine measures on a global scale. WHO would control the development treatments and decide vaccine mandates for each country!
Please, Fight Against the Amendment.
I strongly oppose the creation and implementation of any treaty or international instrument that governs world pandemic preparedness and response and hope you will too. I beg you do everything in your power to help the US leave the organization and stop supporting it. We cannot allow others to dictate over us. Without question, each country should be allowed to govern its own health policies. No single group can care for the entire world, nor should any single group be given such power or authority to do so.
The Treaty Violates the 4th Amendment.
This World Health Organization’s treaty requires that personal records be shared. That profoundly violates the 4th amendment of The United States Constitution!
Personal Liberty is Under Attack. Our fundamental rights are in place to protect personal liberty. Personal information and healthcare are inalienable rights, not to be sold or given away!
What are Inalienable Rights? The rights are defined in a Legal Dictionary as… The rights held by an individual which are not bestowed by law, custom, or belief, and cannot be taken or given away, or transferred to another person, are referred to as ‘inalienable rights.’
Our Rights, Our Constitution. The U.S. Constitution recognizes that universal rights cannot be taken away by legislation, as they are beyond the control of a government, being naturally given to every individual at birth, and that these rights are retained throughout life.”
Keep in Mind, People Are Different.
People and blood types vary. Circumstances vary. Current prescriptions and pre-existing health conditions vary from individual to individual. It is vital that healthcare decisions be made by a doctor who knows their patient. Our personal records and situations are private for a reason. The best means for quality care derived from none other than the direct doctor to patient relationship. Individual care is an absolute for healthcare. No healthcare regiment should be a blanket policy, deemed appropriate for everyone, nor mandated from a distance by people who are not the practicing physician.
Recommend, Not Rule
The extent of the World Health Organization abilities should be limited to making recommendations to aid each country and individual government, never to mandate what each government does.
Take a stand against the WHO’s Amendment.
Fight for our Republic. Fight for personal liberty
Joe Biden and the current administration in charge of the USA and the CREATION of this monster must be the ones contacted. He, Pelosi, Schumer, media ALL, have to see an overwhelming outcry from Us! How do we get his short span of attention to realize we WILL NOT stand for this treachery?
I know this is a small thing but Lisa Spaulding and all who are on here SHARE THIS LINK! Let’s FLOOD their email boxes with protests since we can’t physically do it without being arrested for no reason! Take action now, and PRAY! God Bless you all!
We cannot give American sovereignty over Americans health to the WHO under no circumstances! This circumvents the rights and liberties of each American guaranteed to us in the Constitution of the United States and the bill of rights! No! Never!
Yes this needs to be stopped. The who is way to controlled by pharmaceutical
No foreign entity should or will ever wield any sort of power or control over the United States or its people. Ever. This is why we have a second amendment. This is why we have a constitution. This is why on January 14th 1784 The United States of America became a sovereign nation.
Robert Jean’s point is hope-filled. I wish I shared the same degree of optimism. I don’t think we can look away and assume all is good now and forever. Sure, we certainly hope that no foreign entity will ever control the U.S. , yet, if it is so certain, why then is it proposed? All that is needed is a foothold. All they need is to to get people to believe it can happen…then the sheep will follow.
Frankly, there are people, abroad and here in the U.S., who want to tear this country apart. Granted, they may not see it that way, though some do. Some may simply believe the U.S. needs updated and “modernized.” They might believe that they are protecting some sort of rights, or establishing new ones. Trouble is, they don’t see far enough down the road to understand the full consequences.
I have to wonder, is the confidence that no foreign entity will ever control the U.S. unrealistically optimistic? Things do change. The unimaginable does happen. Take gay marriage for example. There was a time that no one would have believed it would be legal. Abortion is another example. There was a time that most people thought that it killed a living person.
You mention that we have a Constitution. Indeed we do, for the moment. Yet, there is a real effort to do away with it. It’s an idea propagated by more people than you might imagine, and people as high up as a President of the United States.
In a column by Alan Caruba, titled: “Enemies of the Constitution – Progressives, Liberals, & Marxists”, Caruba said, “Perhaps the stupidest idea given an airing in a recent edition of The New York Times is Prof. Louis Michael Seidman’s opinion, “Let’s Give up on the Constitution”.
Seidman concluded his 2012 piece as follows: “…we ought to try extricating ourselves from constitutional bondage so that we can give real freedom a chance.”
In 2019, Tony Fisher wrote, “Democrats’ panic making them reckless, incoherent”. He wrote, “When Mr. Obama said, “the Constitution is an outdated document” all the Democrats were in agreement.”
