General Assembly Meeting — October 11, 2021
WCH – GA Meeting – October 11, 2021 [00:00:00] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Hello, the World Council for Health, welcomes you to our General Council meetings. I’m Dr. Jennifer Hibberd, a member of the steering committee of the World Council for Health. And I’ll be your host for this evening. Now everyone at this meeting is here in real time from all over the world. [00:00:16] I’d like to remind everybody about our code of conduct. I’d like to state our disclaimer: we welcome the different perspectives and opinions of our affiliates and speakers. However, their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the World Council for Health. [00:00:34] Here we go with our slides. Now we are a worldwide coalition of health focused organizations and civil society groups seeking to broaden public health knowledge and to clarify the science and shared wisdom. [00:00:47] And as you can see, we have a lot of country affiliates and more and more joining every day, every week. And we welcome all the countries to come in into our coalition, to work with us, [00:01:00] to find a better way for our health going forward. And here, the next slide, you see some logos of our different affiliates and any of you who haven’t sent us your logo. [00:01:12] We welcome you to please because we would like to feature it on our website. And as you can see, we’re showing it here too. Thank you. [00:01:20] And here’s our wonderful steering committee. You have Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Tracy Chandler and myself, Dr. Jennifer Hibberd; Karen McKenna, Dr. Rob McLeod, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Anna De Buisseret, Dr. Zac Cox and Dr. Naseeba Kathrada, Dr. Mark Trozzi, and Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg. Sorry. Sorry, Maria! And we have Dr. Vince Vincente, and this is our steering committee that works tirelessly to try [00:02:00] and bring this information and gathered together and work with all of you. [00:02:03] Thank you. [00:02:05] Now, big question is, why do we need the World Council for Health? We want medical leadership because it’s needed during these Covid emergencies. And this is a big, Covid health emergency around the world it’s been created, and we need to relieve that climate of uncertainty and fear. [00:02:24] People do need a clear, independent guidance on Covid-19 and for emerging health issues, because we know that this is not the end of what we’re going to be dealing with as time moves forward. Health professionals and scientists need support to provide ethical services, and people need to be empowered with the information to take control of their own health. [00:02:47] So this is what our purpose is, and we work very closely with all of our affiliates. And thank you very much for many of you for being here today with us. [00:02:56] Now I would like to introduce this. This is our meeting agenda, [00:03:00] and we have some amazing speakers today. We have Dr. Jessica Rose, who’s going to do a VAERS data update. [00:03:07] We have Dr. Wahome Ngare who’s going to do an update from Kenya and Fahrie Hassan is going to review conflicts of interest in health. And then we will do affiliate introduction. And we have Dr. Elke de Klerk and then we do oh, and we have our own Dr. Naseeba Kathrada who’s going to review the Caribbean Health Summit that we had, and you’re going to thoroughly enjoy listening to her about that also. And then we go through our committee reviews. [00:03:34] So without delay, I’d like to introduce Dr. Jessica Rose. And Dr. Rose, would you please introduce yourself? And you have the floor. Thank you so much for being here. [00:03:44] Dr. Jessica Rose: Hi. I almost didn’t make it. I was using a wrong link, so I’m glad I’m zoom savvy and I found it. [00:03:52] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: I’m glad you are zoom savvy. Thank you for making it. That’s good. [00:03:56] Dr. Jessica Rose: I wouldn’t miss it. I’m honored to be here guys. Thanks for having [00:04:00] me. So I’m Jessica I’m from Canada and I have a background in immunology and applied mathematics, computational biology, a little bit of biochemistry, a little bit of molecular biology. [00:04:14] And lately I’ve been doing some VAERS data analysis. So I have prepared a little presentation for everyone just for you guys. And it’s of course, October 11th. Thanks for having me again, everyone in the World Council for Health I’m honored to be able to share with you some data. [00:04:32] The next three slides are just screenshots of three recent publications that I’ve actually managed to write and put out there. It’s quite remarkable actually, because I’ve only been doing this since January and it started out as a project to teach myself how to code in R and I needed a data set to enable this activity. [00:04:56] So I chose VAERS cause I predicted with my [00:05:00] background and seeing early that this didn’t seem to be about public health, that the VAERS data set was going to become atypical and I wasn’t wrong. So you can scroll past the next two slides. I think the, just for anyone who wants to to look up the work so the first one was general. [00:05:19] The second one was about the pharmacol vigilance of VAERS. It’s meant to be a pharmaco vigilance tool, which means that it’s meant to be used as a safety signal generator by the FDA and CDC to detect basically side effects that weren’t detected in pre-market testing. So I answer questions as to whether or not it’s being used as such in in that paper. [00:05:46] And the most recent is this myocarditus paper, which is in preapproved phase, but pretty proud of that one. So I guess next slide I just wanted to show you guys that I’m doing something practical with this. [00:05:58] So very [00:06:00] quickly today, I’m just going to give some general information about adverse events. That’s what AEs is. And talk a little bit about causation and then go onto something more specific: myocarditis. And I thought it would be important to bring up the female issues subject, which I haven’t really done yet. And I also really want to mention the idea of the products, the injectable products, themselves driving viral mutations in a very bad direction, not just toward like higher transmission or infectivity rates, but more virulent strains, which is they’re called variants of concern. [00:06:37] And this is very concerning and also vaccine failure. So next slide. And the next slide and the next slide. So a couple back to the definition of an adverse event in case people don’t know it’s one more ahead, I think. Yep. So VAERS by the way, it means that vaccine adverse event [00:07:00] reporting system, it’s an acronym, and this is the data that I analyze is the data set from the USA and as lamentable as the system is, it’s probably one of the best in the world. [00:07:13] And it has proven to be very useful to me in pulling out or teasing out safety signals. So an adverse event is any untoward or unfavorable medical occurrence that someone might undergo as part of a study or a research, which this is because it’s the first time we’ve been we’ve been administering these kinds of products into humans. [00:07:38] So this is the first bit of data I’m going to show you. So it’s pretty potent. If you count the number of adverse events in VAERS per year, and you go back 10 years, you can actually go back 30 years because VAERS has existed for the last 30 years. [00:07:54] And you just count them up and make a little bar, and then you put those bars together and you’d compare [00:08:00] them to how many adverse events are in VAERS in this year. And this is only the ones associated with Covid-19. You see a stark difference essentially, if you look at a percent increase, it’s over a thousand percent increase. [00:08:14] If you compare it to the mean of the total adverse events for the last 10 years, and this is for all the vaccines combined. So the it’s not typical at all. Many people will say, wow, there are more reports being made because there are more injections or there’s more simulated reporting. No, and no these are both not the reasons we’re seeing these dramatic differences in numbers. [00:08:41] The other thing that we’re seeing is a dramatic difference in the number of adverse event types we have over 10,000 reported to VAERS right now, which has never happened before as well. And one of the most alarming things about the adverse effects or the side [00:09:00] effects associated with these Covid products is how completely systemic they seem to be. [00:09:07] They’re affecting the cardiovascular system, neurological system, immunological system and they’re inducing deaths. So this is the same plot as the one before, but more specific to the standalone adverse event, which is death. [00:09:22] And we see the same kind of picture. It’s very atypical. There’s over 5000% increase if you want to look at it that way, it’s not normal. And again, this is not due to simulated reporting and it’s not due to differences in the numbers of products administered. It’s about 50% for flu for the 2019/2020 season. And in people I think age six months and older, and for the Covid products, it’s about 50, 57%, I think. [00:09:54] And next slide, I was alluding to this just now. So if you if you [00:10:00] want to look at this from a numbers game in comparison to how many people have gotten two doses, which is FV – “fully vaccinated” in quotation marks- it’s up to about 1 in 324 people reporting an adverse event. [00:10:15] So that’s, anybody who doesn’t look at that and say, whoa needs to look again. And this does not consider the under-reporting factor. It’s a well-known thing in VAERS that under reporting is an issue. So that’s something else I address in one of my papers. So you can look that up next slide. [00:10:37] I’m not going as fast as I should. So if you normalize to the people who’ve been administered two doses, this is a little earlier in the data, you get about one in 660 individuals who are reporting an immunological adverse event. [00:10:53] So immunological, neurological and cardiovascular groupings are- [00:11:00] it’s off the scales. And again, this doesn’t consider the under-reporting factor. So