Derrick Broze: Why The Great Reset Will Fail and Humanity Will Rise
Derrick Broze is a freelance investigative journalist, documentary filmmaker, author, and public speaker based in Mexico. He seeks to expose corruption, find solutions to the problems that affect all of humanity, and promote localization and decentralization. Derrick’s books and documentaries can be found on his website, The Conscious Resistance Network.
Information about Derrick’s event, The Greater Reset 3: Activation, can be found here. WCH’s own Dr. Tess Lawrie spoke at TGR on January 26, 2022.
This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly meeting on January 24, 2022. Watch the full General Assembly Meeting here.
This clip is also available on Rumble and Odysee.Â
Here’s what WCH members, staff, and coalition partners are saying about Derrick’s presentation:
“Thank you, Derrick! You Rock!” -Interest Of Justice
“Indeed! Thanks, Derrick!” -Mark Trozzi MD
“Thank you, Derrick! I have been following your work for a long time. It’s so important! Good job!!” -Karen McKenna
“Great to hear more about your initiative Derrick!” -Tess Lawrie
“Thank you, Derrick! We’re excited for The Greater Reset. ????” -Emma Sron
“Fantastic initiative, Derrick, thank you.” -Laurent Goldstein
“Good to listen to Derrick. Yes, we need people to choose how we reset the way we truly care about.” -Chandra Vikash
[00:00:00] [00:00:32] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Now, without any further ado, I’d like to introduce our first speaker, who is Derrick Broze from Mexico. [00:00:40] Derrick is a freelance investigative journalist documentary filmmaker, author, and public speaker, seeking to expose corruption, find solutions to the problems that affect all of humanity and promote localization and decentralization. [00:00:56] And amazingly as of 2020, he has written five books and five documentaries. So, uh, you’ve been very busy and we really welcome you here today. And thank you so much for agreeing to come and talk to everybody here. So please, uh, we’d like you to come forward and tell us more about yourself and everything and all the initiatives you’ve been involved in. [00:01:17] Zoe Strickland: Um, Jennifer, apologies to interrupt. Derek is just having, oh no, he’s here let me just promote him. [00:01:25] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Oh, great. Perfect timing. [00:01:26] Zoe Strickland: Bear with me. Just come in. [00:01:29] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Okay. Little drum roll Derek. [00:01:36] Zoe Strickland: He should be here momentarily. [00:01:42] Derrick Broze: Hello. [00:01:44] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Wonderful. Okay. Derrick, Derrick is here. I just did a short introduction, but I want you to give a much bigger introduction about yourself. And Derek is here from Mexico speaking to us from Mexico, and he’s going to present why the great reset will fail and humanity will rise. And we want to hear all about that. [00:02:02] And please tell us more about yourself. [00:02:06] Derrick Broze: Well, thank you guys. First of all, can you hear me okay? [00:02:09] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Yes. [00:02:10] Perfect. [00:02:11] Derrick Broze: Great. Well, thanks. Thank you for having me having me involved in this. I very much appreciate it. Um, I am in Mexico, as you said, I’m actually on the road right now. So I apologize for my background at the moment, but, uh, we are in the midst of preparing for our event, the greater reset, which is all about the topic of today, of why I believe the great reset, which is being pushed by the World Economic Forum will fail and why humanity will rise. Uh, but before we get into that, I will give a little more background on myself. [00:02:39] So my name is Derrick Broze.. I’m 37 years old. I’m originally based in Houston, Texas. Um, I’ve been an independent journalist for 12 years now and just doing different types of activism and journalism writing for a number of different websites, uh, began producing documentaries in 2016 and focused on indigenous struggles, focused on some of the dangers of technology. [00:03:00] And then in more recent years focused on COVID-19 and, uh, the great reset and things of that sort. I’ve written a number of books and I regularly give live presentations and talks. And most of my work I would say is all geared around trying to bring awareness to some of these topics that are not covered in the mainstream media and specifically trying to focus on solutions. What can we do about these problems? You know, so I use my journalism to talk about them, to bring awareness to the people of the world. And then I try to use, I guess, my activism and my books, and talks to focus more on the solution sides of things. Um, so yeah, with that said, um, should I go ahead and get into this, this little discussion here? [00:03:41] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Please go right ahead. [00:03:42] Derrick Broze: We’re looking forward to it. All right. Thank you. So with the understanding that my work focuses on solutions, uh, in late 2020 myself, and some colleagues were discussing this idea of the great reset that the World Economic Forum promoted beginning in June, 2020, um, obviously after COVID-19, um, started to affect the entire world and the World Economic Forum, which has an annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, they announced that they were going to be having their full unveiling of their great reset, um, initiative in January, 2021. [00:04:18] And so me and my colleagues were discussing, you know, what can we do about this? If, if we do nothing, it seemed to us that most of the people who pay attention to independent media, alternative media and who are just looking for answers will more than likely just maybe obsess over the World Economic Forum for a week and say, well, what did they