The Plot to Replace Real Farms with Fake Food on Better Way Today

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Join us to learn more about the World Economic Forum’s plot to replace real farms with fake foods. Hosts Christof Plothe and Emma Sron will be joined by Alexis Baden-Mayer from the Organic Consumers Association, a US-based organization advocating for consumers’ right to safe, healthful food and other consumer products, a just food and farming system and an environment rich in biodiversity and free of pollutants.

We will also hear about an exciting upcoming event happening in Costa Rica this April with Marco Albertazzi, a representative of WCH Coalition Partner, Movimiento por la Salud y la Libertad. Learn more about this event and support them on their website.

Why Organic Food is a Good Idea

About Alexis Baden-Mayer

  • Alexis Baden-Mayer is a lawyer who has worked since 2005 as the Political Director of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), a network of more than 2 million activists committed to creating a healthy, just, democratic and regenerative food system.
  • Alexis is a key organizer of some of OCA’s most popular campaigns, including the “Real Farms Not Fake Food” campaign to stop the World Economic Forum’s plot to drive farmers off their land and replace meat, milk, eggs, and eventually all food with synthetic lab-grown molecules spit out of genetically engineered fungi, yeast and E. coli.
  • Alexis isn’t afraid to put her body on the line to call attention to the crisis in our food system. In 2014, the US Health Freedom Congress awarded Alexis a Health Freedom Award for direct actions she’s taken that resulted in her arrest, including shutting down the National Organic Standards Board meeting to protest the weakening of organic standards and entering the White House grounds to deliver a petition to First Lady Michelle Obama in support of GMO labels, one of Barack Obama’s unfulfilled campaign pledges.
  • In 2023, she was awarded a Women and Media Award from the Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press for her COVID-era investigations, including her Gain-of-Function Hall of Shame which profiled the people involved in the virus hunting and bioweapons research that likely produced SARS-CoV-2.

About the Organic Consumers Association

  • OCA’s mission is to protect and advocate for consumers’ right to safe, healthful food and other consumer products, a just food and farming system and an environment rich in biodiversity and free of pollutants.
  • OCA educates and advocates on behalf of organic consumers, engages consumers in marketplace pressure campaigns, and works to advance sound food and farming policy through grassroots lobbying. They address crucial issues around food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability, including pesticide use, and other food- and agriculture-related topics.
  • In the US, OCA education campaigns reach more than two million consumers and organic businesses either through our newsletter, our social media networks or mainstream and progressive news outlets. Their US and international policy board is broadly representative of the organic, family farm, environmental, and public interest community.
  • Learn more on their website:

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Hello and welcome to Better Way Today. Today is Monday, the 4th of March, and today we’re going to learn all about the World Economic Forum’s plot to replace real farms with fake foods with our guest, Alexis, from the Organic Consumers Association. The Organic Consumers Association is a US-based organization advocating for consumers’ rights to safe, healthful food and other consumer products, a just food and farming system, and an environment rich in biodiversity and free of pollutants. We’re also going to hear about an exciting upcoming event happening in Costa Rica this April with Marco Albertazzi, a representative of WCH Coalition partner Movimiento por la Salud y la Liberdad, as well as our usual announcements and Better Way News with Christophe Bloch. Just a reminder that we’re delighted to host speakers from around the world. We welcome their different perspectives. Please keep in mind that the opinions of our guests do not necessarily represent the opinions of the World Council for Health. This episode is recorded live and is not rehearsed. Therefore, errors and omissions are possible. So first up, we have our guest, Alexis. I’m going to hand it over to my amazing co-host, Christophe. Christophe, introduce Alexis. Take it away. thank you so much emma uh well uh we luckily had a few minutes uh chatting before it all started and I can promise you it’s going to be a very very exciting evening here with one of the most relevant topics of our time the plot and farming uh alexis baden-mayer is a lawyer who has worked since 2005 as the political director of the organic consumers association a network of more than 2 million activists committed to creating a healthy, just, democratic and regenerative food system. Alex is a key organizer of some OCA’s most popular campaigns, including the Real Farm, Not Fake Food campaign to stop the World Economic Forum’s plot to drive farmers off their land, and replace meat, milk, eggs, and eventually all foods with synthetic lab-grown molecules spit out of genetically engineered fungi, yeast, and E. coli. Alexis isn’t afraid to put her body on the line of call attention to the crisis in our food system. In 2014, the US Health Freedom Congress awarded Alexis a Health Freedom Award but direct action she’s taken that resulted in her arrest, including shutting down the National Organic Standard Board meeting to protest the weakening of organic standards and entering the White House grounds to deliver a petition to First Lady Michelle Obama in support of GMO labels, one of Barack Obama’s unfulfilled campaign pledges. In 2023, she was awarded a Woman and Media Award from the Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press for her COVID-19 area investigations, including her gain-of-function Hall of Shame, which profiled the people involved in the virus hunting and bioweapons research like sars covet too so uh welcome alexis and thank you so much for uh dedicate your time uh to us tonight we’re very very excited to hear from you oh it’s such an honor to be here I love the world council for health so um gosh it’s a real honor to be with you for us as well All right, so all right, my slides are up immediately. So today I’m going to be talking with you all about the plot to end farming. And yes, this is being directed by the world’s largest corporations through the World Economic Forum. We often hear a lot about how we’re going to be forced to eat crickets, but I think that companies like Bayer and others in the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical space, I think they have a more specific technology that they think can replace a lot of the natural foods that we eat. So I’ll be talking about that today, the new frankenfoods that are made with SynBio, synthetic biology. But this is my little presentation today is only a piece of what’s happening to farmers. And I know if you all are watching the World Council for Health on a regular basis, you know about all of the threats facing farming. There’s a controlled demolition of the food supply, to borrow the words of Ice Age Farmer. I highly recommend that blog, that website, Ice Age Farmer. Christian is tracking things that are happening around the world that are destroying the food supply. But a lot of that is the industrial model of farming that has become dominant in the world today, especially in countries like the United States. And the irony now, especially in Europe, is that industrial model, which is destroying humanity’s ability to produce food into the future, now that is being blamed on individual farmers and they are becoming the target for so-called environmental legislation that is really just blaming the farmers for the problems that the agrochemical companies and the industrial factory farms, et cetera, have created. So that’s happening in addition to the frankenfoods. And then of course, farmers have always faced debt slavery. If you’re a farmer operating at any type of scale, unless you’re a very small scale farmer and you can be supported by your community in systems like community supported agriculture, where you buy a share of a farm and you help make that investment to grow the crops and produce the food for the year. Most farmers have to go to the bank and most farmers rely on government subsidies. And this is a rug that can be yanked right out from under them. And that’s why we have so many farmers who have been going out of business since the 1970s, since the post-World War II era, there has been a steady decline in government support and an increasing risk to the farmer each growing season when they borrow money from the banks. And ultimately, the problem is corporate control. The corporations, but even farmer-run co-ops, especially in the United States, have the system set up so that farmers don’t get paid what it costs them to produce the food. So we have all of these things happening in… in the realm of farming that are threats to farmers continuing to produce the food that we rely on for our health. But today I just want to talk to you about the new frankenfoods that are made with synthetic biology. And I have a history of this. This idea has been around for a really long time. I was very curious about it because I didn’t realize what was happening until very, very recently. There are some really good groups, ETC Group, Friends of the Earth. They’ve been tracking synthetic biology, GMO 2.0. The Non-GMO Project has done a really good job of this as well. But I didn’t see what… I didn’t see this real problem that basically everything we eat could be replaced by synthetics. Not just foods that have minor GMO traits engineered into them, but foods that are entirely synthetic. And yet this was predicted by chemists who understood the science. They figured out a long time ago that they could replace farms and pastures. And one French chemist, Marcelin Barthelot, he said, why not? If it proved cheaper and better to make the same materials than to grow them, why not destroy farming? So this isn’t a new idea, even though it’s new to most of us. The science has been around for a very long time too. Now, I’m focusing on what the industry calls precision fermentation. And that’s where they take genetically modified yeast or E. coli, microbes like funguses, fungi. They take these microbes and they get the microbes to produce a protein. and then that protein is passed off as food. But another aspect of this that people are concerned about is lab-grown meat. Personally, I think that lab-grown meat has scientific hurdles out of it. that are