whatever the multiplication factor that you want to go with, you have to consider that, and then these numbers become even more dramatic. We’re seeing very, the bottom line is we’re seeing very atypical numbers. [00:11:16] We’re seeing atypical numbers of types of adverse events, and we’re seeing systemic problems in humans across the ages. [00:11:26] So next slide. And next slide. So we’re going to go into causation. So in order to causation is notoriously difficult to to prove when you’re talking about biological data. One way to provide strong evidence to support an argument of causation is using something called the Bradford Hill criteria, which has a list of 10 things that you should satisfy in order to provide a good argument, that there is a causative effect. [00:11:55] You can go to the next slide. And the most important one is temporality, of [00:12:00] course because you can’t have causation if one thing doesn’t come before the other. [00:12:04] Next slide. So in the VAERS database, you have a number of dates listed. You have a vaccination date, you have an onset of adverse events date. So if you calculate, you can subtract those and calculate the amount of time that passed between the injection and the onset of the symptoms. And if you plot that on a two dimensional plot against the percent of reported AEs and assume no causal relationship- you can go through the next slides quickly- then you would expect that there would be no dramatic like you’d have some kind of oscillation perhaps or straight line if you want to be more simplistic, but you’d expect the percentage of the reported AEs to be the same before or after, after or even before the injection. [00:12:53] So the trajectory along the x-axis would have any even distribution about the y-axis, if you assume [00:13:00] no causation, but that’s not what we see. So we see something like this. So this is the real data which is doing exactly what I just described. [00:13:09] You can go to the next slide. This is the real data and you can go to the next slide, too. Which shows the the percentage of reported deaths in VAERS this is updated by the way as of October 10th, I think, or whenever Friday was against the amount of time that passed following the injections. [00:13:30] So the point here is that you see a clustering of reports around zero and one, which means that many deaths are reported almost immediately, which means that deaths happened almost immediately. And this comprises about 50%. And you can go to the next slide and this isn’t only a scene in death. [00:13:51] In my first paper I checked many standalone AE’s and I reported on cardiovascular, neurological and immunological- the groupings- [00:14:00] and I saw the same thing. Anaphylaxis is good as a positive control because anaphylaxis is an acute reaction followed by a trigger. So you would assume if this method, methodology, or way of thinking about this was correct, that when you plotted the same data for anaphylaxis, you would see that most, if not, all of the reports were on made on day zero or in the timeframe of zero, because they’re immediate. [00:14:25] And that’s what we see. We see 80 something percent. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty good confirmation. You can go to the next slide. So that’s just touching on causation and you can go to the next slide and this kind of rolls off the back of that. [00:14:41] We’re moving into myocarditis now, and there’s a lot to unpack in this slide, but I’m going to make it quick. This provides evidence of causation because, okay, first of all, what this is a plot of all the myocarditus reports in VAERS by age and dose. So the x-axis [00:15:00] is the age of the individual and the y-axis is the number of reports and the blue and the pink referred to dose one or dose two. So if there was no causative effect, someone has to explain why we see this huge discrepancy of the magnitude between dose one and dose two, first of all, in the young people. [00:15:23] So that’s what I have to say about this providing evidence for causation as well, but the take home message of this slide is holy cow- what’s going on with the young people here in myocarditis, especially boys aged 15 years. It’s six times higher reporting rate for this group of people. [00:15:41] For dose two, I have some theories about why we’re seeing this. This is the real data coming from VAERS and apparently according to the CDC and the FDA, there’s no reason to worry about this. I think there is based on this data. [00:15:56] So you can go to the next slide. [00:16:00] EI and female issues. Again, this is something I haven’t really been bringing into my presentations, but I think it’s about time. I started mapping, or I created a group of keywords that were associated with female reproductive issues a couple of months ago when I started hearing women talk about this, and this includes a wide range of adverse events from spontaneous abortion to dysmenorrhea. [00:16:27] And you’ll notice there are almost 10,000 reports, which is just a fraction of the actual number of women who are suffering. And most of them are made in women between the ages of 30 and 40. And about a third of these are spontaneous abortions. I also want to call everyone’s attention to the far right column with our very elderly ladies, a lady who’s 92, another 93 and another 94 started bleeding abnormally. [00:16:59] [00:17:00] Someone has to explain that to me. And this is in temporal proximity to having these injections atypical, not normal, not good. Next slide. And so the last little bit I want to throw into this quick presentation is the concept of us causing more problems than good by our very rushed vaccine or injection rollout and the fact that we appear to be seeing a vaccine failure from our data, especially the data coming out of Israel. So next slide. [00:17:39] So this is beautiful phylogenetic tree care of neck strain. And if you guys don’t know about neck strain, you should go look them up right away. This is a team of brilliant people. I found them actually over a year ago when this pandemic was declared and I [00:18:00] actually have to admit, I forgot about them for a little while. [00:18:02] And then I was reminded and the amount of data that’s in there now, compared to when I started looking is great. So here’s a phylo tree as we call it. And which kind of looks like if you draw the line, this red line, which is the date of the start of the rollout of the products into Israel and the US it’s like sometime around mid December 14th, I believe it, it looks like these two large clusters of Alpha and Delta variance just kinda started right after that happened. And it begs the question. Did these variants get out of control or even arise because of the pressure that was on the virus from these products population level or individual level, it really does beg this question, you can go to the next line. I’m just trying to make you guys think. [00:18:59] [00:19:00] And next slide, vaccine failure. All right. So the definition of vaccine failure is the occurrence of a specific disease in an individual, despite previous vaccination and from all of my work now, that’s exactly how you define a breakthrough . Infection. And breakthrough infections are one of the adverse events that have been tracking from the very beginning. [00:19:21] And we’re up to over 20,000 now reported in the USA. And again, this isn’t age related, it’s not just in old people or young people or people of a certain age demographic. This is across the board. So what that makes me think immediately is if people are, it’s so strange, people are afraid to get Covid so they go out and they get injected and then they get injected again, they ended up getting Covid and some of them ended up dying. So to me that really does equate to a vaccine failure. [00:19:58] You can go to the next slide. I don’t [00:20:00] remember what’s next. All right. So this is also just a thinker. Okay. I’m not going to make any claims here. So Israel’s a really interesting place to look at from a data point of view, because, we’re the first and we have so many people who’ve already gotten three doses. That’s what this beautiful plot on the right is from Our World in Data- another amazing data source, by the way- the phylo tree on the left, the phylogenetic tree is just Israel. [00:20:27] This is just the the Delta variant, the 21A. And so it’s interesting to me when I put the two or the three or the four plots that represent the boosters, the increase in cases, because there’s a massive increase in cases of Covid and Israel and the the deaths as well. And the Delta variant, which is at 98.1, 8% of the sequences- they all line up- they’re all happening in tandem. So it’s really [00:21:00] hard to say what came first or if something else is driving the other. But for those of us who know anything about viral mutation and what then evolutionary pressure that causes them the mutations to increase in some cases and how variants of concern originate or emerge, this is one way that it can happen. [00:21:21] So we have to be really careful here, and we’re not being careful. We’re, we’ve been very lucky so far with this virus. It’s highly transmissible, which is fine. It’s even better because everyone can get it, but it’s not dangerous. We’ve been very lucky. And if we keep pushing our luck with this, we’re going to end up with something really transmissible and really dangerous. [00:21:41] And that’s the truth here at Vandenbosch has been saying this from the beginning and if anyone knows he does, and I completely agree with him. So next slide. What did I do next? Ah, yes! So to conclude- uh, the adverse events are on the rise. They’re [00:22:00] still rising despite the rate of injections going down, especially in the USA. [00:22:06] And I predict that we are starting to see an increase in the adverse event reporting system based on the new injection induced disease that we’re seeing. There’s some kind of post Covid injection phenomenon going on physiologically that many of us are trying to define now more carefully. [00:22:27] Very importantly, the onus is on the opponents of causation on that subject to prove that there is no causative relationship. I’ve asked this of people