talk about? [00:04:36] What did they do? You know, let’s just discuss their ideas and not do anything on the proactive side of things. And so we came up with this idea of, well, rather than us just kind of sitting by silently or, you know, just quietly watching them. Why don’t we actually make an effort to put together our event that would directly compete with them. [00:04:55] You know, the World Economic Forum, they meet for five days, every January in Davos, Switzerland, as they just met last week, this year. And they discuss their vision of how they want to remake the world in the relation to the environment, to the financial systems, to the educational systems, to pretty much the entire world. [00:05:14] And for many of us, this is a more of a technocratic view a view that there should be centralization, there should be central planning and the people at the top should be the ones making the decisions for the rest of us. And so we proposed, what would it look like if there was a people’s reset? You know, this is kind of our alternative name for our event. [00:05:32] What would it look like at the people came together and consciously said, “Okay, well, there are a lot of things broken in the world. There are a lot of unsustainable systems. There is a good reason, I think, to want to remake or redesign or even reset the world. But what would that look like from the bottom-up if the grassroots level, if the people themselves started organizing and, you know, actually started to talk about redesigning systems, as opposed to just letting the World Economic Forum and, uh, whoever else designed the world for us. [00:06:04] And that was kind of the initial planning stages in October, 2020. And that evolved to be our event that we call The Greater Reset or the People’s Reset. And the reason that we chose to do this is because I do think that COVID-19 whatever people’s specific thoughts on the details of the situation we’ve been dealing with for almost two years, I think it’s ultimately, um, not the most important thing, wherever people stand on the debate around COVID. [00:06:31] I think what’s most important that many of us recognize that the, for example, the world health organization, or other, uh, governing bodies of the world or extra governmental bodies or supernational bodies that these organizations do not necessarily have the people’s best interests at heart. And if we continue to let these people guide public policy global health policy, we’re going to end up in a world that I think is very far from where most of us believe we should be headed. [00:06:56] Um, and again, I think that the answer here that is for people like yourself, the World Council for Health and others, to begin to create new organizations, new institutions, um, ultimately to create a parallel society, a parallel world where people who don’t align with the views that are being pushed in the mainstream world around COVID-19 such as treatment or the vaccines, or what have you, where people who don’t align with those messages in those agendas can actually pursue an alternative. [00:07:26] And that is what you’ve been focused on is what will be going to realistically make it through what we’re facing here. Where I’m at in Mexico, things are fairly calm, but there are many places in the world, as you guys know where people are already being, um, forced to make a choice between their job or their, uh, you know, their vaccine status. [00:07:47] And this is something that’s very troubling to many of us. And I have personally witnessed since I’ve been here in Mexico, there has been a flood of people coming here from Canada, from Australia, from all over Europe, because Mexico is one of only two countries left in the world where you don’t have to do a quarantine. [00:08:02] You don’t have to show a test. You don’t have to take a shot. Um, and so many people are recognizing that. And, and just as recent as the last two months, we’ve had thousands and thousands of Canadians who were able to get out of their country, who are very afraid or just concerned about the direction it’s going. [00:08:16] And, you know, this includes families, individuals, who are taking their lives into their own hands and making decisions that they believe will benefit them and their family into the future, into the longterm. And that’s what we’re, we’re really focused on is trying to give people proactive, um, actionable steps that they can do in their lives. [00:08:35] For some people that might be picking up and moving their whole family to a different state, to a different country, to a different city. You know, if they feel there’s more freedom there or more opportunity for them, for other people, that means things like recognizing that not only do we need to take our own health into our hands and people are finding out about World Council for Health and other people who are starting a similar initiatives, but more and more people are thinking about their food production. [00:08:59] How am I going to take care of my family if the local government says I can’t go into the grocery store without showing proof of shot, right? So people are now having to make really hard choices and ask themselves, can I provide for my family in that future? Will I be able to provide for my family, if and when such an announcement comes in my area, many people of course are already losing their jobs where I’m originally based in Houston. [00:09:23] Uh, many of the nurses were the first ones in the country to be fired. Jennifer Bridges, who was, uh, become a kind of popular nurse out there. She was the first one to file a lawsuit against the hospital up there. And I got to meet a lot of these nurses who they want to do their career. They want to do the things they’re good at, but they’re not going to be forced to taking a shot. [00:09:42] Well, now those nurses are out of jobs and they’re having to look for a new paths or having