going to prevent it from taking off. But, you know, chicken, lab grown chicken has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States and in Singapore. These are the only places on earth that are allowing humans to be experimented upon this way. But the fact is, in the United States, they just can’t bring this to scale. And there’s just one restaurant in San Francisco currently that’s offering lab grown chicken and they can only do a few servings every week. And there have been a lot of whistleblowers from inside the industry, which is full of hardcore vegans who really thought this was the way to replace factory farming. And they’re seeing that it’s very hard to bring these products to scale. But the basic technology is old. In 1912, A Rockefeller Institute scientist, Alexis Carrel, he developed a technique for keeping embryonic chick heart cells alive indefinitely via tissue culture. And I believe that this tissue culture, these chicken heart cells were still alive when Alexis Carrel went back to France where he was from when it got occupied by the Nazis. That’s when he wanted to return to France because he was a eugenicist. And he did return to occupied France in 1941. Oh, another spokesperson for synthetic food was Winston Churchill. And I learned this from the Solari report, a really great investigation into lab grown meat. was put together by the Solaria Report, and they had this interesting historical nugget. Winston Churchill was advised by a Rockefeller-funded eugenicist by the name of Frederick Lindeman, even before he was the leader of the UK. But in 1931, he wrote an article called 50 Years Hence, predicting what life would be like 50 years into the future. And he knew this technology because of the scientists who advised him. He knew that the technology already existed to have microbes produce synthetic foods that are practically indistinguishable from real. And he said the strategy of industry would be that the changes would be so gradual that as to escape observation. And I’m afraid that really is what is happening at this point. Another interesting tidbit in the history of synthetic foods, the very first synthetic food for humans ever to eat was coal butter made by the Nazis. And I have this wonderful illustration here from John Hartfield. He Americanized his name, but he was German and he was creating posters like this in I think this poster is from the 1930s and it’s a poster made from a photo collage and all of the members of this three generation family are sitting down to eat in their living room where they’ve got their framed painting of Hitler and they’re just eating metal and this was a commentary on a speech done by Goering. And Goering said, you know, iron, that’s what makes an empire strong. Lard and butter just makes the people fat. And so of course the Nazis hated humanity But they loved technology and the world loved the technology of the Nazis. The reason why we know about Nazi coal butter is because the AP put out a story in 1946 saying that the British soldiers had come across a very interesting factory in Germany that was producing coal. coal or producing butter from coal. So they this was a byproduct of the synthetic rubber production. It was, you know, it’s a huge industrial arms race around the world to figure out who could make synthetic rubber. And the Rockefeller obviously in the fossil fuel industry, had partnerships with IG Farben around synthetic rubber and kept the technology away from the US military and encouraged the technology in Germany. Just one of the ways that American businesses helped the Nazis during World War II. IG Farben, which is now Bayer, IG Farben ran Auschwitz. And they planned it. I mean, there was a little bit of a small concentration camp in that area of 3000 people before they got involved, but they were the ones that built it up and they built it up because that was their huge industrial complex for the production of synthetic rubber from coal. And one of the things that came out of that production were some oils and fats. And they figured out that they could make those fats edible. And they did, in fact, produce a synthetic butter out of the edible fats derived from coal. And the Nazis did do a trial of in a concentration camp. They fed it to their prisoners in the death camps, but they also fed this to their U-boat crews. So, you know, it was very much an industrial product. And the whole world seemed interested after the war in 1946. One of the ways that I learned this history was in the congressional record, because there were congresspeople from states that produced dairy, who were very concerned that synthetic butter made from coal, this technology that the British were happy to take over from the Nazis, that this was a threat to US farmers. So it became a very big controversy. And as far as I know, we’re not making margarine out of coal today, but that was the first synthetic food. At the same time in the United States, just before the end of World War II, the United States was making a plan to get rid of what they were considering surplus farms. So at the time there were 6 million farms and there was an industrial lobby called the Committee for Economic Development. So very much like the World Economic Forum today, but localized to the United States. And they were lobbying the federal government Roosevelt’s administration, FDR’s administration, to get rid of what they were calling surplus farms. And they said that two-thirds of the farms, 4 million out of 6 million farms, they just didn’t produce at a high enough level of scale to make them worthwhile in in this new system that they wanted to put together post-war. So they said, let’s just direct that surplus manpower into productive non-agricultural activities. But this was the beginning of the hyper industrialization of farming that happened after World War II and very much a plan from the start. And they did exactly what they set out to do. There were about 6 million farms at the end of World War II. And today, there are less than 2 million. So they swiftly accomplished their goal. But it wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t the invisible hand of the marketplace. It was the corporations saying, we want to farm differently. And these small scale farms are going to get in the way of that. I think another important thing and you’ll see as I move through my presentation that what I am most concerned about are the the milk replacers and the meat replacers that have come online. that are made with precision fermentation, genetically modified microbes producing proteins that are associated with the look and feel and taste of milk and meat. And I think a very important part of this process, especially a big part of getting rid of 4 million farms, was this push to require the pasteurization of milk and to outlaw farmers who wanted to sell raw milk directly to consumers. And this is happening as we speak. There is a farmer named Amos Miller in Pennsylvania. He has been on trial in Pennsylvania over selling raw milk direct to consumers. So this is a very live issue in the United States today. And it was 1948 that Michigan became the first state to outlaw unpasteurized milk. And that’s interesting to me. I mean, certainly Detroit is a big city, but I would have thought that it would have been Chicago or New York where they would have had a a big problem with industrial dairies inside the city producing tainted milk. But no, it just seems like this happened where it would impact farmers. And by 1987, the Food and Drug Administration issued a regulation that prohibited the interstate sale of raw milk. So raw milk has been criminalized nationwide in the sense that you can’t sell across state lines. I live in Maryland. We’re very close to Delaware, to Washington, D.C., to Virginia, to West Virginia. You know, but and certainly we get our milk from Pennsylvania. But you cannot. It’s illegal, according to the FDA, to to sell raw milk interstate. I think that that really laid the groundwork for replacing milk and replacing real farms with fake food. Same thing happened in the meat industry. It’s not that they require meat to be cooked before it’s sold. They did it in a different way. With meat, what they did is we had had laws in the United States on inspection, certainly the journalism of the turn of the century, like Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, everybody knew how horrible the big meatpackers were and how dangerous that was for workers and how There were big companies selling tainted meat to the US government, big scandals. But I think that by 1967, the biggest meat packers figured out a way to turn this around. And it seems to be something that is a trend where big corporations realize, let’s not fight regulation. Let’s make regulation work for us. And so the big meat packers really benefited when the 1967 Wholesome Meat Act mandated that meat could not be sold unless it was slaughtered and processed at a facility that was federally inspected, as opposed to to inspected by state regulators, which was the law for nearly, actually for about 100 years. It was the late 1800s that meat inspection began to be instituted, and it could be done at the state and local level, the same as the federal level. But this 1967 law was a federal preemption law. And almost immediately, you saw the die off of small scale slaughterhouses and of course, the butchers that relied upon them. So in 1967, there were nearly 10,000 slaughterhouses in the United States. And today there are far less than 3000 because I think that that stat is from 2017. It’s not so recent of a stat, so I think we have far less than 3,000. And of course, that definitely impacts your ability to operate as a farmer. In the region that I live in, because we’re close to Pennsylvania, because there are so many Amish small-scale farmers there, there are a lot of small-scale slaughterhouses, and it’s very good for agriculture in our region, even for producers in Maryland, in Virginia even, you could conceivably go to Pennsylvania if you had to, to get your meat processed at a small scale facility. But if you don’t live in an area of the country that has small scale facilities, you basically just can’t operate as a farmer producing meat. So these things around meat inspection and pasteurization really helped clear out the smaller producers and laid the groundwork for replacing real farms with fake food. Another coup was in 1971 when Archer Daniels Midland, which is, I believe, the largest grain buyer grain processor in the United States, they got the United States school lunch program to allow them to put 30% soy into any product or any menu item in school lunch that had beef in it. So, you know, this is what I grew up on growing up in the United States. This is what I was eating at school. It made it real easy to become a vegetarian