since, I don’t know, May or March, whenever I put out my first paper, I’m absolutely willing to be wrong. I’m absolutely open to people’s opinions on why we’re seeing what we’re seeing. [00:22:46] If it’s not causation, not just from my, my temporal proximity plots, but from all the data that’s calculating that pretty much guarantees that these things are causing the problems. And and yeah, [00:23:00] vaccine failure. The big topic the Israeli data’s indicating a lack of protective immunity because 80 something percent of people, regardless of age, who are ending up in the hospital and with Covid now are the doubly injected people. [00:23:14] That’s true. And it doesn’t prevent transmission. It never did. So my recommendations are to teach the immune system is best- innate natural immunity is the best, keep your Vitamin D up Zinc, Vitamin C be healthy, good food drink, good water. And in the case of Covid promote early treatment with known efficacious and safe products like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. [00:23:43] I have a long list of people here that are, I like to acknowledge. I won’t read them all. But yeah, there’s, I’ve made some really good friends despite the tyranny. And I do really appreciate you all. So the next slide, I think I have two more here. [00:24:00] Oh, yes. Joshua Kuntz- he is- he was the son of Ted Kuntz, who was the president of Vaccine Choice Canada. [00:24:09] And a fellowship has been set up to honor his life and his passing he’s a, he was a vaccine injured boy. And this is actually how my research keeps going. So anybody who wants to make a small donation is more than welcome to it’ll help me keep doing my work and it’ll honor Joshua. [00:24:28] Next line, I think is my last slide. Yes, thanks for listening. And I’m leaving everyone with a message of hope. It’s just that having access as again, as lamentable and imperfect as VAERS is- having access to this real world data, which really is representative of individuals, which is why I think it’s so important for us to use this data. [00:24:50] It gives me and anybody who’s using this data to, to bring truth to the public a real [00:25:00] way to care for other people. That’s why I went into science. That’s why I’m a researcher. I, I’m not a medical doctor, so this is the way that I can care and help for others. Yeah. I want to thank you all for listening. [00:25:12] Sorry. That was a bit sporadic, but- [00:25:14] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: That’s wonderful. [00:25:16] Dr. Jessica Rose: Thank you. [00:25:16] Karen McKenna: So there a few questions . [00:25:20] Mr. Fahrie Hassan: Yes. Thank you so much. Also I want to thank Dr. Jessica Rose, for a wonderful presentation and really thought-provoking. And I also want to make a comment in that. I hope you don’t mind. I grabbed the, you you a graph from the 167 FDA meeting to use in a talk – so I hope you don’t mind. [00:25:43] I did acknowledge you though. So yeah just when you speak about vaccine failures, and that, that is that was also actually mentioned in the second FDA meeting about the vaccine failures and interestingly the Pfizer acknowledged that, but never actually [00:26:00] commented on it in why that occurred now. [00:26:04] Interesting. Your slide shows immunity waning immunity, and that’s also been acknowledged now. So what I would like to ask easily, perhaps really the waning immunity and the that actually the vaccine or the jab is actually destroying the immunity rather than just waning. And this is not being explained. [00:26:28] And when Pfizer was asked this question during the FDA booster hearing, they didn’t answer it, and I know you also pointed out that out and then on the VAERS data that you showed- you showed that there’s a correlation between the number of the increase in the number of of vaccine report or the number of reports and it concurs with the number of the increase in the number of deaths that we are seeing. [00:26:55] So what I would like to know on this, in terms of the [00:27:00] correlation why are the authorities not acting on this? Because there’s a clear correlation? Why is there no I don’t hear it in the media being mentioned that only here in the, even in the FDA hearings, I’m not hearing why is the authorities not acting on this? [00:27:17] Cause clearly this is a serious data that yeah, I’ll just, maybe we’d like you to comment on those. [00:27:23] Dr. Jessica Rose: I think both of those are on answerable, but on the the immune system potentially being destroyed. I personally, this is just what I think. I think that’s a real thing. [00:27:34] I think that damage is being done systematically, but I think the- it’s a huge topic. It’s a whole new- it’s a whole presentation. I think the people who are having a really hard time with these products are probably in an immune aged state to begin with and, or they have some chronic low level of inflammation on the [00:28:00] go. [00:28:00] So it’s like throwing gasoline on a fire to begin with. This is a vascular disease or it wreaks havoc on, on the vascular system, on epithelial cells on yeah. It’s anyway, I won’t get into that, but I think it’s a possibility that the immune system itself is being hurt. Let’s say definitely being a obfuscated in the beginning. [00:28:24] And us for the the non-reporting your guess is as good as mine. The, this VAERS data is owned. This is generated it’s in place because of the FDA and CDC and good for them for doing that. They did it in 1990- hasn’t been maintained, it’s basically run by people on the ground, probably good, really good people who have way too much to do. [00:28:48] And so we can’t blame them. It’s the system is really ancient. And for someone trying to, to pull safety signals from it, it’s quite the task. They must have some really [00:29:00] smart people working for them though. And they also have additional demographic data that isn’t publicly available. [00:29:05] So the question is very valid. Why aren’t there monthly reports on this data doing a proper safety signal analysis, not these, scratched over weird botched number things that we’re seeing from ACEP. Sorry, but that’s what I’m seeing. I can see what they put out compared to what is in the data. [00:29:27] And I’ve actually done this with a T TTP or whatever. It was completely different story. Anyway, so that I hope that answers the question. [00:29:38] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Thank you so much, Jessica. It’s so interesting. I’m sorry, we’re not going to be taking any more questions right now, but please, Jessica, can you go into the chat and help people answer their questions in the chat? [00:29:49] I wish I could take more questions, but we have more speakers to bring forward and we have next Dr. Wahome Ngare, who is going to give us an update from Kenya. [00:30:00] So Dr. Ngare, would you please introduce yourself? And again, thank you so much, Jessica. That was just phenomenal eyeopening report. Just amazing. Thank you so much. [00:30:09] Dr. Jessica Rose: Thank you – like really all of you. I’m a big fan! [00:30:13] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: You just had us with chills going through our bodies, watching this and listening to what you did. It was phenomenal. Thank you, Dr. Wahome Ngare please. You have 10 minutes. Thank you. [00:30:27] Dr. Wahome Ngare: Thank you very much for this opportunity is a pleasure to be among people of like mind. [00:30:33] This work can get very lonely. Now, I was asked to do an update on Kenya. So I guess some of the highlights like you have been told, my name is Dr. Wahome Ngare, I’m a gynecologist. I’ve been a practicing medicine since 1990 and as a specialist since 2000 and from March this last year when Covid came I’ve been treating patients with Covid both pregnant [00:31:00] women who are not pregnant and even their relatives. [00:31:03] And I remember they, I am also the chairman of the Kenya medical opinion Catholic doctors association. And that’s how I have been heavily involved in advocacy in this issue. In March of this year when the vaccines was, the jobs were said to be that they will come into the country, we released a statement that said that the vaccines were not necessary because we had cheap and effective medication to treat this disease. [00:31:34] By that time we had already had about ivermectin and we were using it. We had about the hydroxychloroquine, especially these Zelenko protocol and we had been using it and were quite surprised that the government had quickly taken to, to the jabs instead of offering our people medication. [00:31:55] And that’s how we came up with that statement. We got a [00:32:00] huge backlash which is not surprising. Then we noticed that the WHO advice on Early treatment was take analgesics and go home and wait until you have difficulty in breathing, then come back. And we felt that this was a death sentence. [00:32:19] So we put together a small video about seven or eight minutes that explained in very simple terms the pathophysiology of the disease and why early treatment was key in saving lives. In Swahili we call it ‘ Kampeni ya Kuokoa Moja kwa Moja’ which literally means saving life campaign. We wanted to give a message. [00:32:44] We wanted people to understand Covid is not a death sentence, and especially with value or monitoring oxygen levels and early treatment. This video was pulled down by YouTube within the first [00:33:00] five or 10 minutes, we posted it. We were able to get friends from abroad to put it up on email. But then the reach was not as much as we had hoped. [00:33:11] Now, we have just gone through the fourth wave in this country. So far we’ve recorded about 251 cases of the infection with about 5,000 deaths over the last 18 months. This would average to about 3,400 in 12 months. And when you do our case fatality rate, then it’s about 2%. Although the testing has been limited because of availability or the tests and the fact that the test is quite expensive, but when you look at it over the whole population of the country, which is about 54, 53 million, then the crude mortality rate is about 0.0065%. [00:33:54] In other words, in this country, you have a higher risk of dying from malaria, from [00:34:00] road accidents, from HIV than you are from Covid-19. When you see the way the data is presented, the daily announcements and the kind of fear that people are being injected with you, you feel sorry. That for a disease that is treatable, we could go through so much drama with all these lock down and other things. [00:34:23] We had stated this in our advisory in March, and we had compared the amount of money the government was going to spend on those jabs and shown that it would be, would need less than half of that to treat everybody who is at risk of having the disease. And all of this was ignored. Then on the 5th of August, the head of the public service issued that directive mandating that all civil servants should be given the Covid jobs by a certain date, which was two or three weeks after the secular was released or otherwise they would not be allowed back to [00:35:00] the office. [00:35:01] And again, this was very surprising because we know clearly that the vaccine- these injections are not stopping infection. Neither are they stopping transmission of the disease from all the data available has been shared. And it did not make sense that it would be the mainstay of trying to control disease. [00:35:24] We also very worried about the government overstepping its mandate once advisories are given on mandating, then generally everybody else tends to follow what government has said. So on the 5th of September, we released a second advisory indicating that the government was overstepping its mandate and that the receiving the jobs must remain voluntary. [00:35:47] Now a few days later even though the president announced that the jabbing exercise was voluntary he still insisted that the country will not go back to normal until we reach about [00:36:00] 60% of the population jabbed. Now, fortunately there was a lawyer who went to court before we did to stop this mandatory injections. [00:36:10] And we have since requested to be enjoined in the case as co-petitioners and we waiting for a ruling on the joinder that will be on the 14th of October. We hope to be able to present medical data because they didn’t have any medical people when they filed their petition. Now we feel that there are doctors amongst us some who are on this call who would really help our case if only they would swear affidavits in the area of specialty. [00:36:44] And I’ll mention for who we think would be very useful Grett Vandenbausch would be very useful if we could get him to do an affidavit for us confirming that these jabs do not stop transmission and that they may actually be [00:37:00] harmful when given during the pandemic. [00:37:03] We also have Dr. Peter McLeod, Dr. Dave, Dr. Zelenko, and Dr. Tess Lawrie who I’ve seen here. And I’m very pleased that she’s here and the initiatives that you have all taken to put this together to confirm that they are effective treatments that are readily available. That can treat and prevent Covid because these medications, when used, can actually stop the transmission of the disease and we have seen states like this state in India, Uttar Pradesh, that was able to defeat Covid in about five weeks by just introducing ivermectin to their treatment protocol. [00:37:43] So we have did that country has over 250 million people is just one state in India. Sorry, not a country. Then our latest update basically is that on the 8th of October, the ministry of health in this country has just [00:38:00] released Covid-19 case management guidelines. And these guidelines do not include ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. [00:38:08] They are very similar to what who already had in place. They do not emphasize the value of monitoring oxygen levels in people who have tested positive during the early phase of disease so that they can go to hospital early. They do not give any treatment for early disease at all. And again, people are to wait until they develop difficulty in breathing before they go to hospital. [00:38:36] But what was shocking is that there was statements that seem to suggest that doctors in this country should not use ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of early disease. Now, up to this point in time, we have been using these medications those doctors who are open-minded, who are reading and who are willing to follow the science. [00:38:58] And we have had very [00:39:00] good outcomes. I in particular use these Elanco protocol for all my pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, because there is not enough safety data on ivermectin in pregnancy and breastfeeding. But the medicines that have been used in these Zelenko protocol are all safe to use in pregnancy. [00:39:19] And I’ve not lost any mother. And the few who have ended up being admitted did not go to HDU and basically needed no oxygen support. So it is very worrying when we see government guidelines being given. And I’m actually saying that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine should not be used because there isn’t sufficient evidence. [00:39:46] And this just goes back to what I was saying earlier that what we are lacking is we have the science, we have the papers, we can see what our colleagues have done, and we can easily take these to court, but it would not be the same [00:40:00] as if, for instance, a doctor tests or to do an affidavit and which we can present in our courts demonstrating clearly that there is sufficient evidence for the usefulness of ivermectin in the treatment of Covid-19. [00:40:16] Again that just a quick update on what is going on in our country and what we are doing. And we really hope that we’ll be able to get some sense into government or at least get enough people to go on treatment so that we can demonstrate the value of treatment by bringing down the numbers. [00:40:35] Thank you very much for this opportunity. Happy to be here. [00:40:40] Thank you Dr. Wahome Ngare that was a wonderful talk and update and just enlightened us on what’s going on in Kenya. [00:40:46] Dr. Tess Lawrie: May I respond to Dr. Ngare’s question about an affidavit. [00:40:53] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Please do. [00:40:54] Dr. Tess Lawrie: Thanks very much for speaking, Dr. Ngare- it’s really wonderful to hear from you and what’s going on in Kenya. [00:41:00] And to be honest, I think it pretty much mirrors everything. That’s, things that are happening in probably every country around the world with a suppression of early treatment and the ignoring of the emerging evidence on the harmfulness of these new vaccines. [00:41:15] I, along with many colleagues around the world are preparing affidavits and part of the function of this Council is to collect resources that can be used in different countries to support various legal actions, should they be required and also hopefully to preempt any illegal actions, please do get in contact with me and I’d be happy to share with you the resources I have already compiled and perhaps obviously, and tailor something and speak to the other colleagues that you’ve mentioned to provide you with what you need. [00:41:48] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Thank you very much Tess. [00:41:50] Dr. Wahome Ngare: Thank you very much. [00:41:52] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Dr. Nygaard, thank you so much. It’s so important for us to hear from colleagues like yourself around the world, and to understand the [00:42:00] struggles that you’re having. And again, we’re here on a forum together to collaborate and help each other. So it’s really a pleasure to have you here. [00:42:07] And we’re all here to help you. Thank you. And our next speaker is Mr. Farhie Hassan and he’s going to talk to us about conflicts of interest in health. Fahrie thank you so much for being here to talk with us. I look forward to, and we all look forward to hearing your talk. [00:42:23] You have the floor for 10 minutes. [00:42:25] Mr. Fahrie Hassan: Can everybody see that? Okay. Conflicts of interests. Okay, good. Here we go. [00:42:32] All right. So as I stated in the beginning thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen for affording me the opportunity. And as I say to you got to blame Shabnam for the next 10 minutes for being subjected to this. [00:42:44] And I introduced myself my name is Fahrie Hassan, I am a molecular biologist. I’d like Dr. Jessica Rose, I did a bit of a applied chemistry, bit of cell biology, bit of humanology et cetera, worked [00:43:00] for 20 years in research. My, my interest is actually mutational genetics, but as you can see, I’ve shifted by interested with conflicts of interest. [00:43:10] I hope your question’s going to be, this is not my speciality, but it became an interest of the, year and a half of this madness. I became convinced that the Covid-19 scam, they make plans- they make whatever you wanna call it. I was convinced that my research has been sound and then I decided to follow the money, okay? [00:43:28] So let’s go. So I’m sure that statement says quite a bit, certainly many tyrants do this, they hide behind the welfare of humanity and uh, this dude he’s being accused of that, but actually, if you really look in the greater scheme of things, he’s really a, just the puppet master, and or puppet and there’s more controllers behind him and I’m sure everybody has seen some of these statements, that we will only have back to normal when the whole world is vaccinated. And [00:44:00] so on. [00:44:00] Now coming to actually, who are the rulers of the world? And this is where, we follow the money and they, they go by some names, new rulers, cabal, and so on. And here we go. Now for this presentation, I’ll just focus on three of them, mainly, BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard, and in this interesting organogram we’ll see there, I’ve got the, in the middle and somehow they have controlling interests in these groupings. [00:44:33] And you’ll see there, Vanguard, I’ve got an asset management total of 7.5 trillion and BlackRock 9.2 trillion. Now, when you’re looking at that kind of, this is where you get into the realm of controlling interests of governments, corporations, and the various interest groupings, like the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, World