To hear Obama speak of the Constitution for yourself, listen to the following YouTube video from 3:16 – 4:00 and 5:06 – 5:31
Granted, someone may not think these examples are outright calls to action…to rid the U.S. of the Constitution. And that’s exactly why the statements are so damaging. The disparity slowly works its way into the minds and lives. This is how people get used to agendas. Paul Harvey addresses this very idea in his commentary, “If I Were the Devil”, by Paul Harvey. It can be found online and also on YouTube.
Now, why have I gone to all the trouble to say all of this? To encourage you and others not to rest on your heels believing that the status quo goes unchallenged. In reality, it is challenged. It is challenged daily. Please, do not believe that all is well and will always be well. The fight between keeping the republic and allowing it to fail is a constant battle. Educating those who are not informed, or have been purposely misled, continues. This is why I think everyone ought to read the book by Eric Metaxas, “If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty.” I think it is one of the most telling books of patriotism I have read. Because it is such a great account of U.S. history, it should be taught in schools.
I mentioned that many are being misled. Truly, many people are steered to believe things that are untrue. It is ludicrous that so many think they can decide what is true on a day-by-day basis. For instance, am I boy today, or do I identify as a girl? What is true for me today? If anyone does not know whether truth should be subject to our every whim or not, those people do not understand truth. I kid you not. The battle rages, and it is large and vast. So stay involved.
Given consistent evidence that WHO is heavily conflicted and controlled by various industries, its usefulness as a guide to public health must be critically re-evaluated, while alternative paradigms and models for ethical health guidance and human rights are built.
HHS, you ask to be respectful not define what is meant by inappropriate language – typical censorship and people control rhetoric. Anyone that dictates or narrates any source of people control if by controlling personal health decisions can and should never be trusted. The latest Covid debacle and havoc and chaos it created and the aftermath of destruction it left in its wake should be a painful lesson learned by all who enjoy their sovereignty. To add the elite and communist controled nations at the helm of this WHO is got to be very disturbing to say the least, because this so called WHO has yet to determine where the Covid19 source originated and the initial source with any verifiable truths of the matter. Within this narrative, would you or could anyone ever trust anyone or any organization with your health when historically this so called organization such as this WHO hasn’t earned the respect of the people they want to control? There is nothing wrong with having a central creditable honest respectful organization that believes in individual sovereignty of nations that collects and shares medical information and debates this information in a civilized manner, but what those who are promoting this adventure is not for the welfare of the people, but for absolute people control with tyrannical threats and statements for nonconformity should prove that without question. What is proposed in this International Health is not and definitely is not what anyone should considered any type of good medical practice. The earth has survived 4.5 Billion years without any elite or WOKE corporation control, so how is this going to benefit in maintaining a nations sovereignty and maintain the respect of the people it wants to control? Next question is, who are these elites and nations that determine that dictate they have the consolidated rights to dictate health or sovereignty to anyone? If there is any dignity or honesty in this covert health vendetta why haven’t those who concocted this adventure gone public historically and signed their names to this whatever it is or supposed to be and its honest intent?
Absolutely NO to this power grab from the WHO. The WHO has already caused far too much damage and does not care about the needs of the people. This centralized grab for power is a huge red flag, which warns of danger for the masses, and must be STOPPED.
We do not like to be forced to do things we are not comfortable with
I see no way to post the letter and send it to my representatives in Ottawa. This is hard, especially since Turdo (nothing true about him) has publicly announced his support for the WHO in Canada.
Is there a way to get this info to the Canadian Parliament and Senate?
Many thanks,
defund the WHO keep up the good work
Please ALL who see this, write to your senators, councilmen, etc!..AND share with ALL!
I can’t find a petition to sign. My only option is to sign up for your newsletter.
Ya’ll need to write to your Representatives.
find them here…
it’s another example for which there was a time when few wanted it changed, it seemed right, and NO one thought it could be any other way…
The above post is correct. Things do change. The U.S. probably could let sovereignty slip away.
Come everyone, write your Congressman…like right now.
Thank you for sounding this clarion call for support to defeat this historic overreach by the WHO.
I think this would be the worst decision that the USA could ever make in it’s lifetime!!!!! JUST SAY HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
The WHO is corrupt and despite whatever corrupt and bent, treasonous politicians do; the voters will not tolerate this tyranny, nor the sort of corrupted science that we’ve seen over these last several ‘COVID’ years.
There needs to be a Nuremburg 2.0 trial and negligent corrupted bureaucrats need to go to gaol.