because I didn’t know that hamburgers weren’t supposed to taste exactly like soy burgers. And this was a highly like a an ultra processed food product. Highly processed, defatted soy is definitely an unhealthy, ultra processed food. And they got it into the school lunches because they weren’t going to get people who knew what hamburgers taste like to eat this on purpose. They had to get the captive audience of these kids in school. So now we’re moving into the brave new world of synthetic biology. This technology where you genetically modify microbes to produce proteins, this was first used in the nutraceutical industry. So L-tryptophan, it’s a nutrient that’s found in turkey and other natural things, but they don’t, for supplements, they don’t extract nutrients the L-tryptophan from turkeys. I wish they would. Instead, the chemists, this company Showa Denko in Japan, which is like the IG Farben Bayer of japan they’re now called resinac huge huge company they were supplying probably most of the l-tryptophan in the world and they had been already creating their l-tryptophan from microbes so so certainly microbes have been used in chemistry as factories for some time but what changed was they started using a genetically modified microbe to produce their L-tryptophan. And I think the idea was if they genetically modified the microbe in so-called precision fermentation, that they would be able to produce more L-tryptophan or perhaps more pure L-tryptophan. They thought it was going to be good for business somehow. But making the switch from using a microbe to using a genetically modified microbe to produce the same molecule caused a deadly product. And 37 people died. 1500 people were permanently disabled. And that happened back in 1988. I think that did slow down the movement towards synthetic biology, genetically modified microbes, but 30 years later the first symbio food entered the marketplace just in the united states so the united states and singapore singapore are the only places on earth that I know of um this brand impossible is operating in the uk but they’re just operating there for advertising purposes they’re they are not selling the synthetic syn-bio, synthetic biology blood. They call it heme, hemoglobin, but it’s just synthetic blood. And it’s what they think they can use to replace meat. And using the same strategy that Archer Daniels Midland used back in the 1970s in 2021, he Impossible Foods got a child nutrition label from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to be eligible for national school lunch funding. So if regular consumers don’t want to eat it, feed it to the kids. So let me go to the next slide. It was 2020 that SynBio milk got approved. So it’s a whey protein. It’s a non-animal whey protein. That’s how you’ll see it on the ingredients panel of foods, but they’re selling things like Bored Cow with Perfect Day’s whey protein. Perfect Day is the company that makes the synthetic biology whey protein. And then companies like Bored Cow are creating products that are 100% synthetic biology whey protein. But you need to check out an interview that I did on Children’s Health Defense TV with scientist John Fagan and advocate Alan Lewis. And they tell the horrible story about this so-called non-animal whey protein and What John Fagan found in his scientific research on this is that there are 70% No, I think it was 94. I believe it was 92 or 94 different molecules that are in this product. So it’s not mostly their synthetic whey protein. They grow this stuff in a big vat of genetically modified microbes and it’s pumping out a protein, but they have to put in a lot of fungicides, a lot of antibiotics because they have to control bacteria growth in the lab, you know, they’ll have to throw out a whole bioreactor of this stuff if they don’t control fungicides and antibiotics in the mix. But that’s not the worst of it. The weird thing is, is that you can get the genetically modified microbe ends up in your milk. That’s bad too. So we’ve got all these nasty things, the pharmaceuticals to control the bacterial growth. You’ve got the genetically modified microbe that you’re eating as opposed to the protein that it spits out. But the weirdest thing is that there are over 90 molecules that John Fagan identified but could not name because they are new to science. He could say what they are as a molecule, but he couldn’t match that to any known molecule. in the scientific literature. So that’s very weird, very bizarre. You will hear more from organic consumers about this as we work with John Fagan on this project. But this is going full steam ahead. I think that we can probably do the work to knock companies like Bored Cow out of the marketplace because I think when people find out that this so-called synthetic milk has all of these unidentifiable molecules that we don’t even know what they are, but what they’re doing is they’re gonna go into food service and multi-ingredient products. In 2018, the company formed an agreement with Archer Daniels Midland again, And they’re doing business to business marketing of this. So whey is used to bump up the protein content of things like protein powders. And so I’ve already seen that perfect day that makes the synthetic way is is marketing this not even in these vegan products like Bored Cow is advertised as an animal free dairy milk. But what they’re doing now is they’re selling like a protein powder that has all sorts of good things from grass fed cows. And then it’s also got this synthetic whey protein in it. so that they can put a higher amount of protein on the nutrition facts label. So this is where this is heading. They’re just gonna sneak this in to processed foods, foods used in food service, at restaurants and cafeterias, schools probably. And what they hope to get out of this, going back to this slide that I skipped, In 2019, the industry, the folks who are doing synthetic biology, they funded a think tank called RethinkX. And RethinkX put together a report predicting the end of US meat and dairy by 2030. They said, we will see the collapse of US dairy and cattle industries by 2030 as animal meat is replaced by cheaper higher quality food made from precision fermentation protein so they I’ve noticed you know I’ve been campaigning against monsanto since 2005 and I’ve noticed that in in this almost two decades that I’ve been working on the issue of genetic engineering they don’t like to put out a lot of new products they like to come out with one blockbuster invention that they can then use in a million different situations. So with Monsanto, their blockbuster invention was a genetically modified trait that they could put into any plant that would make that plant resistant to their herbicide Roundup. glyphosate. And, and so that’s what they’ve done, you know, for the two decades I’ve been campaigning as Monsanto, that’s what they’re still doing. They’re still, you know, creating new glyphosate, Roundup resistant, Roundup ready crops. And they’ve added a few other, you know, now they do dicamba resistant, but they use the same technology to to make herbicide resistant crops they never came up you know they always said we’re going to create a bunch of crops that are more nutritious it golden rice for instance never got commercialized they always said they were going to come up with a lot of important crops for dealing with extreme weather events like crops that can withstand drought and floods etc climate change they they never really were successful with that and never got very far they they don’t really want to solve specific problems that farmers face or that consumers have they just want to come up with one product that’s going to make them billions of dollars and so what I’m seeing here in the industry with this rethink x is that I think they’re going to go with these two things they’re going to go with the synthetic blood and the synthetic whey protein. And they’re going to use that in processed foods to replace meat and milk wherever they can. And that is going to make them lots of money and it will hasten the decline of the family farm. Now, where are they going into the future with this? The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency at the Pentagon is a good place to look if you want to predict the future. If you had been watching DARPA and how they were funding mRNA technology for vaccination, funding companies like Moderna, I’m sure there are lots of people within the World Council for Health Network that were following this and did see this coming and knew that something was up. If the Pentagon is funding this technology through DARPA, then it will come online some way somehow. And of course, we saw COVID-19. But now what the you know, DARPA is working on all kinds of things. So this is just a tiny project, but they have two projects in their biological technologies department. And they call the projects cornucopia and resource as in re source. And They are turning, quote, military waste, including plastics, into oils, lubricants, and food. And that’s according to, you know, DARPA doesn’t put out a whole lot of information about this. It’s largely secret. But they, every once in a while, they’ll put out a press release. And they even did a podcast on this one. They called it The Future of Food, Meals from Microbes. So I’ll stop there so we can have a discussion about this. I’m happy to entertain any questions, hear your comments. And so Christophe, join me again. Well, thank you so much. I would be lying that I was overjoyed hearing all the information you presented to us. We talked at the beginning about the importance of this topic, and I think it’s really fundamental to where we’re going, not as a human species, but on our planet, because all the factors that you just mentioned have environmental impacts that nobody seems to be looking at either. And, uh, uh, we talked about our children and, uh, maybe to start here, uh, most people don’t, most children don’t even know where their food is coming from. And so, yeah, um, uh, I think, um, Your organization is also involved in trying to teach kids how to know what they have on their plates. And we know that with all the synthetic biology that we have out there, which have enormous immunological impacts with these unknown proteins that we see developed and, well, the environmental consequences of it that are not looked at. How will we be able, especially for you in the US, that still, as you mentioned, still don’t have any GMO label laws, be able to choose when you go out with your kids or you send your children to school? This is definitely something I don’t want in them or not. Yeah, well, the USDA organic label is a good thing to shop for. That’s what I tell my kids when we go to the grocery store. But then they also managed to find all of the junk food made with organic ingredients with tons