Health Organization, et cetera. [00:44:57] And as you can see at the bottom to the right, you’ll see that [00:45:00] BlackRock and Vanguard together control something like 90% of all S and P 500 firms. So that’s a lot of clout and upon further investigation, I went in and see there, this is just to prove that they do have controlling interest in BlackRock, controlling interest in Vanguard and so on. [00:45:19] And yeah, you can also see in this slide that these many other interests, of course, that they have, Microsoft Bristol-Myers, et cetera, Johnson & Johnson, it comes to mind. Yeah. So let’s get to BlackRock and why is this so interesting is because you’ll see many of the holdings centers around not centers around, but they have certainly got much interest in the Covid-19 pandemic. [00:45:47] And as you can see so we start with the top shareholders, we’ll see some of the usual suspects: State Street, Bank of America corporation, JP Morgan and so on, but at the bottom in red, you’ll see, look at [00:46:00] all the interests, Johnson, et cetera, et cetera. And they go, and these really comprised all the main vaccine candidates in the Covid crisis. [00:46:09] So you can see how they- Novavax Inc., Sanofi, Merck, et cetera. And these are the main players obviously have, this is just a snapshot of some of their shareholding, but that does make you sit up in and take note and Vanguard itself, as you can see, saying Vanguard also Johnson, Pfizer, et cetera. [00:46:28] So clearly there’s a synergy in terms of the interests. And as you can see at the bottom it again, BlackRock and so on. Right. State Street again, they’ve got the same and it’s almost like an incestuous relationship. They all have shareholdings in each other and so on. So clearly there’s a something to bed for. [00:46:48] And as you can see for State Street again, same invested in Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Novavax, and so on. So clearly one can looking at the total asset holdings. [00:47:00] These are the main players and the, for those who might not be aware; BlackRock recently bought controlling shares in the US federal reserve. [00:47:10] The federal reserve – the US federal reserve being a private company, so they bought controlling interests and they’ve also, BlackRock has also been accused of having taken over the Biden administration. So this gives you a kind of a overview of the kind of clout these people have. [00:47:26] Coming to South Africa now I encourage this I’ve done for South Africa, encourage everybody in their own countries to do exactly the same. And here is a list, not exhaustive, but in this stuff that I’ve put together. And I’m going to point out certain names and later I’m going to cover them. Anglo-American these are mining companies, corporations, absolute group is the banking corporate group. [00:47:50] One first friends who’s of banking group. Not spells is the media, one of the major media houses and and net bank below that is a banking [00:48:00] corporate standard bank. So these are all the major banking episodes. They are well invested in the South African economy. And what was quite startling, for us as South Africans and I’m sure who it will be similar in your countries is the state entities, like Eskom is our electricity provider and it’s fully owned by the South African government. And they’ve got interests shareholding interests in in, in, in electricity entity and then low and below this is Transnet, which are transport, parastatal and then of course learn below you look at the South African bonds that they’ve bought over the years. It certainly looks that our country is certainly controlled by these interests and this is frightening because now we can understand why our government has taken a particular standard. [00:48:53] And interestingly, one of the groups that the BlackRock is invested in is is MTN [00:49:00] and our our President, President Cyril Ramaphosa has got shareholdings in MTN. So this is another interesting conflict of interest that we need to, and again I’m encouraging everybody to do their own research. [00:49:13] Now, Discovery Inc is one of the main insurance health insurance now country. And as you can see there Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, again, crops up as being the top institutional holders there. And why am I digressing here, but is that as you can see there, the World Health Organization together with the various agencies and in red you’ll see Biovac, South African Medical Research Council, and various other entities has come together and have a basically designated bio vac as being the company that’s going to produce. [00:49:49] So they will agreed with Pfizer to become the hub for producing vaccines for Africa. And so I’m mentioning that because interestingly, if you look at the partnership of Biovac [00:50:00] you’ll see in there, there is Sanofi Pasteur, you see the Pfizer laboratories and low and behold at the bottom, Bill and Melinda G ates through PATH and of course the World Health Organization has also given interesting support there. So you can see the incestuous relationship between all of these entities. And yeah, you can see interestingly Discovery Limited (DSY), the Public Investment Corporation (SOC) Ltd., which is the entity that holds all our pension funds of the South African people, it shows that these, it shows that our government is also invested in in these entities. [00:50:34] And by the way, Discovery’s also the one that’s pushing vaccines in our country. And then Aspen Pharmacare Holdings is another interesting entity because as you can see, the Public Investment Corporation – our government is invested in there. The Vanguard Group is in bed, BlackRock, again comes up. And why is this Aspen? Because they got the tender for producing the Johnson and Johnson vaccine for Africa. [00:50:53] They became the hub for that. So you can see how these entities are all incestually related to each other. [00:51:00] And then NetCare. So yeah, I’m presenting how our health, our private health care system in South Africa is controlled. BlackRock, Vanguard State Street, same entities, and our government is also invested in this. [00:51:14] So this is a very, so when you speak about conflict of interests, I don’t know, what’s conflict of interest. Then here we have Mediclinic another one and you can see there Vanguard, BlackRock. And again, our government is invested in public PIC. Here is Life Healthcare where interestingly, Dr. Ivan Jodene works. Their a company again, BlackRock Vanguard is invested the once again, healthcare in South Africa has been totally taken over by private interests. [00:51:44] I’m just going to race through this. Cause there’s so many slides, this is just a short snippet or a short window into the whole- see Pfizer, again, all the top three again, Vanguard, State Street, BlackRock, Johnson and Johnson. Vanguard, [00:52:00] State Street, BlackRock, it’s unbelievable. I mean, and, and remember earlier I mentioned the asset management the total value, with that kind of money, they are able to take over any country, any government and dictate terms again, AstraZeneca, Moderna, same interest groups. [00:52:19] Here is Gilead Sciences and I’m sure everybody’s aware of Gilead sciences in the, they were in the news because of the Remdesivir. And of course these are the interests, which was pushed by Fauci and company and so on. And again, you can see the same interest groups are invested there. Regeneron, this was approved by the FDA is a monoclonal antibody against Covid sorry, SARS-CoV-2 and again, there you go. Same people that’s invested so clearly they, these groups have been pushing an agenda and the agenda is Covid- 19 and these people, or these entities they’ve got [00:53:00] controlling of governments, et cetera, and pay off of a big not just big pharma, but politicians and so on control of media, same Alphabet, Google – same entities. [00:53:11] It’s, it’s amazing how they, again, Facebook, same entities. Twitter, same entities, it goes on and on, and you can see how they control, they have controlling interest in all the main interest groups that is fueling the plandemic. Twitter, again, News Corp, same entities, CNN, and you can see why they are punting the same message. And there you go, that’s all. That’s in fact, most of the main news, corporations, entities, et cetera. [00:53:43] Then we go on that. We’ll come back to South Africa, Naspers Limited as I said is one of the main groupings, main media houses in South Africa. Again, Vanguard, BlackRock and our government is invested heavily in there as well. [00:53:56] And this is more recently the Daily Maverick has become [00:54:00] a voice pushing for vaccine, roll-outs, et cetera. And as you can see the the company that is producing and controlling interests in Daily Maverick is because Bhekisisa and look who is, was funding them; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Open Society Foundations’ Public Health Programme, George Soros, Facebook, you can see it’s a kind of a cabal, I’m sure you, by now, you must realize that this is a cabal, and of course, Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet, who’s also invested in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation- the same interest group is here as well. So it’s like an incestuous family relationships and, they intertwine with each other and that is why the same message is just coming up, coming out. And by the way, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a board member on the Berkshire Hathaway. And they, again, he’s invested in Merck, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, et cetera. And again, the Vanguard Group and Bank of America comes up. [00:54:55] I don’t know how much time I’ve got, so I’ll just quickly run through this rulers, World Economic [00:55:00] Forum. I’m just going to quickly run through this needs a much broader and bigger presentation for this, but I’m just quickly going to run into this, the World Economic Forum and why we, and we know that the great reset is being punted by them. [00:55:13] And I’m just going to end. We know that is the dude pushing it – Klaus Shwab, the great reset and here is something very