General Assembly Meeting | January 17, 2022
Rewatch the full January 17, 2022 World Council for Health General Assembly Meeting video with guest speakers Dr. Joyce Azzam and Joachim Gerlach as well as WCH Coalition Partners Strong and Free Canada (introduced by Will Dove) and TARSAN (introduced by Jolene Field).
Dr. Joyce Azzam: Tackling Brain Health and Overcoming Adversity
Dr. Joyce Azzam was the first Lebanese woman to complete “The Seven Summits Challenge” when she successfully climbed the tallest mountain on every continent. She is a conservation Architect and has a Ph.D. in management of landscape and environment.
A clip of this presentation can be found here.
Joachim Gerlach: Covid Treatment Protocol, from Early-Onset SARS-CoV-2 Infection to Acute and Long Covid
Joachim Gerlach is an entrepreneur and co-founder and head of Research and Development at Vedicinals. Vedicinals provides a comprehensive Covid treatment protocol that covers conditions from early-onset SARS-CoV-2 infection to the management of all phases of Covid.
A clip of this presentation can be found here.
Will Dove joins us from Canada to introduce Strong and Free Canada, a coalition partner of the World Council for Health.
Strong and Free Canada is a grassroots organization dedicated to recovering rights and freedoms, providing factual data and expert testimony on Covid and government overreach, and more.
A clip of this presentation can be found here.
Jolene Field joins us from the UK to introduce TARSAN, a coalition partner of the World Council for Health.
TARSAN, the Teen Adverse Reaction Support Advocacy Network, is a group of concerned parents urging families with teens affected by the Covid vaccine to come together.
A clip of this presentation can be found here.
This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly on January 17, 2022.
This video is also available on Odysee and Rumble.