of sugar. So I had to stop doing that. I used to say you can buy anything that has USDA organic on it. And, you know, a long time ago I had to quit that. but it’s still a good way to to avoid these synthetic biology ingredients and there are only a few of them right now they we’ve only got the the synthetic blood and the synthetic milk proteins and so so those are the ones to watch out for so buying usda organic buying direct from local farmers I mean that’s that’s really what we need to be doing We need to get our milk and our meat especially. And I always recommend, oh, I didn’t use my last slide. Can I put one more slide up? I think I skipped. I got to DARPA. I forgot to mention the solutions to this. So we, Organic Consumers Association was part of creating Regeneration International. And at Regeneration International, there’s a regenerative farm map and you can find your local meat and milk producers amongst other farmers on there. My favorite group, around milk and dairy is the Weston A. Price Foundation. And they organize co-ops. And so if it’s illegal to buy milk that’s raw in your state, in the United States, you can go to the Weston A. Price Foundation and you can join a co-op and you can figure out what the workarounds are. Like in Minnesota, you can buy milk for your pets from a farmer. Or some places you can go to the farm and pick it up yourself. Other places you can buy the cow and have the farmer take care of the cow for you, and then you can get the milk. So they’re always workarounds. And the group that figures out what those workarounds are and tries to expand our access to local food is the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. So I have them on there. They are the ultimate authorities protecting the legal rights of farmers, artisanal food producers, and their consumers. They’ve always got great action alerts. And really, we need to build local economies. When stuff goes down, when it hits the fan, you need to know your farmer and you need to have a way to buy food directly from them. Cash is it. I saw some images recently from China where they experienced a natural disaster in a certain region and they were without power and they weren’t able to purchase things because they were doing everything on their computers and on their phones. And when power went down in their region, they couldn’t buy anything. So cash is still the best way. It’s the best way to support your local farmers because if you use credit cards, the farmer has to pay a lot of fees. So this is it. We have to buy regenerative organic food in cash direct from local farmers. But the other good organization in terms of just, you know, avoid just going to the grocery store, buying multi-ingredient food products, And avoiding these ingredients, the non-GMO project, their logo is a butterfly. And a lot of products are USDA organic plus non-GMO project verified. And so when you’re in the grocery store, that’s how you do it. Well, thank you so much for putting all these levels of where we’re heading at the moment together, because they’re all puzzle pieces of the same game. Yeah. So one thing, I don’t know if you heard about it as well, that was shocking us of how far the synthetic biology movement would go is our Oboro stake. that you can grow your own meat by just getting your own self that you harvest inside your cheek and take serum derived from expired donated blood this is no joke they’re actually doing this and yeah everybody that we tell this story thinks it’s absolutely disgusting but we’ve seen that if people just use simple repetition. People can get used to anything. We saw that in the last three years in perfection. How can we keep a skeptical mind with all these technologies that enter the food market fighting against an enormous amount of money and enormous amount of PR that they’re able to launch on us? Well, we definitely have the advantage. I mean, this, like I said, this is only approved so far in Singapore and the United States. The UK Impossible Foods had to go in without their synthetic blood. I think Impossible Foods gave up their petition to the European food safety authorities. and they aren’t seeking approval anymore in Europe. I guess probably because if they were to submit things and the governments of Europe were to ask them questions about it, information would get out about the safety risks. So they want to avoid going through regulatory processes. So I think we have a huge advantage. I think we just have to not get distracted. I feel like crickets is one thing that we get distracted by. The US Department of Agriculture is funding cricket farms but, and the World Economic Forum is promoting eating crickets. But I don’t think that that’s where they’re going with this because that still has to be done by individual farmers. And it’s pretty clear to me that they’re done with farming. The big companies would just rather not have farming anymore. Maybe they’ll have corn producers for a while because the microbes eat sugar and the sugar can be made from corn. but I think that you know they’re they’re moving towards they want a simple single platform that they can make tons of money off of and so we have to keep our eyes on the prize we have to look at what’s actually being approved like so the the ouroboros steak sure that’s like it’s probably real but it’s not it’s not fda approved and there there are these things that are fda approved And and so I think if we keep focused, we can we can beat these things back. And we already are because we still do have a regulatory system that protects us to a certain extent. And it is working to keep these products off the market most places. I mean, talking about that regulatory process and as you said in your presentation, you just start, if you want to avoid it, start with the weak in society, start with the children. I mean, you have in the US already a synthetic breast milk that we aren’t allowing on the market here. But what do you think about these loopholes that they’re trying to get us to the feeling that we get used to it and it’s completely normal? Yeah, I mean, I can’t argue with you there. I think you’re right. Yeah, that’s their strategy for sure. when you were talking about the school lunches it just reminded me of our conversation earlier before we went live when we were all sharing about our children and um just thoughts about school and screens and computer and technology use um and I thought of that conversation how once things become comfortable and normalized for the kids it’s a lot harder to change it’s you know It’s hard for us as parents with younger kids who like technology, if we wanna limit it, it’s a battle. So if kids are being introduced to certain things, not only is it affecting them, especially what they’re eating, affecting their bodies and affecting them, they’re getting used to it too. And then that becomes a thing that we have to tackle as parents to make that not be normal and break those habits. And there’s definitely a lot of strategy about putting not only absurd food stuff, but all kinds of things in front of the kids then we have to figure out how to deal with that and adjust their habits and preferences. Yeah, it’s a huge struggle. And yeah, it’s a good reminder to us that these companies don’t need to convince us. They just need to trap our children in this brave new world. It definitely worked on me. I became a vegetarian when I was 16 and I stayed a vegetarian until COVID for 30 years until I was 46. So yeah, I bought the lie that that animal agriculture was bad for the planet. And now I know different, but, but that’s only because I was working on it and I was reading the science and I was exposed to, to people who really knew better. And yeah, so I, I think, yeah, it’s, it’s a big battle for us, but you know, there are small wins. Like I have a kid who goes to public school and he, And one of the problems I have is that he, even though I pack his lunch and send him with drinks and food, He likes the chocolate milk at school and I don’t want him to have chocolate milk because it’s too much sugar. I don’t even want him to have organic raw chocolate milk if it’s got sugar in it. But I made some chocolate milk for him and it was whole milk and he was like, ah, so creamy, so good. So it’s like the thing that we have on our side is like real life and real food is delicious and it brings us bliss. and our children might be sent to this hellhole where they’re eating crap food and they’re on computers in in the matrix basically but if we can give them opportunities to experience life outside and real food and real life like hopefully once their brains fully develop if they can in this situation um They’ll be able to make the right choice. So we just have to keep pulling people out of the matrix and keep these pockets of real food and real life alive. And we, oh God, it’s hard. But Sally Fallon Morrill, who runs the Western A. Price Foundation in the United States, she’s my hero. And one of the first times I saw her speak, she said that this is a situation of the survival of the wise. And in some ways, that’s just so harsh. In other ways, it’s just like, yeah, we really need to share the truth with one another, try to pull each other out of the matrix and be wise. And what we’re seeing in the United States in terms of race and class, it’s the poor people, the African-Americans who realize that the corporations hate them, would rather have them dead. And that if they want to take care of their health, they need to get real food. And they need to be healthy and they need to extract themselves from from these predatory corporations that that do not have their best interest at heart. So I don’t think so that, you know, survival of the wise thing, you know, there it’s it’s actually the underclass that is the wisest because they don’t have the reason to trust the system. I don’t think it’s a I don’t think it’s a bad way to to think. Absolutely, and it’s the people with, this is definitely stereotyping, but a lot of the people with a lot of resources and a lot of money to spend on things are also absolutely occupied by all kinds of like multiple jobs, lots of activities. They want the next, the newest, the best, the shiny thing. And they don’t look into the reasons that things are changing. They want the thing that’s going to be fast for them, most convenient. And that’s how they slip in all this stuff. Whenever it’s offered to you as the next nice, newest, convenient thing, that’s kind of a sign that there’s probably something wrong with it. The reason that it’s that fast or convenient. And it just absolutely preys on those people who have all of those resources to just make that purchase and have that thing. There’s so many things about what you’ve talked about that seems to be aligning with other little conversations that many of us have been