interesting. Now, look at the part that now you understand who I’ve mentioned, right? Just as the rulers of the world before the cabal, right? The World Economic Forum. Just look at this. I’ve put this together. [00:55:33] These are the banks, the main financial houses- partners to theWorld Economic Forum. And what is a partner by the way, a partner of the World Economic Forum? It is an entity that actually carries out the mandate of the World Economic Forum, which is the great reset. [00:55:53] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Sorry, can we have this talk another time? [00:55:56] Because we’re going quiet and I’m looking at this [00:56:00] going, there’s a lot to talk about here. Okay. [00:56:03] Mr. Fahrie Hassan: So I’m not going to, I’m just going to give me two minutes. I would just going to run through this and then this is the banks. I’m not going to talk to it. This is the banks. This is the corporations that they control. [00:56:17] Yeah. This is the, can you see the interest groups there? This is the Moderna and all of them. This is the South African interest groups. And there you go, that’s the media. I’ll just leave it there. And that’s all I wanted. I know my time is up and they will leave it there as you can see. [00:56:40] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: That was very interesting! Thank you for your talk. Really appreciate it. Now we’re going to forgo questions. If you don’t mind. And we’re going to move on with our schedule here. So I know we’re all sitting here in your kind of spellbound a little bit now, for our affiliates introduction I would like to introduce Elke de [00:57:00] Klerk and Elke’s going to talk about the Doctors for Truth in the US so Elke please introduce your Alliance and please make it to less than 10 minutes. [00:57:08] Maybe this time. Thank you very much. [00:57:11] Okay. While we’re waiting for Elke, I’m gonna move on and ask Dr. Kat our steering committee member to give us an update on the Caribbean Health Summit that was absolutely phenomenal this past weekend. Dr. Kat, please, will you give us an overview of this summit? [00:57:31] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Sure. If Elke’s ready, then you can just let me know. [00:57:33] And then I’ll just round off because the three-day summit, I have 15 hours worth of stuff. I can tell you, but I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t do that. [00:57:40] Hi everyone. I’m Dr. Naseeba Kathrada. And yes, I, it was an absolutely amazing summit that we hosted. [00:57:49] So we had three days of absolutely amazing talks. We had scientists, doctors, lawyers people from the activists groups. And what was nice is that we started [00:58:00] engaging with people and it was we had panel discussions every day. So the first panel discussion was to vaccinate and north vaccinate. [00:58:06] The second panel discussion was hosted by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed and that was on it was the legal aspects. And the third panel on third day was hosted, it was moderated by myself and that was an early treatment. So we covered everything and, Jennifer, you were with me at the end of the summit and people did not want to leave. [00:58:23] We had 15 hours over three days. It was exhausting, but it was absolutely informative. And what we learned from it as the World Council for Health is that, this is so very much needed. It’s something that we need to be having on a regular basis because mainstream media, as Fahrie has just shown us is captured. [00:58:41] And what we get to see in mainstream media is not what many people are looking for. As part of our initiatives, we will be doing quite a few more of these throughout the year, but to all the people who participated and to all of those who attended. Thank you for your contribution and thank you for your support and to all of you who want to watch it. [00:58:59] [00:59:00] It’s still up on my Facebook page. You can just take my name down from the, from here and still up there. It’s been up there for four, four days, so all hours, but we are very busy uploading it very soon to the world council for health website. So you will get the entire 15 hours- so five hours, five hours, five hours. [00:59:16] You can watch it at your leisure. And I promise you, we had people tell us that they wanted to take leave from work, because this was such an engaging interactive platform. So you’ll want to be able to listen to certain parts over again. And for those of you who don’t have the time to sit through a five hours a day, we also going to be packaging them into bite-size for you. [00:59:35] So you can see we had people we had Dr. Byram Brydle, we had Ryan Defilmic, we had Dr.Tess Lawrie there. We had updates from all over the world. We had Dr. Denis Decosta, we had Vince Vincenti. We had the Caribbean group and they were talking to us on alternative treatments. So there’s something for everybody. [00:59:52] All you got to do is look at the ads, the day’s agenda, who was up, and then, follow it through the day and find what you were looking for. [01:00:00] And then give us your feedback. We’d like to know how we can improve what we wanted. One test to touch on what can we discuss it on next ones? Because that’s what this is about. [01:00:08] This is a forum for you and the World Council for Health is all about transparency and interaction, because we all know there is a better way and together are we going to find it. [01:00:20] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: That’s so true. Thank you, Dr. Kat for your update. That’s awesome. Now, do we have Dr. Elke de Klerk in the house. Don’t hear anyone? [01:00:32] Let’s move forward then. And I’m going to pass over to you now Tess. [01:00:36] Dr. Tess Lawrie: We’ve been really trying to get as much information up on the website and out there for the public and to reach all all people regardless of where they are in the Covid, the Covid crisis and decision-making arena. And this week we launched our practical approach to keeping healthy after your Covid-19 jab [01:01:00] with an outline of the types of illnesses that people are experiencing and how doctors and scientists are defining them. [01:01:10] So just an example of a few of the questions that are addressed in the article: it’s can the Covid-19 injections make you sick? What causes post Covid-19 injection syndrome and other serious Covid-19 injection side effects? How can post Covid-19 injection syndrome be prevented and treated among other questions. And they also there’s a guidance to follow, which is linked to that that is to come. Which we are working on and also the general guidance on staying healthy and maintaining a healthy immune system, we also put up a new resource on how to report Covid-19 vaccine side effects. Now in this, we only have links to five or six databases where people and doctors can report. So if you know of other databases that we haven’t got there, please do [01:02:00] get in touch so that we can put those links up. [01:02:03] In terms of further evidence gathering and sharing. We are holding an international robust round table medical discussion. It’s chaired by Dr. Naseeba Kathrada on the 19th of October, and this is a doctor’s only meeting. [01:02:19] We can take a hundred doctors maximum and it will be a discussion about Covid-19 treatment protocols, post Covid-19 injection syndrome, symptoms, and treatment. And it’s a very interactive discussion with case, discussions with case studies and so on. So we encouraged doctors to sign up to that. [01:02:37] And it’s an international meeting, as I say, numbers are limited. So do let the Naseeba know or Zoe as soon as possible. And and then the further guidance that we have in development we are preparing a spike protein detox. We are also, as I said, preparing something on maintaining a healthy immune system.[01:03:00] [01:03:00] We are looking at long Covid-19 treatment guidelines, which are nearly done. Also a new term has been coined, which is pandemic fatigue and how to overcome it. We will be writing an article on that. And then also be the thing that we keep getting so many questions about, and this is about vaccine shedding. [01:03:20] So we’re looking into that and we will be the providing some guidance and input on that issue. Our next meeting is tomorrow and we will be discussing the Marburg virus. So reason for this is a PCR test was apparently developed for this virus in 2018. And in April, Gates’ Global Vaccine Alliance announced that this vaccine- that there’s a vaccine for this virus, which causes a hemorrhagic disease like ebola. [01:03:54] And this vaccine apparently is already in phase three trials, which seems very strange because it’s a very rare [01:04:00] disease with only a handful of cases diagnosed in the past decade. This is a very important meeting and we will be discussing the possibility that the next gain of function virus that has been developed is the Malbec virus. [01:04:13] The World Health Organization has recently updated its information sheet on the Marburg virus and announced the occurrence of a case of Marburg virus in August, 2021. So should you wish to attend the meeting and hear from a witness with insight into this potential global public health threat, please do email Zoe for the zoom details. [01:04:34] And as I say, the meeting is tomorrow at five o’clock London time. That’s all we have to say from the science and medical committee, but I’ll pass you over to Charles Kovess for a legal committee update. [01:04:50] Charles Kovess: Well done Tess, so Jennifer can hear me okay. [01:04:54] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Yes, I can hear you perfectly. [01:04:56] Charles Kovess: Thank you. So we met last [01:05:00] week. [01:05:00] Here’s our report. We’re making progress on the following matters everybody and good morning, good evening, wherever you are. Number one, the situation of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers who are facing loss of jobs if not jabbed; what legal defenses are available to them, what should such healthcare providers do and what legal documents can be supplied to assist those workers? [01:05:25] Second matter is the implications are up to 10% of doctors