The World Council for Health (WCH) celebrates with the people of India following Monday’s victory in the fight against vaccine mandates. Citing “bodily integrity and personal autonomy,” India’s Supreme Court has ruled that people cannot legally be forced to take Covid-19 vaccines.
Justices B. R. Gavai and L. Nageswara Rao also requested that data on adverse events related to the Covid-19 injections be made “publicly accessible”.
Justice Rao explained:
“With respect to the infringement of bodily integrity and personal autonomy of an individual considered in the light of vaccines and other public health measures introduced to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, we are of the opinion that bodily integrity is protected under Article 21 of the Constitution and no individual can be forced to be vaccinated. Further, personal autonomy of an individual, which is a recognized facet of the protections guaranteed under Article 21, encompasses the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment in the sphere of individual health.”
The court also said that “no data” had been shown to them to refute the “emerging scientific opinion which appears to indicate that the risk of transmission of the virus from unvaccinated individuals is almost on par with that from vaccinated persons.”
While India’s government has the ability to impose restrictions on rights, the restrictions must meet the 3-fold requirements: legality, legitimate need, and proportionality. The recent mandates failed to pass this test.
Additionally, according to the court, “Persons who are keen to not be vaccinated on account of personal beliefs or preferences, can avoid vaccination, without anyone physically compelling them to be vaccinated.”
On Monday, Yohan Tengra joined the World Council for Health General Assembly Meeting #39 during which he shared news of the latest developments as well as his direct involvement in the victory through his work with Awaken India Movement.
The World Council for Health maintains that it is illegal and unlawful for anyone to participate, directly or indirectly, in this harmful experimental vaccination programme.
We are a people-powered platform for world health representing 190+ coalition partners in more than 49 countries.
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Please send me a link to your newsletter.. I keep signing up but, I never receive email confirmation, thank you
Where are you in Canada? Divisive, immoral and illegal vaccine mandates still haunt our people.. is there help for us Canadians against WEF schill Justin Trudeau…
It is important that we, the people, get back our personal health autonomy which has been taken away from us by health measures which have shown no legality, no legitimate need and no proportionality.
Canadians don’t want the WHO involved in our health and children health. Our sovereignty is very important to Canadian and we need to keep Canada free. Our Children deserve a future. The people should choose as the government works for us.
Stop!!! I am against this totally!!
I am against control of my right to choose medical treatment!! Keep your hands off my freedom. I live in a democracy!!
India is one of the “MEMBER NATIONS THAT HAVE VOICED SUPPORT FOR THE AMENDMENTS” to make the WHO the global health dictator……which is happening May 22-28
do you wonder why those quarantine* camps globally built since the start of this insanity over 2 years ago were for…..? This is the plan of wef & un through the who …..They will further bring war to citizens under the guise of another xyz plandemic forever to dictate and cease control. Very dangerous language is being used such as the mere “suspecting” -no proof required…I suspect anyone who goes in, will never see the light of day again. This is engineered genocide globally