having recently, whether it’s specifically about this food or just the way that things are changing in this way and the convenience. You were talking about how in in the US and Singapore are the two places where it is legal right now to have the different aspects of the fake meat. This reminds me of another topic that I’ve discussed with people on a host of different things. It’s a lot easier to to stop something from happening before it happens, as opposed to whether it’s our habits, but also like legally, like legislation that’s happened. Once it happens and it’s legal somewhere and it’s part of the system and if they have lobbyists and things have been built up and there’s corporations and there’s money involved, it’s a lot harder to change things. So it’s good to know that some of these things are not happening in other places because that means that people still have time to do something before it starts. So if you’re in a country that there isn’t something on the books about fake meat, but it’s not happening there yet, well, get to work in your local area or nationally to put it on the record that you can’t do that, because it’s going to be a lot easier to get people to agree to these things while they’re weird. And… kind of gross sounding and, you know, until it, once it becomes a habit and it’s normal, it’s harder to change and it’s harder to change people’s mind and get them behind it. So now is the time to really push back on a lot of these things before they’re everywhere. It’ll be a lot harder than, unfortunately, it’s harder to mobilize people until the thing happens. But I think there’s a lot of increasingly motivated people now who are caring more about this stuff. So I love that you offered a bunch of different solutions too on your final slide. So it’s like, there’s a lot of opportunities for people to learn more and find ways to get involved. So that’s all good news in the midst of a lot of unpleasant stuff that you shared with us. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I think another advantage that we have is these technologies are it’s more expensive to produce food this way. I mean, it’s definitely more expensive to to produce food with genetically modified traits and lots of herbicides and synthetic fertilizers and huge machinery. And, you know, the way that they make that work is through gigantic government subsidies. um but yeah we definitely have that advantage I mean I guess that that happened also during covid with the mrna shots like the the rich countries bought them for the the relatively rich people and they weren’t It was like, oh, these poor, poor countries can’t have the mRNA shots. Well, okay. They kind of left it out there. So it’s like Singapore and the United States, these rich, developed countries. Well, if it’s not in your country, it’s probably not coming there absent a massive investment. And you can still get food directly from a farmer relatively cheaply. I mean, that’s even true in the United States. I noticed that when I buy milk, raw milk directly from a farmer, it costs the same or less as what I would buy certified organic in the grocery store. And I know that every single cent I’m paying is going to that farmer and that farm operation. It didn’t go to marketing. It didn’t go to a middleman. It didn’t go to a processor. It didn’t go to a big corporation. I guess the only, you know, as long as I’m buying in cash, it didn’t go to anybody, you know, it didn’t go to a credit card company or a bank. So, so yeah, so this is, it’s cheaper to do this. It creates more wealth in your community and it’s, it’s going to work a lot better. I think that the, the corporations have, bit off way more than they can chew trying to synthesize all milk and meat. So I don’t think that they’ll make their 2030 goal. They don’t have enough, but they are bold and they aren’t above doing dirty tricks. So we’ve got to watch out for those things. One of the things I didn’t mention that I learned from Ice Age Farmer is the current bird flu pandemic that’s happening in the United States. Hundreds of thousands of chicken and other poultry have been euthanized, destroyed, disposed of, even though you can’t get bird flu from eating chicken, you know? So it’s all a farce, but they’re already doing it. And at any time that they wanted to, they could… just end the chicken industry. And they go after backyard flocks just as easily as they go after industrial factory farms. So there are some things that we need to watch out and be wary of. You know, the dirty tricks is how they’ll do it. They can’t do it any other way. Absolutely. I noticed that I have a small backyard flock. I live in Michigan. So interesting that you brought up the history a little bit here and then our raw milk situation here. And I noticed in some of the groups that I’m in online of other people who have chickens in the state. that there is a huge spectrum of the way that people treat it and their willingness to consider bird flu versus the the people who really do and there are people who have had to get rid of like euthanize their whole entire flock because of something that happened because they were told to do that but then you’ve got the other people on the end of the spectrum that are like government stay away from my chickens. Very different tactics. But there are a lot of people that are constantly posting about whole flock gone. Not because they died from something, but because that was what they were told to do. Yeah, it’s like they’re asymptomatic. Yes. It’s so awful. It’s so terrible. And they even the FDA sent I think I can’t remember if it was FDA. It must have been CDC. But they sent a report to the World Health Organization of a proto human case. And I don’t think it really was a human case. They took a farm worker and they swabbed inside of his nose. Like, okay, if you breathe for one second, even like a mile away from a chicken factory farm, you’re going to have chicken feces in your nose. And so they swabbed that and they’re like, oh, we found bird flu. And they reported that to the World Health Organization. So I was really worried at that time that they were just going to do it. Some of the things that I think that they want to do first is like, I think they’re going to want everybody to be on Tamiflu. You know, I mean, crashing the food supply is a big goal of theirs, so they might just do it for that. But it seems like they like to make money off of the pharmaceuticals as well. And they’re working on over-the-counter Tamiflu. So who knows? But yeah, that situation really scares me. And I think we need to watch it extremely carefully. Yeah, bringing up Tamiflu, just one more thing about the backyard chickens. They’ve also changed recently what antibiotics people with poultry can access at farm stores. It was just last year. There’s a lot of the antibiotics that people would know if something’s wrong with my chicken. I can treat it myself. I don’t have to take my chicken to a vet because it’s a chicken. And you can’t actually buy any of those things yourself anymore. You have to go to a vet. There’s very few vets that see… a chicken. Oh, my God. Everything that much harder. Yeah. There’s little things like that. Like you said, the tricks. Yeah. And a lot of people aren’t going to pay attention to that or notice that until you have a sick chicken and you realize, oh, two years ago, I went to tractor supply and I bought that and I saved my chicken. And now I have to pay how much money to go to a vet if I can find one that sees a chicken. Yeah. Right. That’s so nuts. And that was designed for the factory farms because they did too many antibiotics prophylactically. So yeah, this is an example of the big corporations making regulations work for them by putting a regulation out or supporting a regulation that they can handle because they’ve got the money and they’re doing this anyways. Like we already pay a vent of that to give our chickens too many antibiotics and then anybody who doesn’t do that can be economically harmed by by the situation oh so bad goodness I mean, talking about the speed, well, you’re all familiar with warp speed by now, the speed in which everything develops. So, yeah, there have been two avian flu shots being approved last week for humans. So, just to let you know. So, they just jumped straight into that. But the other thing, what you said, that with your background, with your diet, being environmentally friendly. Yeah, it took so many people such a long time that everything we’re told is basically the consequences of industrial farming. And we know about the benefits for the soil for uh for uh the the microbiome in the fields um of the microbiomes of the animals of decentralized farming practices so um yeah there’s still this uh generalization yeah it’s about all those animals which in fact it isn’t yet um and uh we were talking at the bidding how they they come up with these uh co2 um uh dangerous uh homegrown uh food supplies that people have here the german press is reporting uh about them um so um yeah if we can get that message out Farming animals are highly important, essential to our survival in terms of food, but in terms of environment, but industrial farming isn’t. I think we’re already a big step ahead. Yeah, definitely. I hope we’re winning that argument. Because I was an anti-factory farm campaigner for such a long time, I do have a lot of friends who are still vegans. they really believe that, that they, I mean, and I used to believe it to a certain extent too. I was like, okay, well, if you’re not going to go to the trouble of getting regeneratively raised, pasture raised meat, then, then maybe it is best just to not eat any meat at all. But again, But as I got older, I lost my third pregnancy. And I think it was partially because I was nutritionally deficient from being a vegetarian for so long. I was a little bit old. I was like 41 years old, but I lost a baby at seven months. of pregnancy and and and to placental abruption which back in the old days that was like something that only impacted crackheads or you know people who were extremely poor and didn’t have any nutrition I’m you know I’m like a you know middle-class educated woman like why is that happening to me And I started reading the things that my mom read when she was pregnant with me about why you should eat liver, the Adele Davis diet, all this stuff. And I was like, oh my gosh, I’ve really been depriving myself of adequate nutrition. And you think you can do it with supplements, but it really isn’t enough. And I wasn’t even vegan, just a vegetarian. So I think that that’s a huge piece of it too. Meat and milk are important. to a healthy diet. And the vegetarian substitutes are not real substitutes, especially the things that we’re talking about, the synthetic, the genetically modified bacteria producing a single protein. That