to look for new opportunities to make money, to provide for themselves. And I do believe that we are heading into a future where those who are most proactive, have the opportunity to create new job opportunities. [00:09:57] For those who are out of need, whether that’s teachers who are losing their jobs, nurses who are losing their jobs, doctors, musicians, et cetera, that we can move to a place where those people will have opportunities to continue to do the things that they Excel at while also staying in line with their health choices in their personal individual values and principles. [00:10:15] And that is where I’ve been focusing my energy now for almost the last two years of COVID is how can we help people who are dealing with the repercussions of this? Um, my personal view is that I don’t know that the courts alone are going to stop what’s happening. I think a lot of people have put their faith into law suits or are hoping for political candidates and things like that. [00:10:37] But the approach that I personally taken that we take at the greater reset at our event is more about individual personal responsibility, personal choice, right? So if the governments say you have to get a shot to continue working, or if the businesses say you’re not allowed to come in here without a mask or a shot, people are going to have to make choices. [00:10:57] Do they want to support those businesses? Do they want to continue working? And oftentimes it’s not really much of a choice. People are essentially being coerced. They might not have any sort of expendable income where they can afford to miss work while they decide what else they’re going to do. So many people unfortunately have complied unwillingly. [00:11:14] Um, at least the first time maybe when they come for the booster and the second or third people are starting to have questions. But my point here is that people are making these real world choices. And I ultimately believe that it’s up to those of us who choose to step up to the plate to try to see how we can provide alternatives and create, um, new systems of how we relate to each other new systems of how we educate our children, new systems of how we take care of our health and, uh, how we make money, all of these different things, because in the bigger picture, the bigger, broader picture COVID-19 and specifically the great reset agenda is truly reshaping, is an attempt to reshape every aspect of our world over the coming years in the next decade [00:11:58] going into 2030. And I think it’s important for people to recognize that it’s, um, there’s really no, uh, theory to it. It’s right on the world economic forum website in their own words. Now they believe they’re doing it for positive reasons, but I think many people still want to be the ones in control of their own lives, making their decisions. [00:12:15] So, as I was saying, we started having these conversations in October 2020. What can we do? How can we offer a counter to their narrative? Um, I’m not sure if folks are familiar, but I did an investigation. About a month ago, the world economic forum actually announced the second aspect of their great reset initiative, what they called the great narrative. [00:12:34] And they have specifically said that they know they’re losing the trust of the people in the world. And it’s important for them right now to control the narrative, to create a new narrative that they can get the people to rally behind. And in my mind, this is a recognition that there are many people who do not support this agenda and they are trying to figure out, okay, well, how are we going to, you know, manage the narratives here, whether that’s around [00:12:56] Ivermectin or the shots. These folks are recognizing that the narrative might be escaping their control and are very much putting in a lot of energy into how to control and shape that narrative. And we also, we being myself and the folks with the greater reset event, we also recognize that narrative is important. [00:13:16] I do believe that the people need a new narrative. It is a narrative that says that we are powerful, beautiful, free people, capable of organizing our own lives, capable of taking care of our own health, capable of making decisions for our families and our children, capable of educating ourselves about COVID and making appropriate decisions. [00:13:34] I think that’s the narrative that we’re really trying to push. It’s one of empowerment. It’s one of activation. Our event, the full name is actually the greater reset activation, because we didn’t want it to just be another conference or a festival, but to be about activating people, motivating people, inspiring people, because ultimately I believe that’s what we need right now. [00:13:52] There’s a lot of, um, there’s a lot of fear at the moment, um, all around the world. I think many people for those of us who have suffered under lockdowns or many people have lost families and friends because of their choices. It’s a very difficult time for many people. And essentially what we wanted to do with the greater reset is to give people some hope, give them an opportunity to connect with other people around the world, hopefully to connect with people in their local communities and to see that they’re not alone, that there are many, many people who have questions about COVID. [00:14:20] I’ll talk a little bit more about the specifics of the event in a moment, but I’ll say this, that we started the event. The first one was January, 2021. So a year ago was our first event, the greater reset activation. [00:14:30] And we had a hundred thousand people from around the world watching live. We had a live event in Texas and a live event here in Mexico. So we had two simultaneous live events and then streaming for free on the internet. And we got such an overwhelmingly positive response from Australia, India, the US, UK, across Europe, Mexico, people