Once again Biden screws the American people with this WHO treaty or what ever you want to call this trash? We don’t need WHO or Biden he should be impeached he has sold this country
to who ever will pay? He has done nothing for the American people since he took office?
This must be stopped at all costs..or it will cost all.
Since it is treason to do what Biden is doing, in circumventing the Constitution, as well as giving our sovereignty away to another unelected body without approval or discussion, can’t we as a whole convene a Grand Jury, convict him of treason, remove him and remove our participation in the WHO and treaties because they were achieved under fraud (fruit of the poisoned tree)?
This is a huge power grab, and one that must be stopped. There is nothing beneficial about this. It’s all to serve a particular agenda, one that is intended to benefit only a few.
With the way in which all this has come about.. i highly doubt the WHO or UN or most western leaders care about our opinions.. they act as if citizens have no ability or right to run their own lives, an how far they are willing to and have gone demonstrates they will not stop until they are absolutely forced to, asking will not work now their in too deep and if they fail I believe many of these global totalitarians know that they will be held accountable for serious crimes so.. if they fail their done for so they will go very far to pull it off.
Get us OUT.we are Americans.
We need to have patition against who. nothing to do here , cant be heard and dont know who you are. We need to be heard in magnitude , we the people and not just you with your hand out doing a disservice , looks like you are the problem not a platform of patition!
I am totally with you on the fact that we need to pull out of the WHO. It is giving away our choice to take care of ourselves, which is a right. They are the rights of each individual. I am a stewart of my own body and I take good care of myself. We went through the Pandemic without incident. We all had it but we took care of it from home and had no death. Please protect us and our right to protect ourselves. I urge President Biden to get out of the WHO. Please. I feel if we don’t we will be in a prison they provide and made to do all kinds of things that are not good. I can tell you I will go to jail before I consent to someone making me take or do things for my health. This is a demonic organization and needs to be stopped.
These amendments need to be stopped. It’s wrong to have unelected by the people have total power over our decisions in regard to health and our ways of life. I oppose this strongly
How do I sign the petition to stop the uk accepting these amendments and giving more control to the unelected WHO.
WHO have failed the people and they have not even tried to look into their mistakes over the last 3 years. no organisation should be allowed to go forward with out looking at what they clearly did wrong.
We do not comply to this amendment . Stop this. We do not comply.
How do we start a petition to stop the adoption of these IHR amendments that were adopted May 2022?
Let your political leader know you are aware of losing sovereignty and do not consent.
I Have Today signed the Petition to hold a Parliamentary Vote on whether to reject amendments to the IHR2005
We have to do everything in our power to stop the WHO
Good info, but you need to just get a simple petition going to major gov. players.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you for leading us with bold action and helpful information.
I agree we must Stop the WHO power grab.
Defund the WHO
Exit the WHO
how can i sign a petition
I would donate, but because I am on disability, I cannot afford to do much. I do what I can because for one thing, I saw this unfolding as far back as 2020 after applying commonsense measures. I just didn’t think it would become WWIII. (Information war) I hope the US gets out from under the WHO’s thumb. I look at this power grab as nothing more than an ego trip…. where the members are nothing more than insecure egomaniacs who need to dominate in order to feel powerful. Therefore, we need to get out now because it may be too late if there is a delay any longer than the next year.
I live in Kentucky, United States.
How do I find out the delegates of my country to the WHO and IHA in order to contact them and oppose these drastic IHR amendments? And how on earth were these amendments rammed through without our signing in May 2022?
This is outrage and these power control freaks have got to be halted. How to stop Bill Gates? He claims to be a big philanthropist but he is only interested in money and power.
Now we have 10 months to opt out of this insane arrangement by March 2024 or that’s the end of our national sovereignty and all our basic human rights.
Time to fight!!!
Don’t know if you got a reply, but I have found lots of valuable information presented by James Roguski at, and his various other sites. He has the most complete information I have seen about the WHO power play and where and how to protest it. Very useful and practical information.
Good luck!
This is not being widely discussed in theUS. It is of vital importance for every citizen to stand against this travesty.
Thank you for your efforts to gain recognition of this WHO power play.
Do you have any information about protest activities in Japan?
I am an American living in Tokyo, and speak and read Japanese, but my impression is that people here are not aware of the dangers of allowing these WHO revisions to be “silently approved”, nor about the Pandemic Treaty or digital vaccine passport.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! Thank you
I am completely against the WHO controlling all matters relating to health and environment. This is totally against human rights. We all need to fight back so we are not ruled by this tyranny. Please tell us where we can opt out of the WHO, United Nations, etc. Thanking you for the work you do.