single protein is not gonna give you the nutrition that milk has. or that meat has like the the heme protein and the whey protein that doesn’t replace the nutrition and milk and meat so people are crazy if they think that humanity can survive and usually it doesn’t impact us until future generations you know it’s like you see like it’s the future generations where you see the teeth get bad and there’s more obesity and metabolic diseases But the environmental impact is like at the grandparent level. So we need to be real careful because we might think we’re fine, we’re healthy, like everything’s cool. We’re like, sure, we just let the robots decide everything and we’re eating complete synthetics and nothing’s natural anymore, but we’re fine. You know, we might not be fine for long. I mean, if we can spread one message tonight that, yeah, the natural food that has developed throughout evolution to be on our plate containing multiple approval studies with many, many generations before us and having thousands of ingredients, not only a few synthesized proteins or micronutrients but thousands of phytochemicals and everything working in perfect synergy with each other food, natural food is just a miracle and as soon as you realize that you know that all the rest is just fake that reminds me of so many things that we are confronted with in our daily lives right now whether it’s these things in food and technology and the way that we live is not the world that our bodies evolved to live in because of how long that process takes and all that trial and error that our ancestors went through of eating things and their bodies changing and them changing the things that we’re eating That was a very long time ago that our history went through that to create who we are now. And now in such a short period of time, we’ve dramatically altered all of these things that we’re dealing with. And that’s not at all the world that we were built to live in. From food and technology, we’re just assaulting ourselves with these things that are just foreign to ourselves. And that’s going to have an impact on us, of course, but… the future generations down the line, what we’re doing to ourselves now matters so much. And we’ve just got so many people putting blinders on and just looking at this little thing like, oh, but it’s a convenient processed food. Great. There’s so much more that we need to be thinking about that. Most people aren’t. I’m so glad that you came and talked about all of this, though, because this is so important for all of us to be thinking about. I think our audience I’ve seen in the comments and the chats and the different places that we’re streaming are all very happy with everything that you presented here. And I have a feeling that your presentation is going to be a well-shared one um we’ll have it available on our website and I think a lot of what you’ve said will probably be a useful tool for people to have some of these conversations with with people who are just happy with the convenience or thinking that you know there’s so much messaging out there about meats and milks and farming being harmful so we do have to have to push back on that with some real information and I think that you presented all of this um very well very easy to digest um wonderful slides it was great thank you very much well thank you for your health man you guys are amazing I don’t know what we would have done without you over the last few years so keep up the good work we need you so bad thank you for your important work yep Your organization, Organic Consumers Association, do you have a website or are you on social media places that people can follow along and learn more? Yeah, definitely. We’re on all the social media channels. We have to censor ourselves there. So if you want the real news, you have to get our email list. But you can find us at Okay, great. Let’s put that up on the screen there. That’s a wonderful… Easy to remember URL, Great. Okay. Do you have any final questions or anything, Christophe? We’ve gone over time a bit, but this was a really good conversation. So it was worth it. Actually, I do have plenty, but I think we’ll have to make it another meeting. If you’re up to it, I think it’s an important topic to keep circulating. And yeah, it would be lovely to have you on our show again. So thanks for all you’re doing. Thanks for who you are. And all the best. Thank you. You too. Thank you very much, Alexis. All right. Now we’re going to move on to our announcements. We’ve got announcements and we have news with Christophe and then we have one more interview for you. So I know this has been a little bit longer of a first presentation and conversation, but it was info packed and really good. So hopefully you can stick with us for the rest of this. Let me pull up our announcements. All right, so during a time when millions of people around the world are going to be embarking on a fasting journey, next Monday, our very own Christoph will join us to discuss all things fasting. And an important note about next week’s show, if you live in the United States, with the exception of Arizona and Hawaii or Canada, I think with the exception of Yukon and Saskatchewan and some other places, parts, and Baja California, Mexico, and Cuba, Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 10th. So please keep that in mind when you join us live on Monday or any of our other upcoming events. This show will continue to be at 6 p.m. UTC. UTC is Universal Time, so that does not change. According to psychotherapist Jerry Marzinski, not all of our thoughts are our own. And the psychiatric mafia have been underhandedly brainwashing us, the masses, for decades. In a world of social engineering, Jerry says it’s important to know who is sponsoring your thoughts. In this enlightening conversation taking place this Wednesday, Jerry will share what he refers to as the demonology of psychology and the true history of mental illness. You will learn the truth about medication and the so-called voices in your head, including the 23 voice patterns and a lot more. Come to this session prepared to have your understanding of modern psychology turned on its head. You can register to join us for this webinar at slash mind health. And on the 18th of March, Derek Brose will join us on Better Way today for a comprehensive update about the recent fluoride trial in the US, the future of water fluoridation, and how you can get involved. And on the following Monday, Christoph is interviewing Dr. Jane Donegan. Together, they will go behind the measles scare, looking into the facts, the myths, and effective strategies. And just a reminder that Better Way Today is always live, right on our website, as well as on streaming platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Rumble, and Getter. You can always come back and watch the recording on our website or on those platforms if you can’t join us live. And Quantum Healing with Jerry Pives is happening on Wednesday, the 27th of March at 8 p.m. UTC. You can register to join us on Zoom. The link is at slash mindhealth. Save the date for our next World Council for Health urgent expert hearing. This virtual hearing called the WHO Power Grab Strategies to Exit the WHO is taking place on Tuesday, the 26th of March. Stay tuned to our website and our email newsletter and social media accounts for more information as we get closer to that date. You can also visit slash WHO withdrawal to sign up for email notifications. Save the date for this important conference that’s happening at the end of April in San Jose, Costa Rica. Later on in today’s show, we’re actually going to have an interview with one of the conference’s organizers, so stay tuned for that interview. You’ll hear a lot more information. You’re also invited to join us in June for the first Better Way Detox Fair. Tickets will be on sale very soon, so please keep an eye on your email inbox, social media, and on our website for more information. And as always, we invite you to support the World Council for Health by giving a one-off donation or for as little as $5 or £5 a month as a recurring donation. Your support allows us to continue our work, including bringing you shows just like this one every week. So thank you for all of your support so far. We are very grateful and very encouraged. And now it’s time for some Better Way News with Christophe. Hello and welcome to another episode of Better Way News with the highlights of the last week. Well, we started with food. And so let’s keep on that topic because 50% of people in the US and Australia are consuming at least 50% of their diet. daily food in form of ultra-processed food. It’s good that a BMJ article from last week looked at the consequences of that. And not to our surprise, they found a direct association between greater exposure of ultra-processed foods to all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, um mental disorder overweight obesity and diabetes so keeping in mind what we just heard uh go back to your back garden and support your local farmers yeah next slide please And in Australia, that was mostly unnoticed by many papers, but actually the British Guardian picked it up. There was a great verdict spoken, a real bombshell from the Queensland Supreme Court that declared that mandatory COVID vaccinations for the ambulance services and the emergency services police were unlawful. A group of 86 parties opposed vaccination had taken the state government to the Supreme Court, challenging the vaccinations directly given to them. And the court determined that the mandates limited the human rights of workers because they were required to undergo a medical procedure without full consent. We certainly hope for more repetitions and more brave lawyers to follow the same conclusion. Next one, please. And this one I’m very pleased to finally announce. It was number one on Amazon in the Spanish-speaking world. Now it’s available in English. Professor Karina Zerida Whitehouse published a groundbreaking book about COVID. So please, if you want a deep insight into various topics about the mechanism through which genetic and COVID vaccines work, can cause various impacts on our health, please get this book and spread it. Next one, please. And here is another interesting one. When we talked about all the mechanisms that we have known to support our health and actually to be effective against respiratory virus, one that’s overlooked is our diet. And we already know from studies in Switzerland that sugar should be avoided because if you do so, you get almost 100% chance together with adequate vitamin D levels to come out of any COVID infection without a big harm but they looked at here in this study at over 700 people that ate mostly a plant-based diet so loads of good ingredients in the food and they had a 40 percent lower chance to even get