tuning in from everywhere. [00:14:50] People were sending their pictures of their local watch parties. We encourage people to get together, listen to the event, listen to the discussions and see what ideas work for you and your community. What are the solutions that our speakers are presenting will actually apply to your life? And which ways can you incorporate them into your life? [00:15:08] And it was such a beautiful experience to see people sending us pictures from Switzerland or wherever they’re at. Some people were sitting at home along with their pets and others were gathering in community together, but they were getting together and just, you know, listening to the ideas. And I can honestly say it was such a humbling experience for me just to be involved because, [00:15:27] you know, we just felt like we needed to do something. And now it has kind of grown into this global movement. We had a second of it in may, which was equally successful. And now we’re moving to doing it once a year, every January. And as I mentioned, the Davos crowd, the world economic forum, they just had their meeting last week. [00:15:42] Well, now this coming week, we’re having our event. It starts on Wednesday. It runs January 30th or excuse me, January 26th through the 30th. And in the same way that they’re looking at different themes and different areas. We’re trying to reflect that too. But again, offer an alternative. That’s not about top-down central planning, but it’s about bottom-up organizing and how do our communities organize ourselves? [00:16:02] So our first day is called liberate your mind, body and soul. And that’s when Dr. Tess Lauri will be speaking, which we’re really excited about. Um, day two is focused on building parallel systems. Like I was saying, like, how are we going to create alternative education systems, healthcare systems, economic systems, et cetera. Wednesday, the third day is about permaculture and food independence, giving people practical tools about how they can start getting involved in thinking about growing their own food or supporting farmers who do. On the fourth day, it’s called take-back our tech. [00:16:32] We very much believe that technology has a role to play in where we’re heading. Um, there are some very worrisome, scary things about the way technology is developing, but we also see some positives and we want to educate people on the ways that we can use these tools without necessarily supporting big tech and things of that sort and gaining our privacy. [00:16:50] On day five, we’re going to wrap things up with a, what we’re calling, building free and conscious communities. So we’re going to have a number of speakers who are either already living in ecovillages or intentional communities or people who are just really active organizers in their communities. [00:17:06] This is very timely and we’re really happy that you’re here today to talk with us so we can give everybody heads up about this great conference. [00:17:13] Now, are you doing part of this live and part of a virtual? How is it organized? [00:17:18] Yeah, so, um, as I was saying, so I’m going to be down here in Mexico. I’m in Morelia, Mexico, which is the town that I live, we’re hosting a live event there. And then my partner, John Bush, he’s going to be hosting a live event in central Texas. [00:17:31] So there’ll be about a hundred or so people in Texas, a couple hundred in Mexico, and then it’s free to watch online. So the people in person, we’ll probably have about 10 speakers at each event. And then the majority of them we’re going to be streaming in virtually. Um, but everybody can watch a hundred percent for free at on Wednesday afternoon. [00:17:50] When the event starts, there’ll be a live web player right there. So there’s no registration required. There’s no fee required. And also I do want to make it clear that we, we believe this information is really valuable and really important. So we are going to put out all the videos as we have done with the previous events completely for free there’s no [00:18:07] 24 hour period or whatever everything’s available for free. The best place to find out about all this is just We have the full list of the speakers. We have the full schedule, and we’re just excited to be a part of the movement that is focused on solutions. [00:18:22] As I was kind of saying earlier, there’s a lot of fear and concern, and we just want to be a part of the solution. [00:18:28] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Thank you so much, Derek. And I wonder too, just being here on our platform, because we’re all collaborating together. If you will have any chat rooms that people can go into for all the networking and collaborating, creating communities. [00:18:41] So I, if that’s on your agenda or maybe consider putting it on your agenda, cause I know everybody here will be interested in and they listeners too, because it’s very important at this stage for people to create a safe feeling and a safe community around them as they’re learning, uh, all the things that you have to bring forward for them to learn. [00:18:59] Sounds fantastic. And thank you so much. [00:19:02] Derrick Broze: I’m actually going to share it. I just shared in the zoom chat there for you guys, a link to our telegram channel. I see somebody was asking about, uh, where we promote it on the day of the event. There will be a chat feature so people can communicate there. [00:19:13] And also we have the main channel on telegram where there’s a lot of, you know, just communication and we are, as you said, trying to build community around this. [00:19:22] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Yeah, this sounds wonderful. Thank you so much. And we’re so happy that you’re part of the World Council for Health. [00:19:28]
This is great news! Thank you, Derrick, and others for what you are doing. Looking forward to learning more at your website.