in Canada and Australia being unjabbed and therefore dropping out of the healthcare system in Australia and Canada, in both countries, the system would not be able to cope. What are those implications? [01:05:41] Thirdly, Sabelo Sibanda’s constitutional law case in South Africa; we explored demanding that the president disclose all the evidence used to declare lockdowns. [01:05:53] The fourth matter is the meaning of informed consent and the legal remedies [01:06:00] available if the person is jabbed without giving informed consent and in particular in Australia there is coercion by any and through the medical professions as well, a loss of job that is essential to survival. So that’s hardly informed consent. That is a crucial element in cases that can be run in each case and each country. [01:06:24] Fifthly, evidence that the meaning of vaccinated and unvaccinated is being manipulated. And I hope all of you, I hope all of you understand what’s happening here. We as the committee consider this to be scientific fraud in Canada, South Africa, and the Czech Republic an unvaccinated hospital patient is defined as someone who’s been jabbed once or twice within the last 14 days. [01:06:52] See so – with Jessica Rose is evidence. So the definition is if you get a jab today, [01:07:00] get sick tomorrow, you’re in hospital as an unvaccinated patient, get that. [01:07:07] Item six. Communication strategies have been considered. Many judges in the courts will not understand or will not bother to understand issues that are too complex. [01:07:18] There’s little point in producing 50 medical research papers in court, the government, or whoever’s running the narrative will produce a further 50 arguing the opposite, and then who wins. So we’re exploring what’s the best evidence to bring to the court. So we’ve got four categories. Number one, simple sworn statements, affidavits by 10, 20, or even hundreds of patients who have suffered severe adverse events from having one or more jabs. Doctors, secondly, are urged to request injured patients to consent to disclosure of their medical records to the courts and to create their own data of injured patients. In Australia, it takes [01:08:00] 30 minutes to do one adverse event report. So most doctors as around the world, as the Harvard study shows, don’t report all cases, nothing like it. [01:08:12] Thirdly, whistleblower doctors or nurses who are going to test to the fraudulent recording of cases, they’ve specifically handled in hospitals, even one affadavit of a specific case. Fourthly, whistleblower doctors or nurses who can attest to different treatment regimes in hospitals for the jab then unjabbed; a specific piece of evidence, crucially important. Number eight, we had discussions on the possible range of legal proceedings that can be instituted and that’s part of the challenge of all of these possibilities, which ones to initiate? And as I said earlier in South Africa, Sabello is running a case to demand the disclosure of the evidence upon which governments make their decision. Number nine; we noted that many [01:09:00] politicians, and this applies to all of your countries, are blissfully unaware of the true situation of adverse events from the jabs as we saw this morning. [01:09:08] So our suggestion is simple publicity around the number of reported adverse events on our World Council (WCH) website and then acknowledging with the Harvard report that only 10% or less of adverse events are actually reported on government system. [01:09:24] Number 10, the idea of bringing expert doctors in the court proceedings as ex friends of the court, in latin: Amicus curiae. Some of you will know that. To help the court understand the issues more clearly. And now because of Zoom capability, courts are much more willing to have experts from all around the world. So WCH is going to be an important resource for getting external evidence to bring in the courts anywhere in the world. [01:09:52] The next item is what are the best research reports to produce to court? There’s a vast volume of information [01:10:00] and we need the best reports, plus the writers of those reports being available to explain the reports to the courts, because you can’t just toss staffing to the courts. They need to be proven, genuine, including videos of blood before and after the being jabbed, all of the people who’ve taken those videos, they need to swear affidavit so that the courts will recognize the evidence. Number 12, Mark Trozzi advised us of his recent report on his website. Number 13 was the urgent need to collate and curate legal documents and affidavits from all jurisdictions. [01:10:37] So there’s a vast amount of information we’re thinking, how do we curate this information? So it’s available to all of you and all of your doctors who need the support of these, this legal data, because many lawyers are blissfully unaware of these issues. We’re looking at Savallo’s affidavit so that we can put input on that. [01:10:57] And then we went through [01:11:00] the various causes of action that could be launched in the courts. So there’s a range of them. And so that’s part of the other problems. What’s the best, what’s the best action, including crimes against humanity, individual crimes of assault. Because if you get jabbed without informed consent, that is technically assault – it is a crime and also damages for injuries from adverse events against the manufacturers. We’ve got funders in Australia willing to fund these cases. [01:11:27] And I had a meeting yesterday with Craig Kelly, many of you will have heard of him and there is some serious. So there are some actions in the courts. We’re waiting on a decision of the New South Wales Supreme court, expecting any day. We will report back to you. And then lastly, Mark Trozzi report on pegylated nanoparticles in jabs, Mark can talk about that if we want to. [01:11:52] Two other things, we’re also working on tribunal’s of conscience. The question with all this interlocking of money is can we rely [01:12:00] on the courts to be independent, some countries more likely than others, but judges too are politically influenced and they will go in favor of the narrative rather than the truth. So tribunals of conscience are very valid possibility. [01:12:17] And then lastly, I think all of you should know, and I’ll answer questions on it – Todd Calendar, a lawyer is acting with Dr. Theresa Long, the Navy surgeon General and some of you will have seen her 270 page affidavit. [01:12:33] That case is real, alive, and you would be horrified with what’s happening in the US system with, and Todd Calendar has, as he has literally been getting people out of ICU jail. Now this is a horrific story like literally people with kids with a broken arm are going into a hospital, getting a PCR test, diagnosed positive, [01:13:00] drugged up to the eyeballs, and then put on incubators for a broken arm. And then they died. So Todd calendar has got, a process and he’s going to make a video available: how do you get people out of ICU jail? There’s my report. Thank you, Jennifer. [01:13:20] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Okay, that left it on an interesting note. Yeah. [01:13:23] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you. Thanks Jennifer. [01:13:24] Can I just come in there for a second? Thank you. [01:13:31] We’ve got load sharing here in South Africa, otherwise known as blackouts because BlackRock owns the electricity system. And so therefore it explains everything. Thank you, Charles, for that comprehensive report. I just want to mention one more thing that the legal committee welcomes legal minded people to join us for meetings. [01:13:50] So we have our meetings either on a Thursday or Friday at 9:00 PM, central African time. And to our affiliates, we’re very sure that you have those legal minded [01:14:00] people amongst your constituencies. If you could perhaps identify or to point someone from your organization to join a legal committee meetings, that would be excellent. [01:14:10] So we can collaborate on those resources and work actively towards creating more transparent and a healthier world. Thank you for that. [01:14:18] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: That’s wonderful. Thank you very much. [01:14:20] Dr. Tess Lawrie: Jennifer, I was actually just going to talk about the committees that we still intend to form because we do need members to support those. Those are the research ethics committee, medical ethics committee and the accreditation committee. So if you have an interest or expertise in medical ethics or accreditation, credentialing, then please do let me know. And we will be setting those committees up. We also with our communications and advocacy committee, we could use some assistance on that too. [01:14:58] Please do [01:15:00] let your members know and and invite them to join one of these committees, if it’s something that they would like to contribute to. [01:15:09] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Thank you very much Tess. This has been a really great talk. I would like to open it up a little bit for anyone to make some final statements and comments. [01:15:19] Certainly I’d like to turn to my steering committee first. Would any of you like to make some comments and uplifting remarks about where we’re going and just again, reinforcing why we’re here and what our purpose is so that we can make people feel secure and confident and know that there is a way forward. [01:15:41] Please take the floor. Any of you? [01:15:43] Dr. Mark Trozzi: I just wanted to briefly say that the Caribbean summit was exceptional. [01:15:48] Like just packed. It was just packed with information. I came into it initially thinking, looking for things that I’ll want to share and basically came out saying we just need that whole library available. For folks that weren’t able to make it for myself, [01:16:00] I wasn’t able to make the first day this library is packed, just up to date, the full picture from the scientific through to the legal. [01:16:09] And I wanted to, thank Dr. Kathrada and the team for doing such an amazing job. [01:16:16] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Thank you very much, Mark. Yes, it was really amazing. And we will move forward and have other conferences like that, and we will help different countries help to put together their conferences so that we can have, really wonderful speakers because we’re all working together and we want to make sure that we all come together to bring cutting edge information to those who want to listen. [01:16:39] And those beyond that, to that follow us up later. Thank you very much. [01:16:44] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Can I just add the Jennifer that, you know. Thanks. Thanks mark. For that. I was able to reach out to so many people who are willing to speak at the summit was because of the World Council for Health. [01:16:55] So when you send out a message to say, ‘Hi, I’m Dr. Kathrada, I’m in the steering committee of the World Council for Health, we’re having a [01:17:00] summit; we’d like you to present.’ [01:17:01] ‘Yes, definitely. I’d like to be there.’ [01:17:03] And that’s precisely what happens is when you come together and people understand who we are as the World Council for Health and going forward, we, it was somebody who approached us and asked for help. So if there’s anybody else who wants to do something similar in your country, please reach out. [01:17:19] Because what happened was the one thing that I found with the summit is we didn’t have too much of interaction with the people in the Caribbean. But since then, I’ve had absolutely phenomenal response and support from people in the Caribbean who are now wanting to affiliate to the world council. But also we have they’ve reached out to us so that we are able to combine efforts. [01:17:39] And like you said, Mark, they were absolute gyms that came out but it was a collaboration. So if there’s somebody else wants to do something smaller in your country, I promise you, the world is, it is a small place. So you started off in the Caribbean, but we went international. So we’d like feedback as to say what you’d like, if you’d need help and we know how to do it now. [01:17:58] So yeah. And now we’re going to be having our [01:18:00] own platform. So we will do it on our World Council for Health website directly, so we won’t have to go to Facebook again. Reach out and let’s do another one. [01:18:07] Thank you so much. We really we’re here for all of you and yes, we are a global village and just sitting here today, we all know that now, Tess, I’m going to turn to you for some beautiful closing statements. [01:18:21] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: I’d like I, can I come in there before we let- [01:18:23] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Oh, I would love you to! [01:18:25] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thanks Jennifer. This electricity issue has been absolutely crazy, but I think the sign of the times, and there’s massive shifts happening here in South Africa, politically, but more importantly in terms of people, power, which I want to touch on in a sec- Firstly, though, as a measure of gratitude to say thank you to Dr. Jessica Rose, Fahrie Hassan and Dr. Wahome Ngare gracing us with your presence this evening. I’m so delighted that we accepted our invitation to share such valuable information in our first live. So again, thank you very much for doing that. We’re very grateful and we look forward to working with you more as the World Council for Health. [01:18:59] So it’s been a very [01:19:00] busy time in different ways. Some advocacy on the grounds and legal matters that are going to court. I can tell you at least 12 different matters that are in play at the moment in South Africa and going to court, the challenge is getting everyone to collaborate. So we save on resources because everybody wants to get there quickly, but hopefully one of the World Council for Health affiliates, ILAH, which is International Legal Alliance for Health South African chapter. It’s going to be able to assist in doing that. [01:19:26] Charle’s is of course quite right. The global body of ILAH is working towards a tribunal of conscience and hopefully we’ll be able to work with the World Council for Health affiliates on that because you have the information on what’s happening in your country. [01:19:41] Also, I want to encourage our affiliates to start an independent their system in your country. If you need assistance with that transformative health justice, which is where I’m from very happy to assist you. It’s so important to have an alternative system because not only do you get to represent the voices of [01:20:00] victims, you empower them by knowing that they are people who are listening to them and that do believe them. [01:20:05] And that’s the first step towards healing. And of course you also hold the system accountable. So a here in South Africa, SAPRA, which is your regulatory authority, which Bahri will tell you is very much captured has reached out to us to want to collaborate with us in essence and lovely word, hey collaborate? [01:20:21] We haven’t heard from them since, but after robust discussion at first we said, yes, we’ll work with them. And then we said maybe not because they have compromised. And in fact, the public said to us, don’t do it. Don’t work with them. We trust you. We trust the information coming out of your organization that is supported by doctors and lawyers. [01:20:39] So I just want to encourage our affiliates. If you’re thinking of starting an alternative system, please reach out to me at People Power Oneon Telegram. We’re very happy to assist you in doing that. The Caribbean Health Conference is absolutely brilliant. It was truly inspiring. And just to see people coming together from across the world to see the footprint that the World Council for Health has [01:21:00] across the world is so important because we believe in inclusivity. [01:21:03] We believe in diversity, we believe in creating the kind of world we want. And as I’ve stated and you see two interviews in the chat, the one that I’ve done for Trial Site news with our brilliant steering committee members and the other one with news voice with Agur Wilson, watch those to see what the World Council for Health is all about. [01:21:23] This is the most exciting time I’ll say personally in history to be alive because we’ve realized how powerful we are. We realize how beautiful our unity is. And I say it all the time, the power of the people is greater than people in power, right? It is. And we’re seeing that right now, individually. We’ll beautiful drops together with an endless ocean. [01:21:45] Thank you for being a part of the World Council for Health. I’ll leave it there, Jennifer. [01:21:49] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: That was totally beautiful. Thank you Shabnam. That really has given a positive note on everything that we’ve been talking about, whoever dark, some of it was and [01:22:00] is, and thank you very much. And does anyone else on our Council want to have a word before we call this to close? [01:22:10] Dr. Tess Lawrie: I’d like to just say I like to just say, a lot of what we discuss might be frightening and unbelievable. [01:22:17] I think much might be unbelievable, but I think now is the time really to be a true skeptic and of course to skepticism is not cynical, doubting, it’s actually being open-minded and I think we all need to really we embrace this information make decisions about it collaboratively. Is it true? [01:22:37] Is it false and and use it to empower us and to make sense of what’s going on. Let’s all be very open-minded and filter and appraise the information coming forward so that we can actually make sense and move this the sort of stalemate that we’re in or this fearful grip, that way that [01:23:00] we went shake it off and move forward into a more positive space and take control of what’s going on. [01:23:06] Just to say, don’t be afraid use the space to, to share and empower us to create a better present. Thank you for coming today. [01:23:20] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Charles. You wanted to say something? [01:23:23] Charles Kovess: Thank you, everybody. And well done, Tess, well done for starting this is a very valuable resource here, and the Doctor Rayshagni Killian’s paper; 444 page paper. I don’t know if it’s on the website, but I’ve shared that and it’s an excellent resource for everybody. So I’m just bringing it to your attention that that it’s very comprehensive and well worth knowing about. And so if you want a great resource to get, bring to your courts, that is a good one. [01:23:56] And secondly, I want to tell you the story of a [01:24:00] senior doctor in Queensland, in Australia who rang me to say, he’s going to lose his job with the government, because he doesn’t want to be jabbed. And I said, why don’t you want to be Jabbed? He says, because the last nine months I’ve treated nobody with Covid symptoms, I’ve treated large numbers of people with Jab symptoms. I don’t want this jab says a doctor. This is an experienced doctor. And the third is to remind us all as Shabnam said, and Tess, we are Eagles, not chickens. And so please everybody, the World Council for Health is an Eagle’s environment, not a chickens environment. [01:24:32] So we have to be willing to act like Eagles. Thank you. [01:24:35] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: You are so right. Thank you, Charles. So you are here to spread your wings and fly, and we’re going to be keeping this going for a long time. We’re very happy to be here with you. And may we keep growing and our numbers increase from day to day and make us a stronger more united cohesive collaborative group together. [01:24:56] So on those words, thank you so much for joining [01:25:00] us. We feel so honored to have you all here today. And we look forward to seeing you again next week, and please join our committees. Contribute, send us any important documents from your countries. It will only make it better for everybody else around the world. [01:25:15] Thank you so much.
Thank you to you all what a blessing we are to have you spending so much of your time for us, world humans. I am unvaxxed and I thank God for His wisdom.
Love to all
God bless you all
Wonderful coalition of people, your purpose and good work. Thank you