COVID in the first place And that was the repetition of another study that was published in 2020, showing even a 73% reduced risk. So please get all your vegetables and fruit on the table to prevent and in the case of an infection. And the next one. And well, we heard about some plans with our food supply, but please be aware that there’s more to come because Arizona and Tennessee presented the first steps, even not legalizing, but creating laws to pack genetic vaccinations into our food, which have been successfully so far been established for lettuce and tomatoes. So let’s see if these will make it on the market, especially considering all the environmental impacts of all the food leftovers when they then enter the environment. But, well, it’s just a crazy idea to get more vaccines into us by making it digestible, what they say. We hope that the first legislation will not bring these new technologies on the market. And the next one, please. And yeah, if you thought so far that football, soccer, or the basketball would attract a lot of audience, if you look at the latest competition in Kazan for the opening ceremony, there were 1 billion people observing it. So esports now being even supported in the school systems in many European countries are making a huge step and it gets a very, very strange taste on your tongue thinking about Harari, who said that useful eaters should be put in front of computer games and should have drugs available, both in both aspects being heavily pushed in Germany, by the way, at the moment with the legalization of marijuana. So anyway, the next one, please. That’s an interesting one because one of the most adamant supporters, a YouTube doctor and influencer, Dr. Boz, made a huge U-turn which went viral last week in which she under great regret reported of having injected the vaccination, so-called vaccination, into members of her own families and friends. And she mentions that it should have been called a gene therapy. She talks about the fact that 52,000 vaccinations are needed to prevent one COVID death So to save two lives, you’re going to have 27 deaths as a result of the vaccination. So she deeply regrets her decision. And thank you, Dr. Boz, for going public with this thought and this realization. Next one, please. So another study that has now hit some headlines is that there was absolutely no risk reduction for flu and COVID vaccines. This adds to a growing number of studies that even show a negative efficiency. And it’s now official, the CDC even talks about the fact that COVID is like the flu now. and were guided, of course, again to vaccines, but this study again proves it’s not only inefficient for COVID, it’s also inefficient for the flu. And the next one, please. And whilst we know that with growing numbers of vaccines, you exponentially risk more side effects and you make yourself more likely to get COVID in the first place, the ninth booster is now available in the States. So the CDC recommends older adults to get a second updated corona updated shot. but as we know 96 of the current variants are not included in this update and therefore will be highly ineffective without any uh this time there weren’t even a few rats sacrificed in order to see the effectiveness without any approval um studies this has been brought on the market and hopefully uh will be taken off the market soon so the next one uh as it’s about food today um yet another study um that a key to happiness is eat more fruit and vegetables that adds to a long list of um of studies that have been carried out on this topic and they found the relationship in this in this latest study between the daily positive mood and fruit and vegetable consumption through for example vitamin c that’s a co-production a factor of dopamine which makes it happy and all the antioxidants and phytochemicals that reduce inflammation and thus make us happy again. So please get back to your organic vegetable and fruit. And to finish tonight’s Better Way news, a statement tonight from Albert Einstein. Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondarily on institutions such as court of justice and police well thank you uh dr einstein for your wisdom and I’ll hand it back over to you emma and that’s I’m looking forward to the next element of the show Thank you, Christophe. I’m just going to quickly share my screen again because one of my slides didn’t show and it’s an important announcement for this week. All right. Did you know that the World Council for Health shop is stocked with books and more titles are being added daily? What better way to celebrate the UK’s World Book Day this week than supporting the World Council for Health via our online bookshop? Head over to to take a peek. Just didn’t want to leave that one out because World Book Day is this week in the UK. All right. I can’t tell you about it next week. All right. And now I’m going to play our final segment. We have a recorded interview here with Marco Albertazzi about an upcoming event that’s happening at the end of April in Costa Rica. So hopefully you’re still here with us for a better way today. And we will see you again as soon as this interview is done. Marco, it’s great that you’ve joined me today to talk about your upcoming event. But before we talk about that, I know you’re with an organization that’s a coalition partner of the World Council for Health, and you have been actually for a while. You’ve been on this journey longer than many of our partners and people. It’s really nice to see your face. You’re a familiar face around here. So can you just let me know or let our audience know a little bit about that organization? So we joined the World Council for Health because there was actually a need to make a new global organization focused on health, on human rights, on liberty, freedom, the freedom to choose, the informed consent, actually the true science without any manipulations, without any censoring. So it was very important at that time and it continues to be important to join forces because with what we lived since 2020 until today, we cannot handle this by ourselves. So we need a community and we need to join under like an umbrella. uh that can gives us shelter uh to a lot of groups uh but it’s it’s even more than that yeah because there are also other organizations that are not part of the world council for health but at the end it’s like um there are a lot of organizations that we can join that we can discuss uh science that we can discuss what is actually going on uh how to build a better world for our people for our families, how to defend or how to provide people with medicines in the case of COVID or when the pandemic of monkeypox started, then it was really amazing because there was a lot of people saying, okay, no, this is not a pandemic, the monkeypox. monkeypox pandemic lasted like a month. Nobody paid attention to it and people carried on with their lives and they carried they kept going on. They kept healthy. They kept just like living as we are supposed to. So it has been quite an experience. And yeah, that’s that’s very important. This community based on or around science-based evidence. Yep, you’re absolutely right. We need each other, that community and that umbrella that just kind of is a place to collect for us to all kind of be under and be together and safe. So I was recently alerted to an event that you have coming up in Costa Rica. I’m gonna put the graphic up on the screen and we can talk about this a little bit. So tell me what is this about? what is it called when is it happening where is it happening okay so all the information is in spanish because it is addressed to people in uh spanish-speaking countries and that basically is because in in latin america and in spain um we have had some events like for instance dr natalia prego from spain she has made uh conferences in in in spain and There was also a conference or a couple of conferences, I believe, in Mexico. Dr. Patricia Villarroel also had a conference in Chile. But there are so many countries in Latin America, and there is actually a need also to unite, like what we were talking about, this community. So we need a community in Latin America that can join, that can develop strategies, that can develop protocols to help people, that can raise our voices when freedoms, when human rights, when our liberties are being transgressed. So that is very important. And so in this, this is going to be a conference in Costa Rica from the 25th of April up to 27th. It is going to be in San Jose. And we are going to talk about science. We are going to discuss a lot of science. about COVID vaccines, about immunology. How does our immune system work? How does it develop? We are going to discuss obviously the necessity and security or safety of the vaccines, all vaccines, pediatric vaccines, but also COVID vaccines. We are going to talk about human fertility. We are going to talk about the effects of COVID-19 vaccines in athletes. We are going to talk about the psychological effects that the handling of the COVID pandemic, you know, had psychologically, emotionally. So it is going to be a very, very, very enriching conference, let’s say like that. It’s going to be amazing because we have invited professionals that are just like beyond words, like Natalia Prego, Karina Acevedo, Patricio Villarroel, Victor Carvalho, Roxana Bruno, and Chinda Brandolino, they are amazing professionals that obviously will be providing a lot of information, but based on the evidence of science, not on narrative, not on what the media has said, not about what politicians have said, but actually according to science, according to what we’ve been discovering, the plasmids, all of this about the COVID vaccines. So yeah, it’s going to be an amazing conference. And we’ve been receiving information from doctors from Mexico, from Argentina, from Honduras, from El Salvador, from Nicaragua, and also from Spain that they want to come to Costa Rica. So our doors are open. It is going to be amazing. And we really want to create this community in our Spanish speaking countries so that we can unite and we can plan ahead strategies against these sociopaths that are trying to take control of our world, of our freedoms, of our families, of our businesses. One important thing is that in this conference, we are going to talk about the implications of the pandemic treaty and the amendments to the international health regulations. And we are going to talk about it focusing in several ways, agriculture, then also, how do I say this in English, like cows, everything that is for food, like cows, chicken, all of that, right? Then we’re going to talk about the impact of those instruments in tourism. We’re going to talk about the instruments in commerce, businesses, right? We’re going to talk about those instruments and their impact to the professional or the exercise of medicine. How will doctors be censored? How will doctors would be forbidden to talk about other options, other treatments, other ways to treat people, how their opinions will be completely limited. So it is going to be really a very important event. We’ve been developing a whole strategy behind what we can see upfront, but it is going to be an amazing experience. Wonderful. I see on the flyer there, the featured speakers that you have have different country representation. So this is happening in Costa Rica, but it’s not for Costa Rica. Sounds like it’s a Latin America wide, you know, unity solutions, information sharing. Sounds wonderful. I’m really excited about it. And I’m glad that the World Council for Health is, you can see our logo down there on the bottom of the flyer that we’re supporting you. This sounds like a really great event. So who’s the target audience? Because you’ve really gone through a wide range of different kinds of topics. Is this for just the everyday person? Is this for individuals, for medical professionals, for a mix of both? So on Thursday, the 25th in the morning, we’re going to have a press conference at the Costa Rican Parliament. We’ve been talking to some congressmen and we have coordinated that. And there we will make the declaration of San Jose, which is a declaration raising our voices for human rights, raising our voices for bioethics, for informed consent, for treatments, safe and effective treatments, not just for COVID, but for any other disease that might appear. And this is very important, taking into consideration that recently the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, they were talking about that disease X And they’ve been saying that there is going to be a new pandemic coming up. So this is very important. We are going to defend science. And this is taking place in the morning of Thursday, the 25th of April. In the afternoon of that same day, we are going to have a session which is particularly uh focused or addressed to health professionals and lawyers and we are including lawyers because lawyers need to understand what has been done to the world what has been done to humanity and and also health professionals but we need to uh focus in two things how to handle things with people in their health to help them to to continue living properly to avoid them getting sick, or if they get sick, how to deal with that in a proper way so that they can continue safe and sound. But we also need to talk to lawyers so that they know. And we are inviting prosecutors of Costa Rica. We are inviting judges. We are inviting professionals from the judicial system in Costa Rica. so that they know hoping that somehow they would open some investigations and hoping that somehow they would be able to find the responsibles of everything that has happened in costa rica but also as a strategy to share with the world so that throughout the world we can have something like this happening uh people must know people must know what has happened what the elites, these sociopaths that are called themselves elites, what they have done to the world, and we need to make them responsible for their acts. And so on Friday and Saturday, which is the 26th and 27th of April, it is going to be open to the everyday person. People that have had the COVID vaccine so that they would know how to detox, so that they would know how to get rid of these adverse effects, hopefully how to prevent them what medical exams they should be performing, what medicines they should be taking, what treatments. Also to share with people what is the pandemic treaty and the amendments, what are they about and what are the risks and what are we facing. And also it is addressed to parents because parents need to know, they need to know how their immune system of their children are developing and they need to know if the regular pediatric vaccines are really necessary, if they are effective, if they are safe or what. I mean, we need an open discussion and we are That’s part of what we’re doing, yeah. The other thing that I believe is really important, we are not charging for this conference. This is a free conference. Anyone that wants to come in and join and hear this information, it is for free. So we are asking for donations. Just like if you have, I don’t know, 100 bucks or something, then you can help us with that, but it is free. It is open to everybody. And then one thing also important is that for these events in Europe, in Canada and the United States, you guys, are more developed regions or countries, right? So you have more resources available to develop all the strategies that you have been going, that you have been implementing, right? So another thing just like to mention is that we in Latin America also need some resources, right? And not only information in Spanish, not only that, but also to have that support, to have these conferences, to have also financial resources available to do things, to keep on helping people because we’ve seen that. It’s like all the Europe, United States and Canada, Australia, South Africa, but in like countries of Africa, some countries of Asia, some countries in Latin America, we are just like behind and we need to also help our people. So, yeah. Absolutely. If people are interested, it’s amazing that you’re doing this event for free, that people can come and access it. That’s incredible. If people that are watching right now would like to support your efforts, how can they do that? Okay, so we have an email available. Let me write it down. I’ll put that up on the screen. This sounds like a wonderful undertaking to support just the fact that it’s free for people to access is just incredible. So there’s the email address right up there on the screen. If you would like to support this conference happening at the end of April in Costa Rica, please do. Is this event going to be live streamed at all or is it only an in-person? It’s in person and we’re doing everything that is possible to have it recorded and transmitted and broadcasted. But for that, we need money. Right. Because we need to pay for someone to to do the recordings and to do everything right. So that’s why we are like help absolutely understandable uh these events can cost quite a bit to put on so um another reason that I’m just impressed that you’re you’re going to be doing it for free for people that’s a really amazing gesture um and and just great since there is a a lack of events like this that are just purely dedicated to the spanish-speaking community so to to right out the gate have this very comprehensive large event and then making it easily accessible to people is really wonderful. Is there anywhere that people can go to learn more? I know we have this one flyer that we had up on the screen is on the World Council for Health. We’ve got that on the home page there if people want to copy it and share it. But is there a web page for this or other places that people can find information? So here is that like all the information of the conference. This is like the agenda that we are having. um for people to know uh and obviously uh since this is uh addressed to the spanish-speaking uh communities uh then every all the information is in spanish this is the the form for the inscriptions and here is all the information about donations that is for costa rica but if you are trying to help us with some donations from outside Costa Rica, then you will need just to send us an email to this address so that we can give you all the information for any international transfers or something. So we’ll make sure that we’ve got that email address up and that URL so people can stay up to date and know how that they find ways that they can help support you and share. And then of course, when the event is over and there’s content available, please let us know so we can share that as well. A lot of times the content that comes out of these conferences is just, it’s gonna be relevant and useful for quite a while. So if it can get packaged and put out there, it’ll reach a huge audience. So thank you for spending some time with me today to tell us about this and we’ll continue to let people know. And hopefully you’ll have a packed venue at the end of April. Yeah, we hope for we hope that it’s like a family. It’s like a family getting together and saying to one another, OK, we know the truth. We know how things are going and we will keep going and we are going to make a better world. So, yeah. Absolutely. Well, that’s a great note to end on. We’re making a better world. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Marco. Thank you. Well, hopefully you all are as excited about that upcoming conference as I am. I put the link in our newsroom chat so you can learn more about that and spread the news and support them if you can, and I’ll put it into our other chats as well. And for anyone that’s just joining us and missed the whole or only saw part of the first presentation, Please make sure you go back and watch the full thing. We had Alexis Baden-Mayer from the Organic Consumers Association, a wonderful presentation about a lot of the history of what we’ve been dealing with with food around the world and especially in the US and how things have changed over time and where things are headed and how you can get involved. I’m going to pull up her final slide. Again, for anyone who wants to see some of the solutions that she recommended or places that you can plug in and learn more, there’s Regeneration International, the Weston A. Price Foundation, Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, and the Keep Cash campaign, all really great resources. And again, the website for her organization is if you would like to learn more. And they’re also on a bunch of different social media platforms. I believe you can find the links down at the bottom of their website if you’d like to follow them. And we are going to end today’s show with a short video made by Linda Ray. all about why eating organic food is a good idea. So thank you for joining us today. And we’ll see you next week on Monday. Same time, same place, unless you’re in one of those places where daylight savings time is beginning. So if you’re in the US, Canada, parts of Mexico, Cuba, please verify the time. It’ll be an hour different next week on Monday. Thanks, everyone. Have a great day. Thank you for watching this episode of Better Way today. If you found value in it, please consider making a value exchange with us. The World Council for Health is a grassroots people’s organization and we rely on funding from people just like you. Your contributions from as little as $5 or £5 or 100 Rand help to power our work. The World Council for Health team is on a mission to serve you. Please make it your mission to support us. Thank you.

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